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The creator of Silent Hill clarified the long-standing dilemma of fans


When you think of the town of Silent Hill, you probably think of deserted streets and snow. Although the game itself does not take place in winter, it was widely accepted that it snows in Silent Hill. But then in 2006 came the film adaptation of Silent Hill, in which not snowflakes fell from the sky - but pieces of ash. Some fans therefore thought that the ash fell in the first game as well, but that the PlayStation did not have the hardware capability to display it in the right way.

Although in the meantime we also got a remake of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories in which the winter atmosphere prevailed, some fans still stuck to the ash theory. Therefore, the designer of the original game, Masahiro Ito, decided to put an end to various theories on Twitter. As Ito himself confirmed, the white dots on the screen are not ashes but snowflakes.

It seems that this theory particularly bothers the creator of Silent Hill because this is not the first time he has denied it. But who knows - maybe this time it was targeted because snow plays a significant role in the mythology of Silent Hill, and is an important fact for future games?

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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The creator of Silent Hill clarified the long-standing dilemma of fans
