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The Milk of Human Kindness


We get through a fair few pints of milk here at Cassino. As well as our tea and coffee-loving team members, we always offer hot drinks to our loyal members. It’s a small gesture, but we know how much it is appreciated. After all, sometimes only a brew will hit the spot.

Better still, the milk container tops – those little plastic round things – are saved and put to really good use.

The Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice is the most incredible resource. A local children’s charity that provides hospice care services and community support for children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions in in East and West Sussex and South East Hampshire, it is a lifeline to families. But it depends on donations to keep going. Over £4 million is needed every year to provide hospice care for local children and their families, and only a tiny amount of this comes from central government.

One way in which the Hospice receives funds is through a project that collects the little plastic lids from milk containers. Passing them to a recycling company who pay an amount per ton, they then give the funds to Chestnut Tree House. We have been really pleased to contribute to the team that collects these and converts the tops into cash for such a brilliant local cause.

And as well as raising money, it reduces the waste that ends up in landfill – a win-win situation if ever there was one.

Mother Teresa once said this: ‘We cannot do great things on this Earth. Only small things with great love.’ And that has always resonated with us. We do what we can, when we can. 

So while saving milk bottle tops for a wonderful local charity is a small thing, like giving our members a cuppa when they fancy one, it shows a little kindness. In this case, you could say that it was the milk of human kindness.

Another inspirational quote that chimes with us was coined by the late Caroline Flack, who said this:

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” 

So when you come to Cassino, whether to enjoy the fun, drop plastic tops off or simply to say hello, please know that kindness comes as standard.

Find out more about the wonderful work of Chestnut Treehouse Children’s Hospice here: And if you want to bring us your milk tops, please do.

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The Milk of Human Kindness
