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PlayStation One - On this day

PlayStation One - On This Day

PlayStation consoles get several iterations for their lifetime or variations in models. The tradition of reducing the size of the PS console after a while and offering it in a more compact, sometimes more energy-efficient version, started on this day exactly 22 years ago.

Namely, Sony then launched the PlayStation One or PS One / PSOne / PSone, a smaller and thinner model of the legendary "gray". They were brightened and "enlightened" by the PlayStation, and to achieve a new size, some things still had to be thrown out.

For example, on PS One models, there was no separate reset button, as on the original PlayStation, but the reset function was taken over by the power button. The internal power supply was also eliminated so that the console had a larger adapter, and less space in the case meant faster heating of the device.

Interestingly, the PS One sold better than the PlayStation 2 after its release in 2000, which is not so strange considering that it was cheaper. In total, about 28 million copies of the PS One model were sold. It was also the last PlayStation model on the market to cease production in early 2004, and in 2006 it went completely out of a sale.

Interestingly, the PS One model also had support for small five-inch LCD monitors. It can therefore be said that it was the first "portable" PlayStation platform, although it still required an electrical connection.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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PlayStation One - On this day
