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Mortal Kombat will get another movie, maybe this time it will have a tournament


Film company New Line confirmed earlier this year that the Mortal Kombat movie from 2021 will get its sequel. Concrete plans have now begun to be forged for that project, and Deadline reports that the film's director has also been confirmed. There won't be a change here because the next film will be directed by Simon McQuoid, the same one who directed the first part.

A good part of the first film was setting the stage for the sequel, which could lead to the martial arts tournament that the film takes its name. The end of that movie also suggested that we should see some iconic Mortal Kombat characters in the sequel that didn't appear in the first installment.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Mortal Kombat will get another movie, maybe this time it will have a tournament
