Dhoomam performed well on its first day at the Box Office and earned approximately ₹1.80 Cr India nett. Here’s the occupancy and box office take for the second day of Dhoomam.

Dhoomam can earn 2.30 Cr India nett on his second day for all languages.

Dhoomam 2 Days Box Office Collection in All Languages

DAY India Net Collection
Day 1 ₹1.80 Cr * initial estimates
Day 2 ₹2.30 Cr * can win
Total $—Cr

2 days India Net collection ₹ — Cr

2-Day World Collection ₹—Cr

2 days of collection abroad ₹ — Cr

2 days India Gross take ₹ — Cr

Dhoomam had a general occupancy of NAN% malayalam on Saturday 24th June 2023.

Dhoomam Day 2 Malayalam (2D) Occupancy in theaters

Morning Programs: 6.70%

Afternoon Shows: NAN%

Evening shows: NAN%

Night Shows: NAN%

Note: For mobile devices, rotate the screen for the best view.

Dhoomam Day 2 Kannada (2D) Occupancy in cinemas

Morning Programs: 7.10%

Afternoon Shows: NAN%

Evening shows: NAN%

Night Shows: NAN%

Note: For mobile devices, rotate the screen for the best view.

about this movie

Dhoomam stars Fahadh Faasil, Aparna Balamurali, Roshan Mathew, Vineeth Radhakrishnan, Anu Mohan and Achyuth Kumar in lead roles. Dhoomam Movie Produced by Vijay Kiragandur. Dhoomam is an upcoming malayalam film ft. Fahadh Faasil. Music Composed by Poornachandra Tejaswi SV Story Pawan Kumar, Direction by Pawan Kumar, Produced by Vijay Kiragandur

For more information and the latest news on Mollywood Box Office Collection Stay tuned for us.


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