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We're not going to take this anymore!


Access your inner righteous warrior. Start practicing now. Open the window, as Howard Beale in Network suggested, and shout "We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take this anymore."

The this is the bullshiite we are being told about Islam.

Even when a decaptitating barbarian explains that Allah, aka Satan, commands Muslims to slice off the heads of kafirs, the enemedia and political rulers claim the crazed bastard got it wrong! Islam is a Religion of Peace ©!

This barbarian was called a nice guy by fellow barbarians. He had never even hinted he was this religious!

Watch the accompanying video to decide if think those barbarians were being truthful.

I expect Muslims to lie, except when they say they will kill you. But, I had held out the hope that a Brit PM might tell the truth especially when the Muslim barrow himself, still bloody from the slaughter, told everyone why he did it! It’s the Islam, stupid! However, PM Campbell said Islam had nothing to do with the beheading of a soldier.

I say, Mister Prime Minister you are a liar! And a traitor! All of you can shout that out the window, too. Just for practice.

Come D-Day 6 June 2013, every liberty loving, truth telling kafir should send the movers and shakers in your neck of the woods a copy of the Koran and a request for answers: which parts should we adopt? which parts should be banned? quote a peaceful unabrogated verse from the Koran.

It is Almost Midnight in the West. Time to become a Crusader!

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This post first appeared on Almost Midnight In The West, please read the originial post: here

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We're not going to take this anymore!
