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Amazing ILIFE V5s Pro Robot Vacuum Mop Cleaner with Water Tank, Mopping Robot 199.99

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User Reviews:

=== Original Review Written May 10, 2016 === (An update can be found below)This is the best cleaning robot ever. I don't personally own a Roomba but have seen them work. This thing is almost identical, but at the fraction of the cost. This thing is definitely worth it! It vacuums and it mops (with some adjustments). This review is based off of non-carpeted flooring only!I have the robot vacuum work about once a day in my medium sized room and it will always have in its canister a bunch of hair and at least 2 2-3 inch in diameter dust bunnies. It tends to get wedged under arch type furniture (near the ground of course). The robot seems to be afraid of its charging base; it won't go near it (approximately 0.5-1 meters / 2-3 feet), which kinda sucks for me cause it fits perfectly under my desk with the charging base, but now he (yes it is a he!) won't clean under except when he leaves the base. All in all, his vacuuming skills are pretty good! He'll also return to his base with no problems unless he gets stuck on something.I had it mop today, and it behaves practically the same as vacuuming except it is much quieter and works kinda funny. You essentially fill up the water tank and (the instructions say only add water) I added a little Mr. Clean because it feels cleaner and smells better. It mops almost identically to how it vacuums.Other thoughts:- Dang good for about $140 (can easily find it for that price at other retailers if it isn't that much on Amazon).- Mops decently. The mop can also be taken off and thrown in the wash if you like it clean clean. Might need a steam mop to follow this puppy when he's done.- Vacuums like crazy! It's dang good.- He can push heavy objects. Probably up to 30-40 pound objects if he gets stuck or wedged in them. He got wedged under a portable AC and he moved it a good 2-4 inches to free himself.- Seems to vacuum for about 2-3 hours on max on a full charge.- I usually put the charging base on top of something once in a while so that he will vacuum everywhere, since he doesn't vacuum near the base. He will usually roam around for about 30-60 minutes when he's done vacuuming looking for the base, he will eventually find it no problem unless he gets stuck on something.- Never put the charging base near an intersection of a pathway, otherwise he will never cross it and be stuck in one quadrant while vacuuming.===== Update: August 29, 2016 ===== (the last paragraph is a tl;dr)So, how has the ILIFE V5s working for me after about 3.5 months now. I have to say that it has its quirks (will talk about it below) when compared to a Roomba. Overall, I'd still rate the ILIFE V5s a 5/5. Why?- It cleans my floor regularly. Has worked predictably and reliably since the day I got it.- The replacement parts can be bought affordably from Amazon. (4 brushes, 2 filters, and 2 mop pads all for $14.99 at the time of this review).- It was much cheaper than a Roomba. I think the cheapest Roomba on sale can be bought at about $400 (at the time of this review). I picked the ILIFE V5s up from a Chinese e-retailer for about $140 (after shipping).- I can send the V5s to vacuum and forget it. Usually, before I leave my room, I set it and forget it. When I come back, 9/10 times I'll find it on the charging base. Usually it's user error that'll prevent him from getting back to the base (i.e., A cable is lying on the floor and he gets stuck on it, or I block the base with furniture).Some comments:- Navigation: I know some of my friends will say a Roomba navigates with intelligence (i.e., it can navigate your house and it kind of memorizes it), the V5s, seems to work with heuristics. That is, it tends to roam the room a little first, then clean the outside, roam, outside, roam etc. until the battery dies. It works effectively but if it is charged with cleaning a WHOLE floor, I think it might forget where its base is in a larger apartment / floor of a house.- Getting stuck: he only seems to get stuck on arch type furniture. He doesn't get stuck easily except with mopping (see next comment). If he gets stuck he often will stay there and attempt to free himself a little, but then just let his battery die after that, if you don't rescue him in the next few hours. He will also repeatedly attempt to enter his base, but if there is something off to the side that triggers his bumper while he tries to park he'll reverse and attempt to park in the base repeatedly. Sometimes he will attempt to correct by going to the left or right but most the time he will fail to navigate around the object and will eventually die trying to return to the base (reversing and trying to park until battery dies).- Mopping: it mops well and there isn't much to say about it. The only problem as the V5s ages when he mops is that his wheels seem to lose grip, so when he mops on a wet floor, he gets stuck much more easily than normal. For instance, if he has mopped the area and makes a second pass while the floor is still wet, he can get stuck on the wall because his wheels don't provide him with enough grip to hit the wall and activate his bumper; thereby, getting stuck on the wall (or furniture, or pretty much anything he hits gently).- Bumping things: he can hit objects quite hard if his proximity sensors don't pick it up. For example if he hits a chair at an angle (his proximity sensors appear to be at about the 11 and 1 o'clock positions if the 12 is the path he is traveling forward in), and the chair is at his 12, he will smack the chair leg with full force. While most furniture this won't matter but if you have delicate items or something heavy on a night stand that isn't against a wall when he hits it, it can knock over some things. This does pose as a potential risk but one will learn over time that the V5s can be left unattended (I don't recommend doing this till you stay nearby the first handful of times you send the V5s to work).tl;dr:I still love my V5s. I haven't had any battery problems or functioning problems. Most issues I lined out are usually human error and normal wear and tear of the item. Few quirks with getting him to work, but once you learn them the V5s is definitely worth the investment. I have seen other Chinese Roomba-like robots, and I have to say the V5s was definitely worth every penny. I've seen other Chinese Roomba-like robots go for about $100-120, and they are definitely not worth even half their price in headaches and how inefficient they are at vacuuming. So, I have to say despite the VERY MINOR quirks I've had with the V5s, it is definitely worth it for $140. I would highly recommend this item and would recommend anyone who is considering a cheaper alternative to the Roomba pick this up.
Adrian - May 10, 2016
I've had the ILife V5s Robot Vacum Cleaner with Water Tank for 2 weeks. My son named ours Robbie, and Robbie has so far been a godsend! I wish I'd bought him 2 years ago!Here's Robbie's work environment at MY house: I have two dogs. We live in a dusty farming community in the desert of Arizona with a clay/dirt/rock backyard. One of my dogs loves to put his paws in his water dish and then bring muddy paws into my house. Now, this mud is special. It's the kind of mud that doesn't even wash off our clothes unless I pre-treat before washing. So we have lots of dirt, mud, dust, and dog hair. It's honestly ridiculous, and I have 5 rooms worth of beige tile in my house that is a nightmare to keep clean under these conditions.NOTE: I do not have carpet or area rugs. Some people have reported this working fine on their rugs, others haven't. I can't speak to this.Expectations: I give this RoboVac 5 stars because it has exceeded MY expectations. My hope for this RoboVac was to keep my floors clean in-between twice-monthly regular cleaning done by me. The truth is, however, that this works well enough that I will probably never vacuum or mop my floor by hand again until it becomes time for seasonal deep-cleaning. If somehow my floor gets REALLY muddy (say from a rainy day), I may get out my regular mop and take care of it, but this RoboVac appears to be able to completely replace my routine vacuuming and mopping of my tile floor. The only thing I need to do extra after Robbie gets done cleaning my floors is get out my hand vacuum to reach dust and dirt between my refrigerator and counter and also behind my entertainment center. I also use a wet rag to quickly wipe up spots that were not completely picked up by the mopping feature. That's it, and I'm fine with that. I have run my hand along the floor behind the RoboVac, and it was clean. This thing picks up every piece of hair, dust, and dirt in its path. He has also picked up dog kibble, but not a rock. Have I mentioned that I love this RoboVac?!The remote control has an EDGE button to instruct the RoboVac to stay along the edge of the room (you direct him there first), and he does a great job of meandering around things to stay along the edge. But I honestly don't really need to use this button unless I'm trying to micromanage and make him do his job faster.There is also a SPOT button that you can press to make him spot clean an area, which he accomplishes by spinning in a tight circle that gets bigger with each turn. I use this more during the mopping feature; but if I were trying to cut his vacuuming time short and saw a spot I wanted him to cover I would use the SPOT button quick before sending him home.Coverage: This was my big concern before purchasing, whether he would get stuck or even go under my furniture. Turns out, I have only one recliner that this RoboVac gets stuck on, and that chair has claw-like legs that the RoboVac wants to climb up. He also got stuck under the edge of my couch the first time, but not since. I was very surprised to watch him wander around underneath my dining room table, around all the chair legs, without getting stuck at all AND doing a good job cleaning up. The only furniture he doesn't fit under is my couch, so I will move the couch forward or backward (just like I did for regular vacuuming) if I want him to clean under there, but I'm also considering lifting the couch an inch or so with some kind of riser during cleaning so it will fit underneath. I have a very large area of floor to cover, and this RoboVac seems to wander through all 5 areas the whole time. Most of the time, I let him do just that; but there have been a couple times when I wanted him to focus on one room, so I just barricade him in there using a box or garbage can. He will bump into it and turn around. The barricade needs to have some weight to it, or else the RoboVac will just push it out of the way and get through. (Right now, he is barricaded in the kitchen to mop.)Preparation: Before the RoboVac comes out to work, I do a quick pick up of anything that could get in his way, which mostly includes video game cords, but also kid toys, dog toys, etc. (The cords get stuck underneath, but the toys honestly just get pushed around since they're bigger.) But the RoboVac meanders fine around chairs and regular furniture with the one exception I mentioned of my recliner. I just keep an eye/ear out for him when he's in that room. (He does not shut off if he gets stuck, so if you don't catch it, I suspect he will just stay there running until the battery dies.)Run Time : When he's vacuuming, I let him run his full time which is well over two hours. I have not run him yet while I'm gone, but I'm home a lot. If I did want to run him while I'm gone, I'd simply barricade his trouble spots, like the recliner, so I would know he wouldn't get stuck while I was away.Bin Size: I am very surprised by how much dirt and hair this RoboVac picks up and how much fits in the dust bin. I run him about every 2-3 days, and I've not had to empty the dust bin mid-cycle. If I waited a week before my next vacuuming, I'd probably have to empty the bin a few times. The bin and filters are pretty easy to empty into the trash. I've even rinsed the bin and filters out once at the sink after a particularly dirty session.Mopping: I have mopped twice so far with this RoboVac (one of those times is today while typing this review). I, of course, micromanaged the mop feature a bit the first time to see what it was doing. I have used the SPOT clean button several times; and while that can be fun to play with at first, I have basically found it's just easier to let the mop do its thing and then when it's all done I grab a wet rag to quickly wipe up the remaining spots it didn't pick up. Keep in mind, the spots I'm talking about are the mud spots I mentioned needing pre-treating even on clothes to come out. I'd say anything that would require a little extra work with a regular mop is going to require a little extra work with the RoboVac or yourself. I have only ever used hot water in the RoboVac too and not used a detergent. It also doesn't get up tight along the walls; so if you have spots/spills along walls, furniture, or appliances, you will need to hand wipe those. The first time I mopped, I also added more water before the cycle was done; and then I let him finish a full 2+ hour cycle. Because I have 5 rooms, have mud spots, and let the mop feature run for a couple hours, I like to rinse out my mop cloth and re-soak it one or two times mid-cycle (depending on how dirty my floors are).Finally, I'd like to say that the water bucket is so dang simple to "set into' the machine and go that it's ingenious to me. Seriously, bravo on this one. Switching to the mopping setting is ridiculously easy and I love it. When the RoboVac is finished mopping, I simply rinse the cloth in the sink and let air dry. (I have also washed it once already with a load of rags/towels, and it came out very clean. Again, I let it air dry.)Overall, this thing deserves 5 stars in my book, and I love it because I think this will completely replace my routine vacuuming / mopping 5 rooms of tile floor in my house - despite the fact that I have to use a hand vac for tight corners and wipe up a few spots after the mopping is done. It has still exceeded my expectations and saves me a TON of time. I will continue to use both the vacuuming and mopping features 2 to 3 times a week. And I'm super happy that my floors will always look pretty good without much buildup of dust, dirt, hair, and stains because I refuse to actually do that much vacuuming and mopping by hand. Have I mentioned yet that I love my Robbie?!
TanyaZ - October 24, 2016
I waited til I'd used this robot for a few weeks before reviewing it, thinking it might crap out on me somehow. After running it at least a dozen times, and also trying out the mop functionality, I gotta say this is the best robot slave I've ever used. Kicks the crap out of our old Roomba and costs half as much. No Roomba combines brush cleaning with mopping as well; the only Roomba model that mops uses your Swiffer-type wet clothes to do so, so really it's just an automated Swiffer. This sucker comes with a separate water tank (which I absolutely loaded with Orange Glo hardwood floor cleaner) and automatically goes in a slower, steadier pattern when mopping. It very slowly drips out the solution to be absorbed and mopped around by the microfiber cloth attachment covering the rear underside of the robot. Works really great.I'm also impressed by how easily this robot shifts from hardwood to carpet. Small throw rugs will get bunched up and trap your robot slave, but larger rugs and carpet are no problem. It also has an up front sensor telling it to slow down before bumping up against any object, often even stopping just before it would bump (probably from brush contact) to turn, so your furniture (and ankles) doesn't get scuffed up.The dust tray is filtered on both ends, with easily removable filters you can shake out as well as the contents of the bin itself. There's also an extra filter, set of brushes, and mop cloth.The robot slave comes with a remote control that you absolutely won't need. Just press the Clean button on top of it and that takes care of everything. It also does a surprisingly good job of finding its way home once its battery is low, probably works 4/5 times for me.
Jim P - June 15, 2016

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Amazing ILIFE V5s Pro Robot Vacuum Mop Cleaner with Water Tank, Mopping Robot 199.99


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