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Human Nature Haul


I am one of those mommas who are crazy over anything organic / natural, especially baby products. Sadly, buying organic products isn’t always easy on the wallet. To date, products are most commonly mass-produced, hence lower labor cost, which is why processed goods are way cheaper than organic/natural. So anyway, last month I took the time to visit my most favorite all-natural and locally-made beauty and personal care products store: Human Nature. Way back when I was not a mom yet, I honestly disregard this brand, I was completely beguiled by branded and well-known products. Apparently, being a mom changes the way you think about everything. As a mom, I would always go for anything natural over synthetic goods, especially for baby products.

So, anyhoo, here’s what I bought:

  1. Human Nature 200ml Baby Wash: P159.75

Review: Basically, it’s a top-to-toe hypoallergenic, 100% chemical free baby wash. This smells soooo good and the smell stays almost the whole day. I also noticed how my little girl’s hair grew thicker and longer when we started using this product. As per her skin, I don’t really notice anything unusual or special, her skin is basically still “baby-skin” so it’s basically naturally soft.

2. Human Nature Sun Flower Oil: P174.75

Review: I’ve read so many good reviews on this sunflower oil. I bought it because I’ve read it could lighten up dark spots. One month has passed and my dark spots are still here, haha, stubborn dark spots, aren’t they? But I like how this product gives my facial skin a little glow in the morning

3. Human Nature Rescue Balm: P99.75

What I like most about this product is its relaxing smell. I put this on my baby’s insect bites and I noticed how it kind of cures the red spots on my baby’s skin in just a day. However, I noticed that after a day, it causes the insect bites to become dark spots that goes away in about 2 weeks

4. Human Nature Hydrating Face Toner: P99.75

This is by far, my most favorite Human Nature product. It works as an effective makeup remover, too. Also, unlike any other face toner, it doesn’t sting at all.

5. Human Nature Bugshield – Mosquito Repellent: P99

This is a deet-free lotion that promises to shield our littles ones from mosquitoes. Well, it really keeps the mosquitoes away. The lotion has a reallly reallly strong citronella smell that stays for an hour or two.

6. Human Nature Natural Kids Toothpaste: P162.49

I started using this toothpaste when my little girl turned 1. I tasted the toothpaste myself and it actually doesn’t taste too minty, it tastes sweet and that’s most probably why my little one loves it. Although it has a minimal fluoride content, which is by the way, not safe for baby to consume.

7. Human Nature Nappy Cream: P299

I love how this nappy cream keep rashes off my little baby’s bum. It has a thick texture and doesn’t smell so bad. However, I noticed that this doesn’t really “cure” rashes, instead, it only “prevents” rashes.

The post Human Nature Haul appeared first on Noelli.

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Human Nature Haul
