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Today is International Chess Day, here are the best chess video games at the moment

Today Is International Chess Day, Here Are The Best Chess Video Games At The Moment
7/20 is International Chess Day, a centuries-old game that reached its peak in popularity with the Netflix drama series The Queen's Gambit. Ok, bad joke – don't send the cannon at me now!

Chess is an extremely useful game for the cognitive improvement of a person and has numerous positive effects on health. Although some will say that chess should be played classically, with a physical board and tangible pieces, the benefits of chess can be realized in its virtual form as well. Therefore, on the occasion of Chess Day, we bring you a short list of chess video games and digital versions of chess that you can play.

Chess has a long tradition in the world of video games, and over the years we've had a lot of games and series on that topic. It would not be fair to write an article like this without at least mentioning the iconic Battle Chess for DOS or the legendary Chessmaster series that was published between 1986 and 2007. However, even though chess does not change, we focused on chess games for this list. which are currently current and easily accessible. or

  • free browser (PC, mobile, tablet)
Let’s go first with the free versions which already have the advantage of not having to spend money on a chess set. is the number one choice for many years. It has been translated into Croatian, has different types of games (even correspondence chess), a place to learn the basics, a database of recordings divided by game styles, specific strategies, and moves… Can be played against other players and the computer (8 difficulty levels), has tournaments, and best of all - it's free with no ads and doesn't require registration to play. 

A good alternative is, which offers most of what LIchess has, with a slightly visually more modern interface - if that plays any role in chess at all. But for a little more serious gaming here you will still be offered an optional subscription.

If you want something that won’t depend on whether you’re connected to the internet or not, here are those options as well.

Chess Ultra

  • 12,99$ PC, PS4, XBO, Switch
Chess Ultra is visually the most sophisticated chess video game on the market. It has a tutorial for beginners, different weight settings and game modes, and especially handy historical challenges. You can even experience all this in virtual reality on a PC or PlayStation.

But players are often told that the community in Chess Ultra online multiplayer is not at the level of those you can find elsewhere, so don't expect to grow up with a grandmaster with this game.

If you don't care about graphics, Simply Chess is offered as a good free chess game on Steam. 

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classic

  • 39,99$ Nintendo Switch

This is not a chess video game but you get 50 other games with it. Chess is the basis here - multiplayer is only local and there is not too much learning. However, we mention this in case you want to try something similar to chess, and that is Japanese chess or Shogi, which has a regular and mini version here. Gameplay is intuitive across the touch screen, and the bonus is that you don’t have to alternate with another player for the controller.

Chess (AI Factory Limited)

  • free or 3.44$ Android

 There are a bunch of chess apps on mobile platforms, even different applications. Among the most prominent is certainly the chess company AI Factory Limited which has a simple interface, 12 difficulty levels, training mode, achievements, etc. The free version comes with commercials, of course, and to get rid of them you have to pay 3.44$, one-time.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for something more oriented towards learning chess, it is worth taking a look at CT-ART.

The Queen's Gambit Chess

  • With Netflix subscription - Android, iOS

We started with the Queen's Gambit forum so it wouldn't be bad to close the article with the official Queen's Gambit game. Yes - that also exists. That is, at the time of writing this article it does not exist yet, it has just been announced, but it will arrive in the mobile version very soon.

In addition to characters from the series, the game will contain iconic locations from the series, and then just playing chess. There will also be chess lessons and online tournaments, and the game itself will be free for you as part of your Netflix subscription. 

That would be our shortlist of chess video game recommendations. We know there are more serious tools in this field, but these are equally accessible to everyone. If you have a favorite or example that deserves to be on a list like this, feel free to write to us in the comments.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Today is International Chess Day, here are the best chess video games at the moment
