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What Therapy does my Dog need?

What Therapy Does My Dog Need?

What therapy does my dog need? How do I decide and where can I find reliable information? These are questions every dog owner in need of treating an injured dog asks themselves.

If you’ve ever doubted the impact of therapy on your dog, you’ll be glad to know there are so many options out there. Some of these therapies are simple and easy to do at home, while others require a bit more time and effort on behalf of both owner and pet. If you’re looking for ways to keep your dog healthy and happy, read on! We’ve got some great tips here:

There are a number of different types of therapy that can be done for your dog. These include physical therapy, sports medicine and orthopaedic surgery. Chiropractic treatment is also available to help with pain relief and rehabilitation in many cases.

Rehabilitation helps your pet recover from his injuries faster than if he were left alone at home (or in the case of an emergency). It also helps him heal faster and feel better by providing physical activity during recovery time after surgery or other medical procedures like endoscopy (when vets look inside the digestive tract).

Rehabilitation explained

Rehabilitation is important for all dogs regardless of age or breed, but it’s particularly important for older dogs who have suffered a traumatic injury or illness. While there are many reasons why rehabilitation may be necessary for your pet, one common reason is because he has been injured in some way.

Rehabilitation helps your pet recover from his injuries faster than if he were left alone at home (or in the case of an emergency). It also helps him heal faster and feel better by providing physical activity during recovery time after surgery or other medical procedures like endoscopy (when vets look inside the digestive tract).

Hydrotherapy is a great option for your dog if you want to help them recover from any injury and improve their quality of life. It also has some amazing benefits when it comes to neurological disorders like IVDD in dogs with back problems or skin conditions such as hot spots or sores on different parts of the body (especially around their paws).

If you’re interested in learning more about how hydrotherapy can help your pet live a happier life, check out these resources:

This article from Handicapped Pets talks about what hydrotherapy is and how it affects animals’ bodies it also provides an overview of some common uses for hydrotherapy with dogs!


Hydrotherapy is a form of therapy that uses water to treat injuries and other ailments. It can be used to help dogs with mobility issues, arthritis, and more. This is often used in conjunction with other forms of therapy such as acupuncture or massage.

It is good for dogs with arthritis and hip dysplasia. Ailments such as cancer, kidney disease, or other conditions that may be caused by muscle strain also benefit from hydrotherapy.

The therapy is effective at both physical and emotional pain management for humans as well as animals. The increased blood flow that occurs when you get wet can also help reduce stress hormones like cortisol which are associated with chronic pain or illness; this makes hydrotherapy a great way to relax your pet while also improving their overall health!

Hydrotherapy is useful in many different ways by people who are training dogs or puppies. The most common uses for hydrotherapy are:

  • To aid recovery after an injury (e.g., sprains)
  • To relieve muscular tension and soreness after strenuous activities (e.g., running)

Hydrotherapy can help dogs with

  • arthritis,
  • hip dysplasia and other joint problems,
  • muscle strains,
  • sprains or injuries
  • as well as older dogs who may have suffered from weight bearing exercise.
If your dog has recently undergone surgery or injury, he will need to be rehabilitated. So, you’re probably asking yourself- what therapy does my dog need?

Hydrotherapy is a great way to keep your dog healthy and fit. It’s important to keep your dog in good physical shape, especially if you’re worried about obesity or other health issues. It helps alleviate pain and promote healing. So it’s an important part of any treatment plan for dogs diagnosed with arthritis or other joint problems.

Hydrotherapy can be used to help relieve joint pain in dogs who have arthritis as well as other musculoskeletal disorders. The therapy involves using a water-based solution that acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and lubricant while helping to reduce pain.

The pain may be associated with
  • arthritis or other conditions such as
  • tendonitis (inflammation of tendons),
  • bursitis (inflammation at the shoulder joint),
  • flexor tendon rupture (rupture of cartilage within a tendon),
  • meniscal tears (torn meniscus cartilage),
  • ligament sprains/tears/ruptures etc.,
  • patellar luxation (malformation where one kneecap slips outwards)

Note: Swimming is not hydrotherapy, we cannot stress this enough. Swimming is an exercise and a fun activity, it has numerous benefits, but is not hydrotherapy. Always consult a therapist or your vet for advice before you begin hydrotherapy.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy has gained considerable popularity over the last few years, mainly because it is effective. It is non invasive and most dogs will be quite calm and happily accept the therapy. The advantage of laser therapy for a shy or skittish dog is there is no “hands on” manipulation. Your vet may suggest a Class 3 or 4 laser depending on your dogs need. The difference is the amount of heat from the beam. Class 4 lasers are among the most popular ones.

Laser therapy is also a specialised treatment do not try this at home or on your own. It can cause severe damage to your eyes should the beam hit your eye.

Consult a specialist to use this for your dog. If your vet does not have a laser machine they will recommend a therapist who will carry out the therapy. When considering “what therapy my dog needs” remember laser therapy is popular for post surgical healing.


Massage is a great way to release tension and get your dog moving. It helps with muscle aches, arthritis, pain and soreness, as well as stress relief in dogs who are feeling overwhelmed by their day-to-day routines.

The benefits of this age-old therapy that can help relieve pain and stiffness, as well as relax your dog. It’s also proven to improve muscle recovery after injury or illness. Massage can even help keep your dog’s skin healthy and supple by stimulating circulation in the area being massaged (as long as you’re careful not to damage the underlying muscles).

If you want to try out some kind of massage on your furry friend, make sure you’ve got a safe place for them where they won’t be hurt by furniture or other sharp objects—and don’t forget about their ears!

It is a great way to relax and relieve stress. Massage can also help with muscle soreness, stiffness, joint pain, arthritis and digestive issues.
  • If your dog has arthritis or other injuries that are painful for him/her to move around in their joints then massage may be beneficial. The goal would be for them not only feel better but also be able to move more freely without pain from their joints.
  • Massage is also excellent for dogs with digestive issues such as vomiting or diarrhea. Because it helps stimulate the nervous system which helps regulate digestion.

If you’re worried about whether your dog will enjoy getting massaged by you or another person, don’t be! Most dogs love getting kneaded by loving hands. If they don’t seem interested in receiving this kind of physical touch from humans (or other animals), there’s no shame in looking into hiring a professional massage therapist through local businesses or through your veterinarian.

Note: When not to try massage therapy, if your dog has an inflammation or is recovering from surgery. Massage therapy increases blood supply to that particular region of the body. That is why you must check with your vet before you begin massage therapy for your dog.

Dental Care

Dental Care is not technically a therapy but it is an integral part of dog health care. Ignoring dental health can lead to digestive and even heart disorders, so never ignore your dog’s dental health.

Dental care is an important part of any dog health plan because it prevents tooth decay from occurring in the first place by ensuring regular checkups. Your veterinarian or other qualified professional who will examine your pet’s mouth every few months (or even more often).

If you’re worried about whether your dog will enjoy massage therapy by you or another person, don’t be! Most dogs love getting kneading by loving hands. If you are unsure even after your vet or therapist shows you how to massage your dog, hire a professional.

In conclusion

In the end, it’s up to you. You have to decide what kind of therapy is best for your dog. We can’t tell you what it is, but we can give you some tips to help make that decision easier. Are you looking for something more traditional than hydrotherapy or massage? Then consider taking your dog on a walk every morning before work or getting out for an evening stroll with your dog. These kinds of activities will help get their minds off of their aches and pains from the day before. So they don’t become too upset about having any abnormal movements during their treatment sessions at home!

The post What Therapy does my Dog need? appeared first on Oliver Pet Care.

This post first appeared on Oliver Pet Care, please read the originial post: here

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What Therapy does my Dog need?
