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Silent Whispers Poem by Tekkaus

Today, in conjunction with Monday Blues that you might be suffering from, I want to share a poem that resonates deeply with the subtle art of silence and the wisdom it holds. Behold the Silent Whispers poem by Tekkaus (me 😂). Now have you ever found yourself in a situation where expressing your feelings led to misunderstandings or unintended conflict? Even with our family members and loved ones, "Silent Whispers" captures this delicate balance between speaking out and keeping our thoughts to ourselves.

This poem eloquently explores why sometimes, despite our urge to voice our grievances, it might be wiser to remain silent. It delves into the transient nature of being right and the lasting impact of being wrong, emphasising how our words can often be misinterpreted even by those closest to us.

Whether you're someone who values introspection, has faced the sting of being misunderstood, or simply appreciates the understated power of silence, I believe you'll find something meaningful in "Silent Whispers."

Without further ado, here is the poem:

Silent Whispers Poem

In the quiet moments of our days,
When thoughts like shadows softly graze,
There's wisdom in the silent plea,
To hold our tongues and let things be.

For when we speak of hurt or slight,
The echoes oft distort the light,
What’s meant as truth or heartfelt plea,
Might be perceived as mere decree.

When we're right, it fades away,
A fleeting note in life's vast play,
But wrongs, they linger, stark and bright,
A beacon in the darkest night.

So guard your words with tender care,
For not all ears will hear what's fair,
Sometimes it’s best to keep inside,
The waves of feelings, let them tide.

In silence, strength and peace are found,
No need for words to wrap around,
For deep within, we know our truth,
And find in quiet our deepest proof.

Summary of Silent Whispers Poem

"Silent Whispers" is a contemplative poem that explores the wisdom of keeping one's grievances to oneself. It highlights the transient nature of being right and the lasting impact of being wrong. The poem suggests that sometimes it's better to remain silent rather than risk misinterpretation or conflict.

Stanza-by-Stanza Analysis:

Stanza 1:

In the quiet moments of our days,
When thoughts like shadows softly graze,
There's wisdom in the silent plea,
To hold our tongues and let things be.
  • Summary: This stanza sets the tone by suggesting that in moments of introspection, we often realise the value of silence.
  • Meaning: It implies that during reflective times, there's a realisation that silence can be wise.
  • Literary Devices:
    • Simile: "thoughts like shadows softly graze" compares thoughts to shadows, indicating their subtle and fleeting nature.
    • Alliteration: "silent plea" emphasises the quietness and gentle nature of the advice.

Stanza 2:

For when we speak of hurt or slight,
The echoes oft distort the light,
What’s meant as truth or heartfelt plea,
Might be perceived as mere decree.
  • Summary: This stanza warns that expressing hurt can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Meaning: It suggests that even well-intentioned words can be misinterpreted.
  • Literary Devices:
    • Metaphor: "echoes oft distort the light" uses 'light' as a metaphor for truth or clarity, and 'echoes' for repeated or misinterpreted words.
    • Contrast: The difference between 'heartfelt plea' and 'mere decree' underscores how intentions can be misunderstood.

Stanza 3:

When we're right, it fades away,
A fleeting note in life's vast play,
But wrongs, they linger, stark and bright,
A beacon in the darkest night.
  • Summary: This stanza contrasts the ephemeral nature of being right with the lasting memory of being wrong.
  • Meaning: It highlights how mistakes are more memorable than achievements.
  • Literary Devices:
    • Metaphor: "A fleeting note in life's vast play" suggests that being right is just a small part of life's larger narrative.
    • Imagery: "A beacon in the darkest night" creates a vivid picture of how mistakes stand out.

Stanza 4:

So guard your words with tender care,
For not all ears will hear what's fair,
Sometimes it’s best to keep inside,
The waves of feelings, let them tide.
  • Summary: This stanza advises caution with words and suggests internalising feelings.
  • Meaning: It implies that not everyone will understand or appreciate our perspective, so sometimes silence is wiser.
  • Literary Devices:
    • Personification: "ears will hear what's fair" gives human attributes to ears, emphasising subjective listening.
    • Metaphor: "The waves of feelings, let them tide" compares emotions to waves that should be allowed to pass naturally.

Stanza 5:

In silence, strength and peace are found,
No need for words to wrap around,
For deep within, we know our truth,
And find in quiet our deepest proof.
  • Summary: The final stanza finds solace in silence, suggesting that true understanding and validation come from within.
  • Meaning: It implies that inner peace and strength are best preserved through silence. The new ending reinforces the idea that our most profound truths and validations are found internally, rather than through external affirmation.
  • Literary Devices:
    • Alliteration: "strength and peace" emphasises the positive outcomes of silence.
    • Metaphor: "No need for words to wrap around" suggests that words are unnecessary for understanding or validation.
    • Internal Rhyme: "deep within" and "deepest proof" create a rhythmic harmony that underscores the depth of internal truth.
    • Repetition: The use of "deep" in both "deep within" and "deepest proof" highlights the profound nature of internal validation.


In a world where communication is instant and constant, this poem serves as a gentle reminder of the power and wisdom found in silence. It's a poignant reflection on how sometimes, even with our closest family members and loved ones, our words can be misinterpreted, and our intentions misunderstood.

"Silent Whispers" encourages us to consider the value of holding our tongues and letting our thoughts settle within. It highlights the transient nature of being right and the lasting impact of being wrong, urging us to find strength and peace in quiet introspection. By suggesting that our deepest truths and validations come from within, the poem reminds us that sometimes the most profound understanding is found in silence.

I hope this poem has resonated with you as much as it did with me. Whether you find yourself in moments of conflict or simply in need of inner peace, let "Silent Whispers" be a source of comfort and guidance. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below—sometimes, even our silent reflections can inspire and connect us all. Until next time, may you find peace in your quiet moments.

Images credit: Shutterstock

This post first appeared on Tekkaus, please read the originial post: here

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Silent Whispers Poem by Tekkaus


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