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Gardening at the Gulag – June 2024 review

I know, the fence panels are still waiting to be painted… However in other news, the Garden is in its second year and looking good. Closest to the house are mostly cool colours with lots of green while the sunniest part of the garden is a riot of pinks, purples, peach, orange and magenta – the tutti frutti zone!

The star jasmine on the patio has settled in and produced masses of sweetly scented flowers.

The climbing rose I chose for the patio bed continues to be fluorescent orange and I’m still convincing myself it does work with the hydrangea (I think silver dollar) and the floribunda rose champagne. What do you think?

This is looking towards the house from the pergola.

Beyond the greenhouse is in post-production mode and hosting the pepper plants, cucumbers and the eucalyptus baby blue grown from seed.

The polytunnel is mainly tomatoes, although the dwarf french beans are moving towards peak production and surprisingly given the temperature, the romaine lettuce are doing remarkably well.

Here’s the long view of the garden

This post first appeared on Allotment Life, please read the originial post: here

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Gardening at the Gulag – June 2024 review
