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Dragon Ball is coming to Fortnite, Goku will fight John Cena


When you hear that someone is coming to Fortnite, chances are that the information is accurate as crazy as it sounds. No one has not been a guest in Fortnite, and if not, it is only a matter of time before they will be a guest. From next week, 8/16, Fortnite will thus have a crossover with the popular Dragon Ball franchise.

We don't yet know exactly what this crossover will bring, but it would be extremely frivolous if the main character of the series, Goku, did not end up in the game. For now, only Shenron, the wish-granting dragon who collects all seven dragon balls, is shown. It wouldn't surprise us if this exact collection of balls was integrated into the gameplay itself.

Dragon Ball will not be the first Japanese series to merge with Fortnite, as Naruto had two crossovers earlier. We can also assume that it won't be the last either.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Dragon Ball is coming to Fortnite, Goku will fight John Cena
