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450+ Filipino baby boy names a to z with meanings

450+ Filipino Baby Boy Names A To Z With Meanings
Filipino baby boy names often reflect cultural roots and religious influences. Many names are derived from Spanish, Malay, and indigenous languages. 

Popular choices include Jose (Joseph), Andres (Andrew), and Mateo (Matthew), often tied to historical figures or Christian saints. 
Others like Lakandula (royal title) honor pre-colonial heritage. 

These names carry a blend of tradition and history, making them meaningful selections for Filipino parents.

Filipino baby boy names with meanings

1. Aaron - mountain of strength 
2. Abel - breath 
3. Abraham - father of many 
4. Adan - man 
5. Adrian - dark 
6. Aelius - sun 
7. Agapito - beloved 
8. Aidan - fiery one 
9. Alain - rock 
10. Albert - noble, bright 
11. Alden - old friend 
12. Aldous - old 
13. Aldric - wise ruler 
14. Alec - defender of mankind 
15. Alejandro - defender of mankind 
16. Alexavier - protector of the people 
17. Alfonso - noble and ready 
18. Alfredo - wise steward 
19. Ali - elevated or exalted 
20. Allain - precious 
21. Allen - handsome 
22. Alonso - noble and steadfast 
23. Alvin - friend to all 
24. Amado - beloved 
25. Ambrosio - immortal 
26. Amir - prince 
27. Anacleto - called back 
28. Anakin - warrior 
29. Andre - manly 
30. Andres - manly 
31. Angel - messenger 
32. Angelo - angelic 
33. Anselmo - divine protection 
34. Anthony - priceless 
35. Anton - priceless 
36. Antonio - priceless 
37. Apollo - god of music and the sun 
38. Aramis - devoted to God 
39. Armando - soldier 
40. Arnold - eagle power 
41. Arvin - friend to all 
42. Asriel - help of God 
43. August - venerable 
44. Augusto - venerable 
45. Aurelius - golden 
46. Austin - venerable 
47. Axel - my father is peace 
48. Axl - my father is peace 
49. Baldwin - bold friend 
50. Barak - lightning 
51. Basil - kingly 
52. Bayani - hero 
53. Benito - blessed 
54. Benjamin - son of the right hand 
55. Bernardo - brave as a bear 
56. Billy - resolute protection 
57. Blaise - stuttering 
58. Braeden - broad hillside 
59. Brandon - beacon hill 
60. Breccan - freckled 
61. Brent - hilltop 
62. Brett - from Britany 
63. Brian - strong 
64. Bryant - strong 
65. Bryson - son of Bryce 
66. Buboy - small boy 
67. Byron - from the barnsquo 
68. Caden - fighter 
69. Calvin - bald 
70. Camilo - free-born 
71. Carlito - man 
72. Carlo - man 
73. Carlos - man 
74. Carmelo - garden 
75. Casimir - proclaims peace 
76. Castor - beaver 
77. Cayden - fighter 
78. Cedrick - gift of splendor 
79. Cesar - head of hair 
80. Charles - manly 
81. Chester - fortress 
82. Christian - follower of Christ 
83. Christopher - bearer of Christ 
84. Clarence - bright 
85. Clark - cleric 
86. Clayton - town on clay land 
87. Clinton - settlement on a hill 
88. Clyde - warm-hearted 
89. Cody - cushion 
90. Colby - coal town 
91. Colin - victorious people 
92. Connor - lover of hounds 
93. Conrad - brave counsel 
94. Constantino - constant, steadfast 
95. Corey - seething pool 
96. Cortez - bold 
97. Craig - rock 
98. Cramer - seller 
99. Cristobal - follower of Christ 
100. Cruz - cross 
101. Czar - king 
102. Dale - valley 
103. Dallas - meadow dwelling 
104. Damian - to tame 
105. Daniel - God is my judge 
106. Darius - king of kings 
107. Dave - beloved 
108. David - beloved 
109. Davis - beloved 
110. Dayton - bright and sunny town 
111. Dean - valley 
112. Declan - man of prayer 
113. Delbert - bright as day 
114. Demetrius - earth-lover 
115. Dennis - follower of Dionysius 
116. Denver - green valley 
117. Derrick - ruler of the people 
118. Desmond - gracious defender 
119. Diego - supplanter 
120. Dionisio - follower of Dionysius 
121. Dominic - belonging to God 
122. Donato - given 
123. Donovan - dark warrior 
124. Douglas - dark stream 
125. Drew - manly 
126. Dylan - son of the sea 
127. Earl - nobleman 
128. Earnest - sincere 
129. Edgar - rich spear 
130. Eduardo - wealthy guardian 
131. Edwin - rich friend 
132. Effren - fruitful 
133. Elbert - noble and bright 
134. Eli - high 
135. Elias - Jehovah is God 
136. Elijah - God is my Lord 
137. Eliseo - God is my salvation 
138. Ellis - God is my salvation 
139. Elmer - noble and famous 
140. Elmo - helmet 
141. Elton - town of the elves 
142. Elvis - all wise 
143. Emilio - rival 
144. Emiliano - rival 
145. Emmanuel - God with us 
146. Enrique - ruler of the home 
147. Enzo - ruler of the estate 
148. Epifanio - manifestation 
149. Eric - forever strong 
150. Erikson - son of Erik 
151. Ernest - sincere 
152. Esteban - crowned with victory 
153. Ethan - strong, firm, steadfast 
154. Eugene - well-born 
155. Evan - God is gracious 
156. Ezekiel - strength of God 
157. Fabian - bean grower 
158. Fausto - lucky, fortunate 
159. Federico - peaceful ruler 
160. Felipe - lover of horses 
161. Ferdinand - brave traveler 
162. Fernando - brave traveler 
163. Fidel - faithful 
164. Filbert - bright as day 
165. Flavio - golden or blonde 
166. Floyd - gray-haired 
167. Fortunato - fortunate 
168. Francesco - free man 
169. Francis - free man 
170. Francisco - free man 
171. Frank - free man 
172. Franklin - free landowner 
173. Fred - peaceful ruler 
174. Frederick - peaceful ruler 
175. Gabby - God is my strength 
176. Gabe - God is my strength 
177. Gabriel - God is my strength 
178. Gael - God’s servant 
179. Gage - an oath or pledge 
180. Galileo - from Galilee 
181. Gamaliel - God is my reward 
182. Garrett - spear strength 
183. Gary - spearman 
184. Gaspar - treasure bearer 
185. Gavino - God is gracious 
186. Gelo - laughter 
187. Gene - well-born 
188. Geoffrey - peaceful spirit 
189. George - farmer 
190. Gerald - ruler with the spear 
191. Gerard - brave as a spear 
192. German - brother 
193. Gerome - sacred 
194. Gilbert - bright promise 
195. Giancarlo - God is gracious 
196. Gianni - God is gracious 
197. Gilberto - shining pledge 
198. Gideon - great warrior 
199. Gil - happy, bright 
200. Gilmore - gentle servant 
201. Gio - God is gracious 
202. Giovanni - God is gracious 
203. Giselle - pledge 
204. Glendon - valley of the sun 
205. Godfrey - God's peace 
206. Godwin - good friend 
207. Gordon - spacious fort 
208. Graham - gravelly homestead 
209. Grant - great 
210. Gregg - watchman 
211. Gregorio - vigilant 
212. Gregory - watchful 
213. Griffin - strong lord 
214. Guillermo - protector 
215. Gunther - battle warrior 
216. Gustavo - staff of the Goths 
217. Hanz - God is gracious 
218. Harold - army leader 
219. Harrison - son of Harry 
220. Harry - ruler of an army 
221. Harvey - army warrior 
222. Hayden - heathen 
223. Hector - steadfast 
224. Heinrich - ruler of the house 
225. Heleno - sun 
226. Henry - ruler of the household 
227. Hermano - brother 
228. Hermenegildo - great sacrifice 
229. Hermes - messenger of the Gods 
230. Hernan - adventurous 
231. Herminio - divine 
232. Hilario - cheerful 
233. Hiram - exalted brother 
234. Holden - hollow valley 
235. Horacio - keeper of the hours 
236. Horatio - keeper of the hours 
237. Howard - high protection 
238. Huberto - bright mind 
239. Hudson - son of the hooded man 
240. Huitzilopochtli - he who shoots arrows point-blank 
241. Humberto - bright mind 
242. Ian - God is gracious 
243. Ignacio - fiery 
244. Igor - warrior 
245. Ike - he will laugh 
246. Iker - visitation 
247. Immanuel - God with us 
248. Imran - exalted nation 
249. Indigo - blue or purple dye 
250. Inigo - fiery 
251. Iñigo - fiery 
252. Inocencio - innocent 
253. Ireneo - peaceful 
254. Isaac - laughter 
255. Isaiah - salvation of God 
256. Isaias - salvation of God 
257. Ishaan - sun, dawn 
258. Isidro - gift of Isis 
259. Israel - prince with God 
260. Ivan - God is gracious 
261. Jace - healing 
262. Jacinto - Hyacinth flower 
263. Jack - God is gracious 
264. Jackson - son of Jack 
265. Jacob - supplanter 
266. Jaden - God has heard 
267. Jaime - he who supplants 
268. Jairus - a new beginning 
269. James - supplanter 
270. Jared - rose 
271. Jarek - strong, fierce, ardent 
272. Jason - to heal 
273. Jasper - bringer of treasure 
274. Javier - bright 
275. Jaxon - son of Jack 
276. Jay - victory 
277. Jayce - healer 
278. Jayden - God has heard 
279. Jed - beloved of God 
280. Jedidiah - beloved of God 
281. Jefferson - son of Jeffrey 
282. Jeffery - peaceful pledge 
283. Jeffrey - peaceful pledge 
284. Jemuel - God is love 
285. Jeremy - exalted of the Lord 
286. Jerome - holy name 
287. Jerry - strong with a spear 
288. Jesús - God is salvation 
289. Jet - black gemstone 
290. Jethro - abundance 
291. Jim - supplanter 
292. Jimmy - supplanter 
293. Jiro - second son 
294. Joaquin - God will judge 
295. Jobert - strong and brave 
296. Jochi - morning star 
297. Joel - God is willing 
298. John - God is gracious 
299. Johnny - God is gracious 
300. Jonas - dove 
301. Jonathon - God has given 
302. Jordan - flowing down 
303. Jordanus - flowing down 
304. Jorden - flowing down 
305. Jorge - farmer 
306. Joseph - God will increase 
307. Josiah - God will heal 
308. Josh - God will increase 
309. Joshua - God is salvation 
310. Josue - God is salvation 
311. Jovito - jovial 
312. Jude - praised 
313. Judson - son of Judd 
314. Julian - youthful 
315. Julio - youthful 
316. Julius - youthful 
317. Jullian - youthful 
318. Junior - younger son 
319. Justin - just 
320. Justino - just 
321. Kaleb - dog 
322. Keanu - cool breeze on the mountains 
323. Keifer - barrel maker 
324. Keith - wood, forest 
325. Ken - clear water 
326. Kendrick - royal power 
327. Kenneth - handsome 
328. Kenny - handsome 
329. Kent - bright white 
330. Kenton - from the king’s estate 
331. Keon - God is gracious 
332. Kevin - gentle birth 
333. Kian - ancient 
334. King - ruler of the people 
335. Kingston - king’s settlement 
336. Kirk - church 
337. Kobe - God’s door 
338. Koda - ally 
339. Kyle - narrow channel 
340. Lando - famous land 
341. Landon - long hill 
342. Lane - narrow road 
343. Larry - crowned with laurel 
344. Laurence - crowned with laurel 
345. Lautaro - swift hawk 
346. Lawrence - crowned with laurel 
347. Lazarus - God has helped 
348. Leandro - lion-man 
349. Lee - meadow or pasture 
350. Leighton - herb garden 
351. Lemuel - devoted to God 
352. Leo - lion 
353. Leon - lion 
354. Leonard - brave lion 
355. Leopold - brave people 
356. Leslie - garden of holly 
357. Levi - joined, united 
358. Liam - strong-willed warrior 
359. Lincoln - town by the pool 
360. Lindon - linden tree hill 
361. Lionel - young lion 
362. Logan - hollow 
363. Loran - crowned with laurel 
364. Lorenzo - from Laurentium 
365. Louie - renowned warrior 
366. Louis - renowned warrior 
367. Lucas - man from Lucania 
368. Luciano - light 
369. Lucio - light 
370. Ludwin - beloved friend 
371. Luigi - famous warrior 
372. Luis - renowned warrior 
373. Lukas - bringing light 
374. Luke - bringing light 
375. Lyle - island 
376. Lyndon - linden tree hill 
377. Mabini - hero of the Philippine revolution 
378. Macoy - God's gift 
379. Maddox - fortunate son 
380. Magnus - great 
381. Makisig - handsome 
382. Malcolm - disciple of Saint Columba 
383. Manolo - God is with us 
384. Manuel - God is with us 
385. Marco - warlike 
386. Marcus - warlike 
387. Mariano - male 
388. Marion - sea of bitterness 
389. Mark - warlike 
390. Marlon - hawk 
391. Marshall - caretaker of horses 
392. Martin - warlike 
393. Marvin - friend of the sea 
394. Mateo - gift of God 
395. Mathias - gift of God 
396. Matt - gift of God 
397. Matthew - gift of God 
398. Mauro -
399. Nilo - Victory of the people
400. Nestor - Wise traveler
401. Nico - Victorious people
402. Noel - Born on Christmas
403. Norberto - Bright north
404. Orlando - Famous land
405. Oscar - Spear of God
406. Osias - God saves
407. Osman - Protector
408. Orlan - Renowned in land
409. Paciano - Peaceful
410. Panfilo - Lover of all
411. Paolo - Small
412. Paterno - Paternal
413. Patricio - Nobleman
414. Quirino - Spear
415. Quirino - Calm
416. Rafael - God has healed
417. Ramiro - Wise protector
418. Ramon - Wise protector
419. Raul - Wolf council
420. Raymundo - Wise protector
421. Renato - Reborn
422. Rey - King
423. Ricardo - Brave ruler
424. Salvador - Savior
425. Samuel - Heard by God
426. Santiago - Saint James
427. Saturnino - Devoted to Saturn
428. Segundo - Second
429. Sergio - Attendant
430. Silvestre - Wild, forest
431. Simplicio - Simple
432. Sixto - Sixth
433. Socorro - Help
434. Sotero - Savior
435. Teofilo - Loved by God
436. Tomas - Twin
437. Tranquilino - Tranquil
438. Teodoro - Gift of God
439. Timoteo - Honoring God
440. Tobias - God is good
441. Tolentino - Sharp
442. Tomas - Twin
443. Urbano - From the city
444. Uriel - God is my light
445. Valentin - Strong, healthy
446. Vicente - Conqueror
447. Victor - Winner
448. Vidal - Life-giving
449. Waldo - Ruler
450. Wilfredo - Desiring peace
451. Wilson - Son of William
452. Xander - Defender of the people
453. Xavier - New house
454. Yago - Supplanter
455. Ysidro - Gift of Isis
456. Yves - Archer
457. Zacarias - Remembered by God
458. Zenon - Gift of Zeus
459. Zafir - This name means victorious

This post first appeared on Small Baby Names, please read the originial post: here

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450+ Filipino baby boy names a to z with meanings
