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10 Insects That Suck Blood

10 Insects That Suck Blood

You will not disagree with me that some of the creatures are very annoying, like mosquitoes. Isn’t it? Well, a mosquito is just one of such creature, there are many more, that suck our blood, literally. Are you curious to know in detail about these insects/ creatures? In our article, we will be sharing with you a list of 10 insects that suck blood. Here it goes.

Insects That Suck Blood

1. Stable Fly

This fly resembles houseflies. Stable flies are a troublesome species known for their blood-sucking habits. They affect both humans and animals. Originally hailing from the Eurasian region, they can now be traced worldwide. They have become unwelcome occupants everywhere. These flies possess mouthparts that are specifically designed for biting.

This ability of theirs is in contrast to the housefly’s mouthparts, which are sponge-like. If we talk about the dissimilarities between houseflies and stable flies, the latter have a lighter coloration and round dark spots on their upper abdomen. It is very crucial to avoid areas where cattle are present, as they tend to carry stable flies in significant numbers. These flies are claimed to carry anthrax-causing agents and potentially transmit diseases like African horse sickness (AHS), equine infectious anemia, fowlpox, and other ailments. So, be aware!

Also Read: 10 Different Types of Australian Insects

Stable Fly

Image Source: Wikimedia

2. Flea

This is seemingly an innocuous insect. However, it is far more dangerous than it appears. Do you know? It is as deadly as the Black Death itself. Scary, isn’t it? These bloodsucking creatures are suspected to have played a significant role in the outbreak of the bubonic plague.

This plague claimed the lives of a substantial portion of Europe’s population in the Middle Ages. Fleas used to feed on rats, however, infected rats started to die. Thereafter, the fleas turned to humans for their blood, thus facilitating the transmission of the deadly plague. It is often overlooked that these fleas can pose a severe threat, as many associate them merely with being a nuisance to pets. Stay away from these fleas.

Flea insect

Image Source: Wikimedia

3. Horseflies

Horseflies belong to a group of robust and sizable flies. The females display a feature of blood-feeding on various species, which includes humans as well. These female horseflies possess a large mouthpart which is again particularly designed for piercing a spon. Not only that, it has a sponge-like component used for extracting blood. Horseflies are responsible for transmitting several blood-borne diseases in both humans and animals.

Do you know what these diseases are? These include equine infectious anemia virus (in horses), Loa loa (in humans), anthrax (in cattle and sheep), Tularemia or rabbit fever (in humans), and certain trypanosomes. Unlike mosquito bites, which typically cause itching and may transmit malaria, horsefly bites inflict considerable pain on humans. Alongside the pain, other symptoms may include puffiness or swelling of the affected area, rash, dizziness, weakness, and wheezing.


Image Source: Wikipedia

4. Bedbug

Do you remember the common nursery rhyme about bedbugs? It fails to capture the true horror of these minuscule creatures. They are much more than what they look like. These bedbugs are often referred to as the “perfect parasite.” Know why? Bedbugs sneakily feed on their victims while they sleep. But you won’t feel their bite, thanks to their anesthetizing agent. It makes the bites painless initially. However, these bites can later turn into itchy welts. The only good thing is, bedbugs are not known to transmit diseases. However, their presence can be quite challenging and it is very hard to get rid of them.


Image Source: Wikimedia

5. Pubic Louse

This insect is quite similar to head lice. The pubic or crab louse makes humans their long-term host by residing in their pubic regions. These lice are easily identified by their wide oval bodies and large grasping claws. Although their primary preference is coarse hair found in the pubic area. However, they may also hide in the other body parts such as the chest, armpits, and eyebrows if suitable conditions are present. The good news is they do not transmit any blood-borne diseases, even though these lice cause significant discomfort to their hosts. Hypersensitivity to their saliva can result in itching and excessive scratching, which can further lead to some serious bacterial infections.

Pubic Louse

Image Source: Wikimedia

6. Leech

We all know that leeches are famous for their blood-sucking nature. These creatures have a long history of use in the medical field. Surprising, isn’t it? In the past, leeches were used for treating various conditions like mental illness, tumors, skin disease, gout, and whooping cough until the 19th century. It is one of the insects that suck blood.

Although such treatments are no longer in use, leeches have found valuable and proven applications in modern medicine, they are still used in some of the ways to treat people. Notably, they play a crucial role in restoring blood flow to damaged veins. They tend to reattach a severed appendage or perform tissue grafts to help heal such veins. This is how leeches have garnered credibility in contemporary medical practices, proving their worth and encouraging more individuals to appreciate their significance.


Image Source: Wikimedia

7. Deerflies

There exist approximately 250 species that are commonly referred to as deerflies. Some may also identify as members of the Chrysops genus. This is probably due to the fact that they are green-headed flies or yellow flies due to their light-brown or yellow hue. Deerflies are widely distributed across the globe. They breed in areas with nearby water vegetation or damp conditions. Just like the horseflies, it is only the female deerflies that feed on blood. They rely on their ability to detect carbon dioxide, sense smells, or observe their prey to locate a suitable host.


8. Eastern Blood-sucking Conenose

These are dark-colored bugs with distinct reddish-orange markings on their abdomen. The eastern blood-sucking conenose stands out due to their larger size, measuring approximately twenty-five millimeters and they have wings too. Like bed bugs, they are nocturnal feeders, taking advantage of their hosts’ slumber. However, they are a step ahead of the bedbugs. They lurk in the nests of wild animals. Restricted to specific regions, these blood-sucking conenose can be found in North America, Latin America, and the Southeastern United States.

Eastern Blood-sucking Conenose

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. Lamprey

These ancient eel-like creatures have maintained their evolutionary traits for hundreds of millions of years. Do you know how they have remained unchanged for such a long time? Due to a successful adaptation. Lampreys employ their unique mouths that are jawless, along with horny teeth to latch onto fish. Once there, they feed on the blood and tissue of their hosts. Remarkably, some lampreys can remain connected to a single fish for extended periods which can be as long as a week. Thankfully, humans are seldom targeted by lampreys.


Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Sandflies

Although commonly known as “sandflies,” this colloquial name provides a clue about their preferred habitats. These blood-sucking flies are mostly found in sandy locations, such as salt marshes and moist areas. Their small size allows them easy entry into houses. Do you know what is scary about them? Their activity during the early morning and late evening hours instills dread among people. Sandfly bites are feared due to various reasons. Some of them are the formation of small, intensely itchy welts or bumps on the skin.


Image Source: Wikimedia

These are the 10 insects that suck blood. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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10 Insects That Suck Blood
