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C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards

C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards

Throughout the World, Mayors deliver Important, Impactful, and Innovative Policies and Programs, that Reduce Carbon Pollution and Improve Resilience.

Since 2013, C40 has Recognized more than 40 of the World’s Boldest Projects, Highlighting the Critical Role Cities Play as a Leading Force for Climate Action.

The Sixth Edition of the C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards will Focus on Projects that Demonstrate Ambitious Climate Action while ensuring Better, Longer Lives, for the Greatest Number of People.

The 2019 Winners were Announced in Copenhagen on October 10th, 2019, at the C40 World Mayors Summit.

Each of the Seven Category will Represent The Future We Want.

The Awards Recognize Cities that have Implemented Outstanding Projects, Programs, Policies, and Practices to Combat Climate Change, Reduce Climate Risks, and Improve Lives in their Communities, the Finalists, and the Winners(*):

The Future we want Breathes Clean Air:

Copenhagen - Cycle Superhighways: The year 2012 marked the Start of an Ambitious 33-year Project, a Collaboration between the Capital Region of Denmark and 26 Municipalities to create 746 Kilometres of Cycling Paths across 45 Interconnected Routes to form a Cohesive Network. This Significant $332 Million Investment in the Regional Cycling Infrastructure is what has enabled Greater Copenhagen to Maintain its Reputation as One of the Globe’s most Cycling-Friendly Regions.

*London - Ultra Low Emission Zone: A First in the World, London introduced the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in April 2019, Requiring that Vehicles must meet Euro Emissions Standards to Drive in the Central London Area, 24 hours a day, All year round, or Pay a Charge. The ULEZ is the Cornerstone of the City’s Plan to thoroughly Clean Up the Toxic Air for the Health of more than Two Million Londoners living in areas where NO2 Levels Exceed Legal Limits.

Stockholm - Onshore Power Supply in the Port of Vartan: When Vessels Dock in Stockholm’s Värtan Port, a New $4.7 Million Onshore Power Supply provides Ships with Renewable Electricity, meaning they No Longer need to Run their Auxiliary Engines in Port. As a result, Air Quality has Improved Significantly, with a 57-Ton Annual Reduction in NOx Emissions, as well as Reductions in NO2 and Particulate Matter. In addition, CO2 Emissions from Ships in Port has been Cut by 93%, and Stockholm can Benefit from the Sale of Renewable Power.

The Future we want Engages All Citizens:

*Accra - Informal Waste Collection Expansion: In Accra, Informal Waste Collectors Collected more than 300 Ton of Waste Daily, which was Disposed of at Illegal Dump Sites with Open Burning, Resulting in Air and Ground Water Pollution. In 2016, the Accra Metropolitan Authority (AMA) Initiated a Program to Integrate the Informal Waste Collectors in the City’s Official Waste Management System to Increase Collection of Waste, Close the Illegal Open Waste Sites, and Ensure Fair and Inclusive Employment. The Official Recognition of Accra’s Informal Waste Collectors has Increased Collection of Waste from 28% to 48% in just Two years.

Barcelona - Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality and Climate Justice: Barcelona has Created the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (the Plan) that puts the City on Track for Carbon Neutrality by 2050, Co-Produced by Hundreds of the City’s Organizations and its Citizens. The Plan addresses both Mitigation and Adaptation, Promotes Citizen-led Action, and Focuses on Climate Justice, Putting those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change at the Center of Related Policies. Barcelona often refers to it as “the Plan of Plans,” as it has Measures related to All Major Environmental Issues, and includes Five Strategic Axis, 242 Concrete Actions, and More than 100 Monitoring Indicators.

Los Angeles - L.A.’s Green New Deal: Los Angeles has responded to the Global Climate Emergency by Integrating 1.5°C Climate Action Planning into a Comprehensive Citywide Sustainability Plan. L.A.’s Green New Deal includes Long-Range Targets for a Healthy, Vibrant, and Thriving City, which will be Achieved via Accelerated Near-Term Greenhouse Gas Reductions and Carbon Neutrality by 2050. L.A.’s Green New Deal is a Commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement to Act urgently with a Scientifically-Driven Strategy, while Ensuring the Transition is Just, Inclusive, and that every Angelino has the Ability to Partake in the Green Economy.

Paris - Sustainable Food Waste Collaboration: In 2018, the City of Paris embarked on a 12-year Project to Shift to a More Equitable and Sustainable Food System. For Maximum Impact, this All-Encompassing Food Strategy, Developed by All Relevant Food System Actors including Civil Society, includes both Food Consumers and Producers. By Promoting a more Plant-based, Flexitarian Diet, Paris will Reduce its Food System-related GHG Emissions by 40%, thus making this Project a Key Component of the City’s 2050 Carbon-Neutrality Target.

São Paulo - Sustainable Street Markets and Gardens Program: The City of São Paulo has tackled its Issue of Sending Tons of Organic Waste to Distant Landfills by Constructing Semi-Local Composting Facilities in the City. Currently Handling up to 50 Tons of Waste Daily, the Composting yards are Not only Diverting Waste from Landfills, but Creating Compost that is then used in Public Spaces in the City or given to Visitors for Free. The Project also Includes Urban Garden Programs in which Citizens are Incentivized to Grow their Own Food and become more Environmentally Aware.

The Future we want is Resilient:

Delhi - “Jal Swaraj” Safe Drinking Water Initiative: Delhi took a Political Pledge to provide Access to Clean Drinking Water to All its Citizens at an Affordable Price, and as a Human Right. The Comprehensive, Equity-Driven Plan offers Short-Term Relief by providing Free Lifeline Water of up to 20 Kl a Month to Households with Metered Connections, and Sizeable Investment in Improving Water Security for Delhi's Residents in the Future. The Improvements include Expansion of Water Distribution Infrastructure, Wastewater Treatment, and Restoring Water Bodies to Recharge and Store Groundwater.

*Medellin - Avenida Oriental Green Corridors: Since 2016, Medellín’s dynamic Mayoral Team has created 30 “Corredores Verdes,” an Interconnected Network of Greenery Across the City. This Ambitious Initiative Adds to and Further Connects Existing Green Spaces, Improves Urban Biodiversity, Reduces the City’s Troubling Urban Heat Island Effect, Soaks Up Busy Streets’ Air Pollutants, and Sequesters a Significant Amount of CO2 thanks to Vigorous New Vegetation Growth. The Green Corridors Project demonstrates how Integrated, Nature-Based Policies like Widespread Urban Tree Planting can have a Far-Reaching Impact on the Local and Global Environment, as well as Significantly Improving Citizens’ Lives and Well-Being.

Portland - Crystal Springs Watershed Restoration: With several Wild Species under Threat of Extinction in Portland due to Climate Change and Urban Development, the City has undertaken a Restoration Project aimed at Enhancing Urban Wetland Habitats. As a Result of the Program, Water Quality, and Storm Water Management have been Improved, boosting the Area’s Resilience to Climate Change. Crystal Springs Creek’s Enhanced Green Infrastructure has Created a Thriving Habitat for Salmon and Trout, and Reduced the Urban Flooding Risk for Residents.

Quezon City - Quezon City's Socialized Housing Program: The most Populous City in the Philippines, Quezon City, has Transformed the Lives of Thousands of Families Living in Vulnerable Communities in the City. As the City Grapples with Homelessness and Informal Settlement in High-Risk Areas, such as Roadways, Waterways, and in Water Pipelines, Quezon City’s Socialized Housing Program was Developed to provide Superior Quality of Life to Residents via Affordable and Secured Human Settlements. The Informal Settler Families are assured Well-Built Shelter in safe Locations, mostly in the City, aiming to Avoid Dislocation from Workplaces and Current Income-Earning Opportunities.

The Future we want Relies on Green Mobility:

Bengalore - “Tender SURE” Urban Street Design for People: Since 2013, Bengaluru’s Project Tender Specifications for Urban Road Execution (SURE) has Focused on Re-Designing the City to Prioritize Active Forms of Transport, as well as Public Transport Options. With more than 7.5 Million Registered Motor Vehicles, Congestion has become an Ever-Increasing Issue, thus Demoting Motor Transport Options has been seen as an Essential Strategy. Such has been the Success of the Project that 90 Roads are already Part of Tender SURE, with Investments Totaling $137.3 Million.

Bogota - “Muévete Mejor” Business Network for Mobility: Three years after Bogotá’s City Government introduced its Comprehensive “Integral Sustainable Mobility Plans” (PIMS), the Spanish Acronym, Results are starting to gain Serious Traction, with more than 150,000 People now Actively Commuting. Being Home to One of the Highest Population Densities in Latin America, Effective Public Policy through PIMS was the Crucial Tool used by the City’s Policymakers to Help Ease the Myriad Problems connected to Excessive, Widespread Private Vehicle Travel. The Initiative “Muévete Mejor” (Move Better), under which Administrators Coordinate and Promote the Overarching Strategy, Works by Guiding and Supporting Participating Public and Private Organizations, with Implementation Undertaken by the Entities themselves.

*Kolkata - Low Carbon Commute Transition: With the Ambitious Aim of Retaining its Public Transport’s Impressive 88% Modal Share, Kolkata has decided to Invest and Improve the City’s Public Transport Options. By 2030, the City plans to have Inducted 5,000 Electric Buses, as well as fully Electrifying the Ferries that Run across the Ganges River. On top of its Narrow Street Layout, only 7% of Kolkata’s Land Area is Dedicated to Roads, meaning that Effective and Coordinated Public Policy is Crucial to Minimize and Help Solve Urban Congestion Issues as this Popular City continues to Grow.

The Future we want Runs on Renewable Energy:

Cape Town - Small-Scale Energy Generation Program: South Africa’s energy supply is dominated by coal, which supplies 85% of the country’s electricity. To accelerate the low-carbon transition, the City of Cape Town has taken matters into its own hands and is developing legislation to increase the share of renewables in the system. Cape Town’s Small-Scale Energy Generation (SSEG) programme promotes the uptake of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems and small wind turbines in the commercial and residential sectors, allowing consumers to become producers and sell excess electricity generated back to the grid, fostering a more decentralised and sustainable electricity supply.

London - Zero Carbon Requirement for New Development: Last year, 19 C40 cities signed up to the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration, committing to all new buildings operating at net-zero carbon by 2030. London, however, is ahead of the curve and has mandated zero-carbon new homes since 2016. All non-domestic developments are required to meet the standard from the end of 2019, meeting their commitment 11 years early. The policy is also creating locally managed carbon offset funds, spurring low-carbon investment in the capital.

New York City - Efficiency, Electrification and Renewable Energy Mandate: New York City passed the groundbreaking Climate Mobilization Act in May 2019, the centrepiece of which is the Buildings Mandate, which will require 50,000 of the city’s largest buildings, including major landmarks such as the Empire State Building, to take significant carbon-cutting measures. Strict enforcement should ensure the policy’s objectives of eliminating 6 million tonnes of carbon emissions and creating 26,700 jobs by 2030 are met.

*Seoul - Solar City Expansion: Seoul is engaging citizens and businesses in a wide array of initiatives to make solar more affordable, accessible, and in some cases mandatory. The Solar City Seoul project has already added 64 MW of new solar PV systems in 2018, which generated 252,989 MWh of electricity and cut 116 tonnes of CO2 emissions. The project has even greater goals to deploy domestic solar PV panels to 1 million households, install solar PV systems on all municipal sites, and foster growth in the solar industry to achieve 1 GW installed solar PV capacity by 2022.

The Future We Want Uses Green Technology:

*Guangzhou - Expansive Bus Electrification: The year 2018 witnessed the Rapid Conversion of Guangzhou’s Entire Fleet of 11,220 Buses to Models run solely on Electricity. This ambitious Project, which also included the Installation of 4,000 Charging Stations across the City, required an Investment of $2.1 Billion. Given the Necessity for a Well-Planned Network of Charging Stations, Extensive Adjustment to the City Grid, and the Myriad Green Finance Instruments involved, Significant Cooperation within the different Hierarchies of the Chinese Government was required to see this Project to a Successful Completion.

Hong Kong - District Cooling System: In Hot and Humid Hong Kong, the Demand for Cooling is Rising alongside Global Temperatures, but in the New Kai Tak Development, a District Cooling System is keeping Residents Cool without Warming the Planet. The System uses Seawater to Supply 284 MW of Centralized Cooling to everything from Schools and Hotels to Shopping Centers and Railway Stations, achieving 35% Greater Efficiency than Standard air-Cooling Systems.

Paris - Cool Islands to Combat Heat Waves: As Heat Waves increasingly grip Cities in Summer, Paris has created an Interlinked Network of Cool Islands where Citizens can seek Refuge from the Heat of the Summer. In the City’s Fight against the Urban Heat Island Effect, the Spaces are typically 2⁰C to 4⁰C Cooler than Surrounding Streets thanks to Water or Greenery, and offer Improved Climate Resilience and Livability for the Citizens of Paris.

CLICK HERE to read the Full Report.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker


This post first appeared on The Independent View, please read the originial post: here

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C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards
