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Of Goddesses
VIDEO: Richard Power - "Of Goddessess" (Gaia Talk #3, 4/29/23) In “Secret Engine of the World” (2021), I spoke of 3 doom-defining or doom-defying deadlines: the US elections… Read More
Gaian Poetics, Gaian Politics
VIDEO: Gaian Poetics, Gaian Politics (SFTS, 11/13/22)[NOTE:  On November 11, 2022, I was honored to speak at the closing reception for MPOWERDANCE Project's year long year long exh… Read More
Dragon Bone Broth: Introduction
Dragon Bone BrothLast year, I published “I, the Dragon: Chronicles of An Epic Life Among the Humans.” One of the threads that runs throughout the narrative is a shamanic tale, a… Read More
Dragon Bone Broth: The Problem With Men
The Problem with Men (And Some Radical Remedies)Have you seen the Gillette commercial that was debuted recently?It reflects an important shift in our culture.Gillette's latest commercial que… Read More
This first photo of these two works side by side in the physical universe marks the culmination of a nine-year run of intense creative endeavor. Part autobiographical novel, part world histo… Read More
Seven Beasts, A Tale Of The Mysterium
On June 16, 2017 (Bloomsday), I announced two major new publications, Wyrds of Power: New Language for A New Reality (available now) and I, the Dragon: Chronicles of An Epic Life Among the… Read More
The Thirteenth Chime Of The Clock
Harriet Tubman, c. 1885Photo: H. Seymour Squyer, Source: National Portrait GalleryIf you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there's shouting afte… Read More
Woman's March, San Francisco, 1/21/17Excerpt from the opening remarks of Sen. Mark Warner (D-Virginia), ranking member of U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, on the first day of hearings int… Read More
Do The Math; The Tao Of Reckoning
Dorothea Lange - Mother and Child, Great Depression, California (1936)Do the math.The poor are getting poorer.In a recent survey, 56 percent of Americans said they have less than $1,000 in t… Read More
Autumn Trees And The Partisan
Georgia O'Keeffe - Autumn Trees - The Maple (1924)"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way,"  said Georgia O'Keeffe, "things I had no words fo… Read More
Super Moon Over America
Super Moon. November 2016."Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes." -- Walt Whitman.Super Moon. November 2016."Sanity is a valuable possession; I hoard it the way… Read More
New Moon (U.S. Naval Observatory)New moon.In the darkness. Another beginning.Life is not a straight line. Life is a circle.When you realize this, "end" and "beginning" take on different me… Read More
Botticelli - Primavera (1482)This is the Vernal Equinox in the north of the world, and the Autumnal Equinox in the south of the world. Dynamic polarity! This is also Persian New Year (Now… Read More
Rene Magritte - Le Parfum de L'Abîme "The Perfume of the Abyss" (1928)This whatever I am, this "being" that has been called by the name "Richard Power" for sixty years, this whatever I… Read More

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