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Commercial Pest Control Services


Commercial pest control services are necessary for many businesses in the UK—especially those in the hospitality or food production sector.

As part of our waste collection packages, at WasteManaged, we offer additional pest control services ranging from one-off exterminations to regular pest maintenance.

Get a quote for waste with our team today and ask about your pest control options.

What are the 3 methods of pest control?

Various types of pests, including rodents, birds, insects, and others, pose a threat to your business premises, products, staff, and customers.

Due to the variety of pests, there are a range of pest control techniques available that can be categorised into physical, chemical, and biological.

Physical pest control

This involves things like lethal traps, non-lethal traps, or physical deterrents like spikes, repellers, or decoys.

– Good for prevention as well as removal
– Doesn’t use any dangerous chemicals
– Can be an eyesore
– Can break or be ineffective

Chemical pest control

This includes poisons, pesticides, and toxic gas.

– Good for dealing with larger infestations
– Often see quick results
– Can be very dangerous
– Can significantly harm the environment

Biological pest control

This includes making natural changes to the environment to deal with pests such as introducing natural predators such as ladybugs to protect crops or cats for mice.

– Most environmentally friendly method
– Ongoing with little intervention
– Can take a long time or be ineffective
– Unrealistic for a lot of businesses

Which pest control method is best?

The best pest control method depends on a few factors such as the type and quantity of pests you’re dealing with, how immediate the issue is and how widespread it has become.

You may find that combining methods could be the best approach.

If in doubt, seek the advice of a professional – our team are happy to help you with this.

Typically chemical pest control methods are used because of how quickly they can deal with large quantities of pests.

What kind of pests do you need to get rid of?

Legally, as a business owner, you need to ensure that your premises are kept to a good, clean, and safe standard.

This means that any pest infestation such as rats, mice, bed bugs, maggots, flies, silverfish, wasps, ants, pigeons etc needs to be dealt with immediately.

If you were to delay then your business could be fined or closed down due to health and safety breaches.

Which businesses need pest control the most?

Hospitality businesses often need pest control the most and, in general, those that deal with food production, storage or transfer such as in agriculture.

If your business regularly deals with food then you’ll likely need a pest control services contract where you’ll have regular monthly checkups and prevention traps or blockers placed around your premises.

However, if you have a break-out infestation then pest control is a necessary service for any type of business and one-off call-outs with or without regular aftercare are available.

How much is a pest control service in the UK?

Prices can vary depending on the significance of the infestation, or whether you opt for ongoing callouts and prevention.

If it’s a large infestation, then it can cost anywhere between £150-£250 for the day. With ongoing visits being around £25-£50 per month.

Because every business is unique and will have its own requirements, it’s best to get in contact with our advisory team who can help assess your situation and find you the best deal possible for our pest control services.

Is pest control worth doing?

Pest control is absolutely worth doing if you have an infestation.

Getting a professional service will ensure that you’re legally compliant and the pest is dealt with quickly and effectively.

Pest prevention as part of an ongoing contract is also entirely worth it for businesses in the hospitality and agricultural sector – or any business that has large amounts of food on their site (such as large offices with cafeterias).

Our Commercial Pest Control Service

At WasteManaged, we’ve partnered with RentoKill to provide professional and fully licensed pest control services in the UK.

Due to our partnership, we’re able to service 99% of one-off infestation callouts.

However, if you need ongoing pest maintenance then we can offer the following packages:


This includes 4 planned visits per annum to check premises and make any recommendations. A full record of each visit is provided to you for your health and safety file, along with any recommended actions that are noted.

In addition, you are also entitled to 4 additional callouts which are included in the package free of charge!

This package is suitable for non-food premises businesses not located in a city centre.


This includes 8 planned visits per annum to check the premises and make any recommendations. A full record of each visit is provided for your health and safety file, along with any recommended actions that are noted.

In addition, you are also entitled to 8 additional callouts which are included in the package free of charge!

This package is suitable for non-food premises businesses located in a city centre, and food/hospitality businesses not located in a city centre.


This includes 12 planned visits per annum to check the premises and make any recommendations. A full record of each visit is provided to you for your health and safety file, along with any recommended actions that are noted.

In addition, you are also entitled to 12 additional callouts which are included in the package.

This package is suitable for food and hospitality business premises located in a city centre, and any business that has had a history of pest outbreaks.

Get a quote from our team today to discuss the best options for your business.

The post Commercial Pest Control Services appeared first on Waste Managed.

This post first appeared on WasteManaged Blogs, please read the originial post: here

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Commercial Pest Control Services
