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Officially...archangel641's Blog Blog

upto date news, general issues, inspiration, funny stuff, titbits etc
5 Reasons Why God Makes You Wait
Most people don’t like to wait. We often get frustrated when we have to wait in line at the grocery store or when we’re held up behind a slow car in the fast lane. This hurriedne… Read More
How To Cut Spam By 80%
Spam texts, spam calls, spam emails! Your inboxes are probably full of them with Black Friday around the corner. We’ve gathered the most effective tips and tricks to help you find some… Read More
5 Weird Ways To Meditate By Kate Hanley
You know you should meditate more. After all, this ancient contemplative practice has been shown to lower blood pressure, make you more empathic, increase your attention, and change the size… Read More
New Dolphin Super Power Discovered
Already equipped with an impressive sonar system, new research reveals that dolphins have an extra ability that evolves as they mature in the space where their baby whiskers once were. The s… Read More
Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy
When we talk about the line "Comparison is the thief of joy," we usually associate it with the 26th president of the United States of America, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt. Roosevelt expressed… Read More
How To Unlock Your Power To Succeed
The dictionary defines success as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” How we measure success –having a happy family, certain amount of wealth, or a thriving business… Read More
Is God Guiding You To Greatness?
Everyone wants to be seen as great. They want to be the best. They want to be memorable. They want others to look up to them and want to be just like them one day. Greatness, however, is not… Read More
We are co-creators with the Universe. The moment you accept that statement as fact, you will start to feel more empowered to manifest changes and create opportunities in your life. So often… Read More

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