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Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is coming, the spiritual sequel to the Zeno Clash games


Last year we witnessed the announcement out of the blue because no one expected Clash: Artifacts of Chaos, the spiritual successor to the Zeno Clash games. Now we know when our hero Pseudo embarks on another journey through the strange Zenozoic world.

The game arrives on February 9, 2023. on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.

Just like the Zeno Clash title, Artifacts of Chaos will also show us the Zenozoic as a surreal world, but with a different visual style than its predecessors. The theme of the gameplay has remained the same - we will fight with numerous opponents and dynamically adjust the fighting styles.

Part of the fun in these games comes from the fact that everything you see is a little weird. But the strangeness of the new game will not only be shown through the environment and inhabitants but also the gameplay elements. For example, before the fights, we will throw dice, and the winner will be able to determine the rules that will work in his favor. Examples range from summoning monsters as comrades, fog on the battlefield, or restrictions on movement.

The game will also have a passive multiplayer component through the dreams of our hero, whether it's a cooperative mode or PvP.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is coming, the spiritual sequel to the Zeno Clash games
