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Latest Email Scam


I received a email from the Better Business Bureau regarding the latest email scam. Below in an excerpt, just in case you haven't heard about it yet...

" The IRS does not send out unsolicited e-mails or ask for detailed personal
and financial information. Additionally, the IRS never asks people for the
PIN numbers, passwords or similar secret access information for their credit
card, bank or other financial accounts.

"Everyone should beware of these scam artists," said Kevin M. Brown, Acting
IRS Commissioner. "Always exercise caution when you receive unsolicited
e-mails or e-mails from senders you don't know."

Recipients of questionable e-mails claiming to come from the IRS should not
open any attachments or click on any links contained in the e-mails.
Instead, they should forward the e-mails to [email protected] (the
instructions may be found on by entering the term "phishing" in the
search box).

The IRS also sees other e-mail scams that involve tricking victims into
revealing private personal and financial information over the Internet is
known as "phishing" for information. "

Now if we could get the FairTax Bill introduced and passed we could cut out another way for cyber criminals from ripping us off (not to mention the IRS).

This post first appeared on America, Think About It, please read the originial post: here

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Latest Email Scam
