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Settler Terrorists Call for Burning Palestinians Alive

Israeli settlers are the crème de la crème, the élite of the nation.  They are stormtroopers of Judean revival.  Just as kibbutznikim once represented the finest of IDF officers sacrificing their lives on the altar of Zion to save the nation, so settlers have now assumed that mantle.  While the romantic notion of the young Israeli paratroopers gazing longingly upward at the Temple Mount in the famous 1967 photograph hid the reality of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians, at least it was based in part on some liberal notions, flawed as they might have been.

But the vanguard of Israel’s youth are no longer on kibbutzim or even in Unit 8200 or in the vaunted high-tech sector.  Instead, they are in the yeshivot of Yitzhar, they sit learning the Torah of genocide at the feet of “rabbis” like YItzhak Shapira, Yitzhak Ginsburg, Dov Wolpe, and Dov Lior.  They and Judeo-scum like them participated in the pulsa di nura which passed a sentence of death on Yitzhak Rabin, weeks before his assassination.  They appeal to a higher law than that of the secular state by organizing thousands of tag mechir attacks which burn down mosques and deface cemeteries.  And just as Heine said that those who would burn books will end up burning people, so the settler youth have realized this dream.  Back in 2015, they murdered almost an entire Palestinian family sleeping innocently in their beds.  Only their tiny baby was spared, and he was rendered an orphan.

Though the Shabak had an informer in the midst of the terror cell, he betrayed his handlers and refused to divulge the evil plan.  No one knows his identity outside the secret police precinct.  But he was never charged with any crime.

As is their wont, the Shabak thugs knew only one way to deal with terror suspects to obtain confessions: they beat the crap out of them.  While such treatment is perfectly kosher for Palestinian suspects who are routinely tortured, the Supreme Court holds to more refined standards for Jews, even if they are terrorists.  So the Court held last week that the confession of one of the murderers was thrown out because it was obtained under torture, while the confession of the alleged mastermind was upheld.  There are five other members of the cell who we’ve barely heard from since the tragic event.  Though named as suspects, they were never charged with a crime, let alone tried.

Hussein Dawabsheh, grandfather of Ali, who was murdered in Duma settler arson attack, with MKs Aymen Oudeh and Ahmad Tibi

That’s because the Shabak treats Jewish terrorism like theater.  It must be seen to be investigating it, without actually doing much of anything.  It arrests the usual suspects and goes through the motions.  One poor schlub is held up for public spectacle so the agency can pretend it’s rooting out a ‘scourge in the heart of Israeli democracy.’  He’s the sacrificial victim.  Till the next tragedy, the next Palestinian massacre.  Then a whole new set of terrorists show their ugly mugs to the nation and the process starts all over again.

I focus this post on the Dawabsheh terrorists because their followers really showed their true colors during the Court hearing I referred to above.  As the grandfather, Hussein Dawabsheh, who has assumed responsibility for raising the orphan, Ahmed, strode into the courtroom to see whether justice would be done or perverted in his grandson’s case, he was met with the ‘cream of the Israeli crop.’  Settlers who screamed at him, as this video indicates:

Where’s Ali? No more Ali.  He’s burnt. Ali’s on the grill.

Let’s remember that it was the good Rabbis Ginsburg and Shapira who wrote in Torat Ha-Melech that it was permissible to murder Palestinian babies because they would grow up to kill Jews.  Duma is nothing but an extension of this execrable philosophy.  In a democratic state they would be tried for inciting murder.  In Israel they are officers of the state, employed by it to spew their hate.

To find a historical comparison to the human degradation of this incident, you’d have to go back to the Nazi death camps.  There guards and commandants taunted the inmates and toyed with them, killing them on a whim or permitting them to live with the uplift of a thumb.  There they gassed Jews and burned them, just like in Duma, the shame of it!

These people should not be called Jews.  They are brutish beasts.  It’s difficult for me to even call them human.  And what did the Israeli police do who gazed on as this matter unfolded?  Nothing.  They maintained their hands on their hips and their indifferent stares.  It was all in a day’s work for them.  A day’s work watching as the settler’s burned down the house that is the Israeli state, figuratively and literally.

Israel is a wholly owned subsidiary of these thugs.  They own the governing coalition.  They own most of the ministers.  They run the show.  As for the other Israelis who aren’t settlers?  They’re onlookers.  They’re the ones who slow down and gawk on the freeway as they pass a fatal crash.  They’re glad it’s not them.

But it is them.  The settlers are them.  They are responsible for them.  And they do nothing.  It’s worth asking a troubling question: is this what the desperate eastern European Jews of the first Zionist Congress envisioned for their dream of a Jewish homeland?  If they knew that their political descendants would boast about burning other human beings alive as part of the necessity of maintaining their Jewish state, would they have approved?  Or would they have turned their backs in disgust?

And don’t get me started on American Jews.  What do they do when they read these headlines? Nothing.  They wring their hands.  They say these youth are aberrations.  They don’t represent Israel.  Israel is revolted by them and renounces their crimes.  Well, not exactly.  Israel actually embraces their crimes.  It just won’t come out publicly and say it quite that way.  But it does.

Oh and while we’re at it, let’s not forget that wonderful simcha celebrated at Yitzhar shortly after the Dawabsheh murders.  The finest of the youth and their families danced and sang as two of their number were joined in matrimony at their chusuneh (“marriage”).  Hundreds of joyful guests joined in the festivities.  What were they dancing to?  They held up pictures of the murder victims, including the baby boy, and held up guns pretending to shoot them, as if they weren’t already dead enough.  Whose guns were they?  The IDF’s of course.  Using Israeli army weapons to celebrate genocide.  They danced and pretended to stab the victims photographs.  It was ritual blood-letting.  If we could ever witness a lynching (God forbid) this is what the blood-lust looked like.  This is some specimen of humanity.  The apogee of the Zionist dream.

If you were raised Jewish you’ll recall your parents and grandparents shepping nachas at the glorious achievements of Jews: the doctors, the inventions, the Nobel Prizes.  We were the People of the Book.  We were in the vanguard of humanity.  Now what are we?  Or more precisely, what are they?  Can we even call them ‘Jews’ any longer?  Is it not a shame to our religion to do so?

The post Settler Terrorists Call for Burning Palestinians Alive appeared first on Tikun Olam תיקון עולם.

This post first appeared on Tikun Olam תיקון עולם – Make The World A Better Place, please read the originial post: here

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Settler Terrorists Call for Burning Palestinians Alive


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