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We definitely needed the chiminea last Sunday as the temperature wasn’t great before we started our picnic (some call it a wine club, whatever, it’s a l… Read More
These Days
There’s a spot of colour from when we had some welcome sunshine on Saturday afternoon. That little robin is full of song at the moment. Perhaps like us he was relieved tha… Read More
Rhythm Of The Rain
Mmm, is there anything tastier than freshly picked, cooked, buttered, peppered corn on the cob? These Lark variety really are delicious although germination was rather poor this year with on… Read More
Special delivery! Plotholders are always pleased with a manure delivery - it’s just a shame our plot is at the other end of the site from the manure heap ðŸ&tilde… Read More
Bad Day
That is the top of the allotment site on Friday 13th September - you may not be able to see it, but there’s frost on the ground! And it’s steaming in the bright early morning sun… Read More
Well, I really don’t know how it’s September already, but it is certainly feeling autumnal and now look! 30 leeks planted for next year…I think this is why the months are… Read More
It’s A Beautiful Thing
It’s been rather rainy and feeling rather Autumnal, but I have a few days off work for the Bank Holiday so that’s a bonus!I’ve been a bit poorly so didn’t make it to… Read More
This Is The Life
The photo makes it look like a tree; it's not, but this plant in a pot is providing us with some lovely courgettes at last! And we've had some beautiful blue sky and hot days during August… Read More
Late In The Evening
At last we have more variety in our harvests. That was our second potato bag with a better haul of (Rocket?) spuds. The Cavolo Nero was used as crispy seaweed in a Chinese meal.&nb… Read More
It's the 1st August today so I'll be logging back into work a little later after a gloriously relaxing break - and when it's hot and sunny in England who needs to travel further than their a… Read More
Summer arrived - just for a day, but it was tremendously hot and sunny. So I started my holiday early by taking Friday afternoon off and we enjoyed a lovely barbecue on the plot. It was a go… Read More
Good Riddance
What a fabulous few days! This post is brought to you by the colour red ♥️Friday morning-ish celebratory breakfast consisted of a delicious red gooseberry topping on icecream a… Read More
Ohh I do love a wispy cloud - especially when the sky is that blue! No enhancement necessary, beautiful! That was Saturday - a perfect day for Hungerford's D-Day commemoration events. I walk… Read More
Give Me Just A Little More Time
Mmm, look at those little jewels against the blue sky - beautiful! Uh-oh, I see a snail got in the picture to confirm it’s 2024! Jamie made a sauce with the redcurrants from Ivan&rsquo… Read More
Aah, I do love that dewy daisy - it's one of the Ox-Eye daisies on the HAHA Wildlife plot, which is full of growth at the moment with honeysuckle, dog roses and campion all flowering. These… Read More
Love Is In The Air
I had a lovely week off and Sunday was a perfect Summer’s day ending with wine and snacks as the Sun disappeared over the hedge.Those neat poles are plot-neighbour, Neal’s, in th… Read More
Northern Lights
Ohhh, it’s been a busy time at work so I haven’t posted since the early May and now the end of May is almost upon us! The good news is that I’m off work for over a wee… Read More
Bank Holiday
What a lovely start to the working week - an early morning walk around the wet allotment, enjoying the warm morning sunshine and the birds chattering around us. We've just had a traditionall… Read More
You Need Hands
Look at all that fresh new growth. That was last weekend, a nice sunny day but a freezing wind and there’s fleece protecting our strawberry plants because there was frost in the week… Read More
Something Got Me Started
It's been a very blustery couple of weeks - with another named storm (Kathleen) passing by but the strong winds helped to dry off the land a bit to make weeding a bit more feasible. There's… Read More
Lucky You
This week I’m celebrating the first 16 years of my kidney transplant and enjoying the life it’s given me. I may still be mostly sheltering, due to Covid, but it’s so much b… Read More
Raining Again
This was such an amazing rainbow! It was so bright and huge, much more impressive than this photo shows but it’s the best I could get. So beautiful, I stood and stared for a while.Suns… Read More
I’m not sure how it’s the 10th of March already, but that’s what life is like these days!A frosted daffodilSo far March has brought frost, fog and rain, but thank goodness… Read More
Come Together
I feel I need to write a post - February ends tomorrow and it's been such a wet, grey, windy month that even the allotment hasn't been very inspirational.Thank goodness for the occasional mo… Read More
Cool For Cats
We’ve had a huge amount of rain again, the rivers are fit to bust again but yesterday we had some extremely welcome sunshine. We were surprised there weren’t more plotholders on… Read More
Little Red Corvette
It turned out that my Cornells Bush Delikata squash had survived being stored for nearly 4 months and have become part of this spicy parsnip, squash and leek soup.All home-grown vegetables a… Read More
The Riverboat Song
The temperature last week dipped to -9.2° in the polytunnel. Brrr certainly not gardening weather but bright enough to tempt me out for a brisk early morning walk to see the Sun.As well… Read More
Bridge Over Troubled Water
It can be difficult getting into the swing of things after Christmas and 2024 started with such rotten weather that it hasn’t been very motivating.The rain, brought by Storm Henk, was… Read More
Looking Back
I hope you’ve had an enjoyable Christmas and that 2024 brings you plenty of good times as well as an extra day in February. I’m hoping that 2024 runs a bit slower than recent yea… Read More
I'm on my final lunchbreak of 2023 - breaking up for Christmas in a couple of hours! It's not like it used to be - no driving home for Christmas (no, not that song) because I'm already… Read More
The Walk
It’s been a wet month, I’ve not been inclined to move very far and work has been keeping me very busy but yesterday we had a long walk in the chilly countryside. It had been a ve… Read More
The Only One I Know
Looks like an aerial photo of a desert landscape doesn’t it? Oh, just me? It’s been quite the opposite, so much rainfall over the last week. Our 50mm raingauge had over-flowed, b… Read More
Scary Monsters
It’s that time of year again Halloweeeeen, ooh spooky 👻 Our mini pumpkin was included in the meal, decorated our dinner table and Jamie even managed to carve one, but it w… Read More
We’ve had lots of rain (though thank goodness, nothing like the catastrophic deluge that Storm Babet brought down on some parts of the UK) and a couple of frosts which have turned the… Read More
We have a LOT of mini pumpkins (Jack-Be-Little). They're actually a bit too small and may be a bit of a pain to cook, but they'll look nice in a Halloween display. My sister and a local nurs… Read More
Morning Glory
Yes, it’s filtered, I had to because it was a bit blurry and then Photoshop offered me this and how could I refuse?! It was quite a nice photo with a distant hot air balloon.Anyway, th… Read More
The verbena bonariensis is so pretty and I do love the mix of colours with the nicotiana. They’re usually buzzing with life but I didn’t see many bees yesterday, even though it w… Read More
I’ve been offline for a few weeks and the season moved from some sweltering late Summer days to rainy Autumn ones, although it’s a dazzling blue sky this morning.In the mornings… Read More
It’s been another mixed bag weatherwise….We’ve been to the plot to either water or harvest most days. Really hot if the Sun happens to be shining, but at other times it ha… Read More
Talking In Tones
On 1st August, between rainy days, we planted 60 leeks. I think that’s the most we’ve ever planted but they’re such a handy Winter vegetable.We planted them in the usual wa… Read More
I took a couple of slices of bread and butter to the plot for a fresh and colourful sandwich 😀 To be honest, it didn’t taste of anything but bread and butter, but it did look p… Read More
The Importance Of Being Idle
I was pleased when it was sunnier than expected yesterday morning and we had a lovely few hours on the plot. The clouds started developing while we were digging the area for the leeks. That… Read More
Blowin In The Wind
This beauty was on our butterfly bush at home along with two others, a white and a couple of peacocks! I’ll be lucky to see that many when I do my Big Butterfly Count on the allotment… Read More
What’s Going On?
I’m a bit out of date, I haven’t posted in nearly 3 weeks. Well, it’s been a busy time and I have a rotten cough/throat infection which is hanging round too long. But, apar… Read More
Last Nite
Petrichor - that's the word of the day after we eventually had some rainfall last night. Aah, the smell of earth after rain - it really is a feel-good smell. And rain is so much better at wa… Read More
Step On
I’ve been on leave for a week and have a few more days off. I must say that I feel like I’ve been off for a fortnight already - the sunny weather has helped. Although the easterl… Read More
In The Morning
Early morning visits are the norm now. We have a pleasant hour on sunny mornings, enjoying the wildlife, removing covers in the polytunnel, watering all the seedlings then back home to log i… Read More
This Garden
Mmm, I made a floral focaccia again. And this time it was actually like focaccia rather than a big flat biscuit!Reading back on when I made it before, I think it didn't have the right textur… Read More
Vote For Me
The clock is ticking on my holiday. Final day today 😩 What a shame, I have enjoyed our allotment days and some have been very warm and sunny; others have been wet - great growing wea… Read More
The Time Is Now
OK, so it may not be Summer, but this is the kind of weather I like to see when I have more than a week off work! It was so beautiful yesterday after a grey start, so I’m hoping today… Read More

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Plot 7 Marsh Lane - Our Allotment
