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CA Presidential Tax Returns Bill Advances

CA Presidential Tax Returns Bill Advances

Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News for this post.

On June 26th, the California Assembly Appropriations Committee passed SB 27 by a Vote of 11-4.

This Bill would keep Presidential Candidates Off the Presidential Primary Ballot if they Don’t reveal their Income Tax Returns for the last Five years.

The Bill does Not affect Write-In Candidates in Presidential Primaries.

If it is Signed into Law and Not Invalidated by Courts, probably President Trump will file as a Write-In Candidate in the California Republican Presidential Primary in 2020.

Richard thinks this would probably cause Millions of Voters to Cast a Write-In Vote, which in turn would make Election Administration quite difficult.

In the 2016 Republican Primary, Trump received 1,665,135 Votes.

It Costs more Work and Money to Count Ballots with Write-Ins, than it does to Count Ordinary Ballots.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker


This post first appeared on The Independent View, please read the originial post: here

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CA Presidential Tax Returns Bill Advances
