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Learn something new today with EM Random Knowledge

Learn Something New Today With EM Random Knowledge

I used to think that the urge of learning new things is something that comes with youth, but now I see that I have the same passion to learn new things as I grow older. Henry Ford said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty”. While I try to be focused on learning something in my field, I have a lot of fun learning about new and random things.

A very easy way to get knowledge about random subjects is using the random page from Wikipedia. If you have an Android smartphone, you can use EM Random Knowledge app, which will give you a new random wikipedia page whenever you open the app or click “next”. If you want to get more info about a specific subject you can click on the links in the app, just like you do it on Wikipedia website.

This post first appeared on Androidized | Everything About Android, please read the originial post: here

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Learn something new today with EM Random Knowledge
