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What Are The Different Types Of Parenting Styles?

Being a parent is the most joyful experience one can have. Many things change when you become a parent, but you do not mind these changes because something else has also been added: love for your children.

You will see your children grow up and learn new things every day. You teach them how to read, write and count numbers. You take them on trips to museums and parks where they learn about the world around them. Overall it’s a fun-filled, emotional, and overwhelming journey.

What Are The Four Types Of Parenting Style?

There are four types of parenting style. Each has its characteristics and can be used in various situations, depending on its age.

You need to understand that every parent has their way of raising their children. There isn’t one perfect style for being a good parent; there are many ways of doing so successfully!

However, please keep in mind that there are no easy paths when raising children—you must be prepared at all times for anything life throws at them or you.

Authoritative Parenting

Psychologists suggest this is the most balanced parenting style. Authoritative parenting is a responsive style that allows children to express themselves and establishes clear boundaries and rules.

Authoritative parents are firm but fair, providing clear expectations for their children’s behavior. They encourage them to express their feelings appropriately while teaching them when appropriate.

At the same time, they are not overly permissive or authoritarian when disciplining their children. Authoritative parents are authoritative because they establish clear boundaries with their kids while still being able to talk about things that matter in life with them.

So it’s usually a sweet spot between authoritative and permissive parenting styles.


  1. Children feel comfortable with their parents
  2. There are minimal chances of a conflict.
  3. Kids feel safe as they know their boundaries; simultaneously, parents feel safe declaring their limitations.
  4. This parenting style raises more independent, socially competent, and self-reliant kids.

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Authoritarian Parenting

If you often tell your children to follow your directions without questioning them, it’s an authoritarian parenting style. It’s the traditional parenting style where parents are in charge and children are bound to follow the instructions.

Authoritarian parents are strict and demand obedience. They are not interested in their children’s feelings, opinions, or activities. Authoritarian parents believe that the rules of the house should be followed without question because if you don’t follow them, there will be consequences. They also tend to punish their children when they do not behave appropriately.


  • Kids with authoritarian parenting know their boundaries and the aftermath of violating them.


  • Authoritarian parenting is a very ineffective form of discipline and lacks flexibility because it does not teach a child how to make good decisions on their own—it only teaches them that they must obey whatever someone else says without question.
  • This can lead to rebellion later in life when people realize they aren’t able to make decisions for themselves because they were never given the opportunity during childhood!
  • Respect in this parenting style is one-sided, i.e., Children must obey their parents, but vice versa is not compulsory. Consequently, there’s no feeling of warmth between the parents and children.
  • Kids have the worst coping skills.
  • Drugs may easily influence children.
  • Temper tantrums are at their peak.

Permissive Parenting

This parenting style is the exact opposite of the authoritarian style of parenting.

Permissive parents are not strict and do not set rules for their children but want to befriend them. They are not involved in the child’s life but are concerned about their well-being or behavior. They don’t believe in setting limits on their child’s behavior.

For example, you don’t want your child to have doughnuts for every dinner, but the permissive parents would easily let them have it every night. Permissive parents tend to be lenient when enforcing discipline or providing guidance for their kids.


  • Permissive parenting makes the children nurtured.


  • This can result in an entitled attitude among children who feel they can get away with anything because mommy and daddy will never punish them. In addition, permissive parents don’t push their children to follow through with tasks or projects that require effort, so kids may lack self-discipline as they grow older.
  • Children have no self-control.
  • They have narcissistic tendencies.

Neglected/Uninvolved Parenting

Neglected parenting and passive parenting style are similar, excluding the nurturing part. Uninvolved parents do not bother about their children’s lives, they are busy in their own world.

They may not be interested in their children or have time to spend with them, but that’s a symptom of the real problem: these parents don’t care about their kids’ needs.

For example, uninvolved parents don’t help their children with homework or get them extra help when needed, and they often fail to show up for school events. Also, uninvolved parents rarely take an active role in raising children and may even neglect their responsibilities as caregivers altogether. Their simple funds do whatever you want to do with your life, but don’t disturb us! Sounds strange? But unfortunately, these types of parents do exist.


  • Children with this type of parenting style lack self-esteem.
  • They are generally low-performing children in school.
  • They don’t seem happy as their basic needs are not taken care of.
  • Are impulsive
  • Poor self-regulation of emotions
  • Kids have a higher possibility of having mental health issues

Other uncommon parenting styles

  • Helicopter style Parenting

When the parents become overly involved in their children’s life to raise perfect kids, it’s helicopter parenting.

  • Free-range style Parenting

A type of permissive parenting style with lots of rules and guidelines.

  • Attachment Parenting

It is mainly concerned with infants and toddlers. Since they require far higher attention than the kids. Moreover, they totally depend on their parents for their A to Z, so attachment is bound to be there.

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Significance Of Parenting And Its Impact On Children

Undoubtedly there are no moments as joyful as parenting, but it’s not a cakewalk. It’s a roller coaster ride that requires you to sacrifice your sleep, career, Me time, and whatnot.

They say it takes a village to raise a child! It’s somewhat true even in today’s culture of nuclear families. Parenting demands a lot from you, and it takes a lot of you to raise a child properly. Although there is no right or wrong in parenting, your way of parenting has a significant impact on children.

Every parent does their best to raise a child, but you should still consider some factors to grow strong, independent, and confident children. Here are a few of them:

  • Do not become a parent if you are not mentally ready for it. Parenting is something that one should take as a full-time job. You need to provide everything your child needs, which takes a lot of work and commitment.
  • When children do not receive proper parental guidance, they will often make bad decisions that could affect their later life.
  • Dealing with the children with affection will help them learn how to deal with difficult situations in the future. Parents should show kindness towards their children, giving them a sense of security in the home environment.
  • Be responsible as a parent. If you are an irresponsible parent, then your child will be like you and might get into trouble in their life due to a lack of guidance and discipline.
  • Try to understand your child’s needs and desires; it is essential to know what he wants from life. Parents need to understand their children and discover their goals for themselves in life. It will help guide them through it as they journey towards adulthood.
  • Children who have a strong vision of life become successful in life, and this is possible only if their parents take care of them well. The most important thing for a child is to have parents who love them and take care of them. The more the child prospers in life, the better it will be for them.

If children have a strong vision, they can become successful in whatever they do. The children who have a weak vision do not get good opportunities or facilities to improve their health and education levels, making them unsuccessful.

  • If you want your children to progress, they need the proper training, firm guidance, and a positive environment at home. The other things necessary for your child’s growth are nutrition and health care. It is essential to take care of their physical and mental health to work out in the long run.


Remember that our children bring us great happiness. You should know that your child’s happiness is in your hands. You are responsible for ensuring that they are provided with an environment to grow up to become well-adjusted adults. It takes a lot of responsibility and hard work, but everything will fall into place if you strive for excellence.

Also, it may sometimes happen that you don’t fit into one parenting category. It’s completely fine if one time you are a submissive parent and the other time you are more authoritative. It depends on the circumstances, too, so you do not need to despair. We all know it is tough to handle parenting perfectly and at the same time maintain a work-life balance. So there shouldn’t be any remorse, shame, or guilt while raising a child.

Though, according to studies, an authoritative parenting style is ideal, you may adjust yourself to follow it step by step. There’s no hurry, be committed and dedicated to your goal as an authoritative parent, and slowly, you’ll start achieving it. And with time, you’ll see your child reaping the benefits of the authoritative parenting style.

Useful Resources:

This post first appeared on Helping Your Children Cope With COVID-19 Pandemic Stress, please read the originial post: here

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What Are The Different Types Of Parenting Styles?


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