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Trump Refuses to Pay Giuliani for Legal Work

Trump Refuses To Pay Giuliani For Legal Work

Trump is reportedly taking out his Frustrations on his Personal Attorney and longtime friend, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and he’s doing it in the classic Trump way, by Refusing to Pay his Legal Bills. Thought Giuliani said he was working Pro Bono, Denoting Work undertaken without Charge.

Trump is trying to Stiff Giuliani, who has spent the past Months Traveling the Country and Spreading Wild Conspiracy Theories about the November Election on Behalf of the president.

Trump has Not only Refused to Pay Giuliani’s Legal Fees but has told Aides that All Reimbursement Requests for Travel and other Expenses need to go through him.

Trump was Unhappy with Giuliani’s Demand for $20,000 a day in Fees and “has privately expressed concern” with some of his Attorney’s Moves.

The Former Mayor, last year, Denied seeking that Specific Amount, claiming a much more Unusual Fee Structure instead. “I never asked for $20,000,” he said in November 2020. “The arrangement is we’ll work it out at the end.”

And now White House Officials are Blocking Giuliani’s Calls to Trump.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker


This post first appeared on The Independent View, please read the originial post: here

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Trump Refuses to Pay Giuliani for Legal Work
