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D.C. Lawmakers Pushing For RCV

D.C. Lawmakers Pushing For RCV

A Majority of D.C. Councilmembers are Supporting a Bill that would bring Ranked-Choice-Voting (RCV), to D.C. Voter, as soon as 2024.

The Bill, introduced Wednesday, by At-Large Councilmember, Christina Henderson (I) and Six of her Colleagues.

The System allows Voters to Rank Candidates in Order of Preference; if Candidate wins an outright Majority, the worst-performing Contender is Dropped and Votes are Recalculated using their Voters’ Second Choice, and rounds continue untill, One Candidate wins a Majority of Support.

Under Henderson’s Bill, Voters would be allowed to Rank Up-To Five Candidates, per esch Race.

“With the unofficial results of New York City’s primary election — the largest jurisdiction to use RCV — voters elected the second Black Mayor in the city’s history, the first ever majority female City Council, and an overwhelming number of voters ranked three or more candidates,” she said. “As D.C.’s elections become more competitive, it’s time to consider whether a new process for selecting our elected officials is needed.”

Advocates say RCV Helps do away with situations where Large Nnumbers of Candidates Split the Vote, leaving the Winner with only a Small Proportion of Overall Support.

That was the Case for Henderson herself, who won her Seat with less than 15% of the Vote, in a field of 23 Candidates vying for Two At-Large Seats. Councilmember Robert White (D) won the other Seat with just shy of 26% of the Vote.

RCV would allow for a Streamlined Result that allows Voters to Vote their Conscience rather than in a Strategic attempt to Thwart other Candidate.

Some Elected Officials, in Montgomery County, have similarly been pushing to adopt RCV. They point to a 2018 At-Large Race that drew 33 Candidates for Four Seats, with the Top Vote-Getter drawing 13% Support, as the reason why. The Measure hasn’t moved forward in Annapolis, to date.

Still, RCV may face Resistance in D.C., Council Chairman, Phil Mendelson (D-District 3C05), said: he’d want to see a study on ranked-choice voting done before any final decision is made whether to adopt it.

Henderson’s Bill would Require, the D.C. Board of Elections, to conduct a Voter Education Campaign, focusing on Seniors and Llow-Turnout Precincts.

And should it pass, it would pair with the Public Financing of Campaigns, which was First used in their 2020 Election Cycle.

The Push for RCV, which was, First proposed in 2015, by Henderson’s one-time Boss, former Councilmember, David Grosso, comes as Lawmakers are considering other Changes to the City’s Elections System.

A Bill from Councilmember, Brianne Nadeau (D-Ward 1), would let Non-Citizen Permanent Residents, Vote in Local Elections.

A Bill from Councilmember, Trayon White (D-Ward 8), introduced Legislation to allow Residents to Vote via a Mobile App, a move Skeptics say is Unlikely to happen due to Security Concerns.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker


This post first appeared on The Independent View, please read the originial post: here

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D.C. Lawmakers Pushing For RCV
