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Anti-White attacks in South Africa leaving 80-year-old woman to be in hospital and lose her husband 


The intensity of the racial issues in South Africa is increasing. Recently, an elderly White couple were brutally attacked and tortured in their home. Many on social media are sharing their sympathies with them. Furthermore, this is raising concerns towards those who are White in South Africa. 

According to the Democratic Alliance party in South Africa, the DA expresses deep concern over the alarming increase in farm murders in South Africa and condemns dangerous rhetoric promoting violence against specific societal groups. The ANC’s inaction in addressing inflammatory statements and farm attacks reflects a lack of leadership in safeguarding citizens. 

Furthermore, the DA urgently calls for a commission of inquiry to investigate the potential link between incitement and farm attacks and calls for decisive leadership from President Cyril Ramaphosa to address this crisis. The safety of all South Africans, regardless of their background, must be a top priority, and we must unite to confront this issue.

X users sharing their sympathies towards White South Africans 

Conservatives on X are calling this an attack against White people in South Africa. The elderly husband and wife were 83 years old and 80 years old respectively. Users are sharing their sympathies towards the situation. Furthermore, many are calling for people to start loving and being peaceful to one and another. 

In addition to this, users feel that the woke movement in America is justifying actions like these. They state that the hate towards White people is being normalised to the point that incidents like these will not be seen as serious. Some are disbelieving this rhetoric, but most conservatives feel the contrary. 

Following that, users are saying that the world needs to stop the normalisation of violence in the world. Mainstream news outlets should be discussing this more. However, some state that it is more of a class difference issue rather than a racial one. They state that similar incidents are happening to non-White South Africans who are wealthy as well. 

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The post Anti-White attacks in South Africa leaving 80-year-old woman to be in hospital and lose her husband  appeared first on The Independent News.

This post first appeared on Madonna’s Naked NFT Videos Go Viral On The Internet, please read the originial post: here

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Anti-White attacks in South Africa leaving 80-year-old woman to be in hospital and lose her husband 
