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Gameplay footage from The Last of Us: Part 1 has been leaked


Yesterday, we unofficially learned some new details about the performance of the PlayStation 5 exclusive The Last of Us: Part 1, and today all of that has been confirmed by gameplay footage that has been published online.

There are no major surprises and unknowns - after all, this is a remake of a well-known game. Only some minor additions are shown, such as weapon upgrades, where each upgrade is now visually presented by the process of connecting to the weapon itself.

Among other things, it has been confirmed that the game will have an option to aim with a gyroscope, in case you find aiming with the analog stick imprecise, following the example of the second part.

By default, the recordings are without HDR colors, so if they look washed out, switch them to the maximum display quality (1080p). Count on the fact that they may be removed soon, so look at them as soon as possible.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Gameplay footage from The Last of Us: Part 1 has been leaked
