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Mario Bros. - On this day

Mario Bros. - On This Day

The character we know today as Super Mario was initially a carpenter named Jumpman. Two years after his adventures with Donkey Kong, this character got his own expanded story, so we found out that his name is Mario, that he has a brother, Luigi, and that he changed his profession to a plumber.

But the first Mario game was not the one everyone played. While Mario was not yet a Super Mario on the NES console, we had Mario Bros. for arcade machines. It was a game in which Mario and Luigi explored the sewers of New York City, jumping on enemies and crawling through green pipes. It was these pipe motifs that made the Nintendo team transfer Mario from a carpenter with a hammer to a plumber.


The first Mario Bros. he conveyed the mechanics of running and jumping from Donkey Kong and added to it hitting an opponent on the platform above Maria. Collecting gold coins has also become one of the goals of the game. Unlike some of the later games in the series, Mario Bros. could be played in pairs, at the same time, and the players could compete against each other.

Mario Bros. experienced numerous console ports and subsequently appeared outside of Japan and the United States. The game was well received and sold over 4 million copies, but the real popularity of the Mario brothers came only later through the first Super Mario Bros.

Today, Mario Bros. can be played as part of Super Mario 3D World for Wii U and Nintendo Switch.

This post first appeared on Gaming And Tweaks Tech, please read the originial post: here

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Mario Bros. - On this day
