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See what hunting will look like in the new game Way of the Hunter


Up to now, the upcoming hunting game Way of the Hunter has shown us its prey, and now it's time to show us the gameplay itself. Driving with a camera behind the car was thus demonstrated, although it is difficult to conclude something about the physics itself from the attachment. The graphics are admittedly quite impressive, but we are already used to that in hunting games.

Gameplay mostly relies on the so-called hunting sense, which points out things like animal tracks, voices, and the like. Hunter Sense is activated with the Y/triangle button on the controller, while the rest of the navigation is down to a discreet compass at the top of the screen.

Somewhat strangely, the publishers of Way of the Hunter did not want to show the shooting of the deer, but that's why in the subsequent analysis they show the shot similar to the Sniper Elite games, where you can see exactly if you have damaged an organ, bones, etc. And at the end, it is also shown how you can prepare for your hunting lodge.

Way of the Hunter comes out on 8/16 this year for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series consoles.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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See what hunting will look like in the new game Way of the Hunter
