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Battlefield 3: Reality Mod is coming soon


In case you gave up on Battlefield 2042, but you are still interested in that series, you might find it interesting news that Battlefield 3: Reality is coming soon. It is a user modification for the PC version of Battlefield 3 that completely changes the game intending to create the most realistic display of warfare.

Although Battlefield 3 is already a team multiplayer game according to the standard description, Reality mode emphasizes the importance of cooperation, communication, and strategic planning on the battlefield. The goal is that even the tiniest individual actions help or slow down the course of the conflict, similar to hardcore shooters like Squad or Arma.

Battlefield 3: Reality will be released in a very early version (0.1) this Sunday, 7/17, and will be free to download. In addition to the gameplay, it will change the entire structure of the multiplayer experience because it will enable the hosting of private servers, higher tick rates, etc.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Battlefield 3: Reality Mod is coming soon
