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How To Zero Waste Your Laundry Room
With the average household doing hundreds of loads of laundry each year, the potential for waste is significant. From water and energy usage to plastic detergent containers, doing this chore… Read More
How To Be Sustainable At The Water Park
Water parks are a popular destination for fun and relaxation, especially during these hot, summer months. However, like many recreational activities, a day at the water park can have a signi… Read More
How To Celebrate A Green 4th Of July
The Fourth of July is a time for celebration, often with fireworks, barbecues, and gatherings with family and friends. However, traditional festivities can often lead to increased waste and… Read More
How To Stay Green On The Go!
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining an eco-friendly lifestyle while juggling various responsibilities can be challenging, but it’s far from impossible. Whether you’re… Read More
Ways To Be More Green This Spring!
Spring is here! As the world comes alive with the vibrant colors and renewed energy after the winter season, it’s the perfect time to embrace sustainable practices and make positive ch… Read More
4 Tips For Sustainable Home Maintenance
Studies have revealed the negative impact of home improvements and renovations on the planet, and every homeowner now has a chance to reverse this damage by making home maintenance more sust… Read More
The best feeling in the world – when school is cancelled due to snow! Snow days are oftentimes a blessing; they are the perfect time to relax and enjoy some eco-friendly activities wit… Read More
In a world dominated by digital communication, the persistent arrival of unwanted paper mail can be both frustrating and environmentally damaging. If you’re looking to declutter your m… Read More
Hey earth muffins! As the winter chill sets in, there’s nothing quite like a warm mug of hot chocolate to add a touch of indulgence to the season. To make your hot cocoa experience mor… Read More
If you’re trying to be sustainable, it’s likely you’ll want to steer clear of as much plastic as you can, and that does make sense – we’re often told that plast… Read More
Hey earth muffins! Apple picking is a delightful autumn activity, connecting us with nature and providing a plethora of delicious, fresh apples for baking fall treats. However, to ensure our… Read More
Jewelry is something that is more than an accessory. More than just expressing your style. Jewelry reflects your personal values, and as you are seeing, sustainability becomes increasingly i… Read More
Hey earth muffins! This Barbie cares about the planet! Don’t you?? Living sustainably doesn’t require grand gestures; it’s all about the small, mindful choices you make in… Read More
Hey earth muffins! In recent years, the terms “greenhouse gas” and “greenhouse effect” have become part of our daily vocabulary, often accompanied by discussions on c… Read More

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Life of an Earth Muffin
