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Winamp is back, the new version is available for download


The once popular media player application – Winamp – died back in 2013. However, it returned in 2018 with version 5.8 and was said to be just the beginning. Then followed a silence of four years and some thought Winamp was dead again. But a few days ago version 5.9 RC (Release Candidate) was released, which the developers say is the culmination of many years of work.

Admittedly, the new Winamp does not bring any new features that will be visible to most users. He experienced the most changes "under the hood." First of all, it is now compatible with Windows 11 and can no longer be used on systems older than Windows 7 SP1. The developers say that this is the foundation for the future where the application will get new functions, we just hope that we won't have to wait for the next four years for that future.

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This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Winamp is back, the new version is available for download
