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The Healthiest Cat Breeds


Introducing a feline friend into a family usually enriches our lives and emotions. Cats suffer less from hereditary diseases compared to other pets, however, some breeds live shorter because some felines are more prone to illness than others.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many scientific studies that accurately identify the healthiest pets, so we have prepared a list of the healthiest cat breeds that are likely to have fewer health problems.

Cat owners who wish to have a healthy and active feline friend need to know that apart from belonging to a particular breed, proper care and diet have a huge impact on a pet’s health.

Burmese cat

The Burmese breed is known to be one of the longest living breeds with a life expectancy

 of 18-20 years. A representative of Burmese cats is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, having lived for 35 years.

Burmese cats are very affectionate, adore attention and love to spend time in the company of their owners. Pets do not need walks and prefer to enjoy their time in the comfort and warmth of a window sill. Owners of the Burmese do not need to track how much their fluffy friends eat, as they almost never overeat and are not prone to obesity.

American Shorthair cats

Representatives of the breed are known to have strong health and can live more than 15 years, when lovers of American shorthair cats will be enjoying their kind nature and cute appearance. The American shorthair easily adapts to new environments and is an ideal breed for families, singles, and seniors. These cats are playful and good-natured and know how to entertain themselves when their owners are busy.

American shorthair cats have excellent health, however, some representatives might suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCMP). If a cat is not involved in any physical activity, that might lead to obesity, so pet owners need to monitor the quantity and quality of food, and choose recommended brands for their pet.


Ragamuffins are charming and easy-going cats with excellent health. A disease-tested kitten lives up to 15-18 years on average. The Ragamuffin is a very calm cat, not prone to aggressive behaviour and dominance. Representatives of the breed are very affectionate, happy to sit near their owner and be stroked.

Cat owners should remember about a balanced diet for their cats and an annual check-up with a veterinarian (especially for older pets). Because of the lush coat and strong build, owners cannot notice changes in a Ragamuffin’s weight, which needs to be monitored. This breed loves to eat and is a champion at persuading their owner to give them whatever they want .

Balinese cats

If cat owners carefully monitor the health of the Balinese and timely diagnose all pathologies and disorders, Balinese cats can live a long and happy life.

Pet owners will love this breed for their combination of excellent features such as blue eyes, soft fur, elegance, sociability, loyalty, intelligence, and excellent health. The average life expectancy of the breed is 18-22 years.

The Balinese are not prone to obesity, however, these cats usually love eating and have a good appetite. Pet owners need to monitor the quality and quantity of food, and it’s recommended consulting with the breeder and a vet about their diet before bringing the kitty home. Balinese cats do not require any special conditions or environment, owners need to provide a comfortable and secure place for the pet and spend a lot of time with them.

Savannah cat

Savannah cats can live up to 20 years, and the diseases the pet might suffer from are related to the cardiovascular system, but in general  this breed can boast great health.

Savannah cats get used to new people very quickly, and if a cat owner spends their vacation away, they may be surprised to find that their fluff ball has liked and preferred a new home and new owners. The Savannah loves to bathe and play in the water, and during warm days the cat will be happy if their owner will take care of places where they can bathe.

If you are considering this breed,  be aware you will need to provide cats with a lot of space to move as Savannah cats can jump 2,5-3 metres high and as much as 6 metres in length. Otherwise, the cat may behave aggressively and destroy everything around. Potential cat owners need to plan their time and be able to walk as much as possible with their pet, including time on a leash.

Russian Blue

The average life expectancy of the Russian blue is 15-20 years, and some representatives of the breed even live up to 25 years. Russian Blue cats have strong immunity and are not prone to hereditary diseases. If any common illness is diagnosed in the Russian Blue cat, the most common reason is improper care.

Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau, one of the oldest breeds in the world, has good health and their life expectancy is 13 – 16 years. One of the main health problems of this breed is allergies, so the cat’s diet must be carefully controlled. If the owner notices red spots on the cat’s skin, they need to seek a vet’s advice. The Egyptian Mau also enjoys eating, and cat owners need to control the amount of food the cat eats as overeating might result in obesity in the animal. However, this breed is very active and needs to get high quality and well-balanced food.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats, one of the largest breeds, live an average of 10-15 years. Although in general Maine Coons are rarely ill, future cat parents need to choose a breeder very carefully because some representatives might suffer from hereditary abnormalities. For example, some kittens might have  extra toes (polydactyly) but this does not affect their overall health, although they won’t be able to participate in exhibitions.

Maine Coons are very intelligent and good at remembering commands, just like dogs. Cats very clearly detect tone and changes in the mood of the owner, while demonstrating uncharacteristic tact and understanding. Maine Coons don’t bother their owners with socialising, and do not demand attention if the owner is not in the mood. More about Maine Coon cats

Manx cat

Having such an unusual appearance, potential cat parents might assume that the Manx breed might suffer many genetic abnormalities and might have other health problems. However, a well-known fact states that these pets are strong enough and do not suffer from many diseases.

However, before bringing a pet home, you should carefully examine the kitten’s pedigree and find out more about the breeder. After all, mistakes made during breeding and socialising of kittens may result in muscle and bone problems. The life expectancy of a Manx is 10-15 years.

Sphynx cats

This breed can pride themselves on being healthy, and one of the few problems owners have to deal with is that cats do not tolerate the cold, and the sun can cause damage to their sensitive skin. Which is why their owners should do their best to protect their cat’s skin and provide proper skin care.

If a breeder and owner are competent in Sphynx care, then the representatives of the breed will avoid many health issues  and serious pathologies, including those of hereditary origin. Sphynx cats live 13-14 years on average.

Ragdoll cats

Being cared for properly, the Ragdoll can remain vigorous and healthy until their golden age. Their average life expectancy is 15-20 years, and some breed representatives can even reach the age of 25 years.

The Ragdoll demonstrates respect  for the owner by following them everywhere. However, these cats do not tolerate raised voices and arguments, so the breed will not be a good choice for emotional people. Here is more detailed Ragdoll cats profile

Siamese cats

Siamese cats, one of the longest-living breeds, can live even 30 years. However, the average life expectancy is 15-20 years. If you are considering bringing home a representative of the breed, you need to find a breeder with a good reputation because good genetics will minimise the risk a kitty will suffer from hereditary pathologies such as progressive retinal atrophy, urolithiasis and others.

Siamese cats are very active, so you need to play with them and walk outside with them quite a lot. If you wish to know more, here is Siamese cats profile

Singarupa cats

This breed of petite size can boast good health and is not exposed to serious genetic diseases. The cats might face a common, but less significant, problem that is cold sensitivity due to the lack of an undercoat.  If a cat spends some time lying on a cold floor, the pet might catch a cold.

Singarupa cats, well-known for their friendly character, can reach the age of 11-15 years, pleasing their owners with playfulness and curiosity.

American Wirehair

The American Wirehair’s average life expectancy is 7-12 years, and cats are kind, calm and have good health. All these features make them the perfect candidate for a pet.

However, some representatives of the breed might have very sensitive skin, and their owners should be very careful when buying pet care products.


The Chausie, a relatively new breed, can even live 15 years. Representatives of this breed find it easy to get along with other animals, also with dogs, of whom they are not afraid. Chausie cats are often loyal to children if they understand that the cat is not a toy but a full-fledged family member who needs to be treated with respect.

Bombay cats

A kitten purchased from a reputable breeder will delight their owners with good health. Representative of this hybrid breed who can reach the age of 20 years, and have strong immunity because of their origin.

The Bombay cat cannot limit their appetite, so cat owners need to control how much their pets eat, and two daily portions is a proper diet to avoid overfeeding. The breed  likes warm temperatures in the apartment, and drafts should be avoided to prevent the cat from catching a cold.

Siberian cats

Having excellent health and stamina, this breed can boast their life expectancy reaching up to 20 years. Siberian cats are not friendly towards other pets, they do not get along well with dogs, trying to dominate and showing who the boss in the house is. If small animals live in the apartment, Siberian cats will be hunting them. The breed can coexist with other cats, but the atmosphere will depend on other circumstances as the behaviour of a Siberian cat can be unpredictable.

European shorthair

The breed is almost free of any genetic diseases, and can enjoy a healthy and active life up to 15 years on average.

The European Shorthair will be happy living in an apartment and also in the house. These cats do not like a change of surroundings, they get a bit lost and are wary of new environments. As to the frequent relocations or trips, the European shorthair cats do not tolerate them well, however, much depends on the character and temperament of the individual pet.

LaPerm cats

The representative of the breed can boast of good health and can live up to 15-20 years. Pet owners need to check their dental and visual health weekly and take care of them properly.

This playful and curious breed is interested in everything that is going on around them, and will be trying to do their best to get involved in family life.


Although representatives of the breed can live over 15 years, the Korat cats might suffer from some genetic-related abnormalities. If you are considering bringing home this affectionate fur baby, choose the breeder carefully.

Chartreux cats

This ancient French breed is known for its excellent hunting skills, ability to talk without meowing, and it’s good health and life expectancy which is 12-15 years.

However, poor diet and lack of physical activities can result in obesity in cats. To keep Chartreux cats healthy and active, their owners need to provide a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercise.

Bengal cats

On average, Bengal cats live 12-16 years, and have strong immunity. The cats are very intelligent, learn very quickly, and their owner can teach them using basic commands.

Havana cats

This sociable and friendly breed usually lives up to 15 years, and regular walks will improve the cat’s immunity. Havana cats are very active, and future cat parents need to provide enough space in their apartments so that the cats can play and spend their time actively.

Japanese Bobtail cats

Japanese Bobtails are an active and friendly breed who needs physical activity to avoid behavioural problems. On average, Japanese Bobtail cats live 14-16 years. Proper diet is very important for this strong breed that usually does not suffer any genetic diseases. However, pet owners should provide the proper care, visit a vet for regular check-ups, and follow all recommendations they get.

Nebelung cats 

The representatives of the breed are calm and friendly, and usually accompany their owners for 12-15 years. The cats have strong health, and need to have their own private space in the apartment or house.

We would like to stress that scientific studies on the healthiest cat breeds do not exist, and this approximate list might only provide basic information. Proper dieting and care remains the most crucial for your pet’s well-being regardless of their breed. Only when cat owners provide all needed resources will their kitty be happy and active, and enjoy their life with good health.

The 11 Longest-Lived Cat Breeds

The post The Healthiest Cat Breeds appeared first on Meow Passion.

This post first appeared on Meowpassion, please read the originial post: here

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The Healthiest Cat Breeds
