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Hi friends!!! Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!!! I just took a quiz asking, “How many gold medals has the United States won in the history of the Olympics?” Like an… Read More
Our middle son is finishing up his last year of medical school. Anyone in medical school has to go through rotations of all of the different specialties in medicine. So even if you know for… Read More
This is the year for Ixora in my neighborhood. Ixora is a shrub (also known as West Indian Jasmine) that has the brightest orange flowers that you ever wanted to see. (Do you remember &l… Read More
My friend and I were having an interesting conversation yesterday about what feels like “home.” My friend is a recent transplant to her town in Florida and while she loves it, s… Read More
Hi Friends! Welcome to Friday! What’s not to love about Friday? On Fridays, I focus on the nitty gritty fun stuff. On Fridays, I discuss some of my favorite things and I am forever hop… Read More
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to tr… Read More
So, I have to take Trip to the vet today for his rabies shot. Trip is our Boykin Spaniel. Trip is the result of my Pandemic Panic/Sadness. “Oh, this is so sad! We need happiness!… Read More
The question is, “What to write about when the world seems like it is a mess?” I started writing this daily blog in 2018. I have written this blog, almost every single day, livin… Read More
+ “If a thousand old beliefs were ruined in our march to truth, we must still march on.” – Stopford Brooke I once watched a documentary where an Egyptologist/archaeolog… Read More
Foraging Friday
Hello friends and readers!! Happy Friday!! I hope that everyone is doing alright in this heat. I spoke to my aunt in Pennsylvania yesterday and she said that the temperatures have been h… Read More
“If you are stressed out, maybe it’s because your mind is overcrowded with other people’s thoughts and activities. If this is the case, go on a “media fast&rdquo… Read More
I was flipping through my emails this morning, and I came across writer/podcaster Kelly Corrigan’s quick summary of her conversation with Aliza Pressman, who is an author and a counsel… Read More
“Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.” – Edith Wharton… Read More
New Start Friday
Credit: Refinery29 Hi, friends and readers!!! I’m back. I’ve missed you, and writing the Adulting-Second Half blog, so, so much. But I just came back from a wonderful trip to… Read More
Is there anything more precious than your happiest memories? Don’t take the bad memories out. Leave them in the dusty corners of your mind. Open the treasure box that exists in you… Read More
Funky Friday
credit: Sandy Costa, Pinterest Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! On Fridays on the blog, I’m all about the stuff in life – the literal “stuff” th… Read More
Boundaries 101
Boundaries got brought up in a recent discussion with friends. “Boundaries” is a hot word/hot topic these days, but there is often a lot of confusion around what boundaries a… Read More
I saw this poem the other day and I had the idea to keep it until Sunday (poetry day on the blog), but I feel like writing about this today. So I will. As I have entered into my fifties, I a… Read More
We saw this beautiful rainbow in our backyard yesterday. It was a welcome sight after a tough afternoon of attending a Celebration of Life, for a 54-year-old woman who had recently died of c… Read More
Violet Hues Of Friday
Good morning. Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! On Fridays, I stick with the sensual stuff and I try to put my usual overthinking brain to the side. On Fridays, I list a favori… Read More
I saw this beautiful passage the other day. It’s all over the internet but unfortunately, I do not know whom to attribute it to – maybe the artist/writer did that on purpose???… Read More
I’m going to a Celebration of Life on Friday, celebrating the life of the mother of a good friend of my daughter. My daughter’s friend and his sister played on the high school te… Read More
+ Yesterday I had a dentist appointment, I had dinner plans with a friend, dry cleaning to pick up, I had things to put away from the weekend, and I had groceries to get in for the week. Y… Read More
Happy Pride Month
Happy Pride Month to all of my LGBTQAI+ readers!! You are loved and you have come a long way, baby. My kids are shocked when we tell them what it was like in the 80s/90s, where many of… Read More
Vintage Friday
Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! On Fridays, I discuss the tactile stuff that is fun to eat or to drink or to smell, or to hear, or to read, or to wear, or to touch, or to pla… Read More
One of my loyal, longtime readers, Kelly (thank you, Kelly!!!) added a comment on yesterday’s post that really spoke to me. In case that you missed it, she said that she was once advis… Read More
Months ago, I tripped on the sidewalk and my cell phone went flying through the air, and landed hard, real hard, on the pavement. When I picked it up, I was relieved to see that the screen w… Read More
I’m sorry for the late post today. I got caught up reading all about the approximately 68 American heroes, World War II veterans, who travelled to Normandy, France this week ahead of… Read More
Nothing is more lush than the beginning of summer. The start of summer is full of sun, and colors in their most full and vibrant varieties, and long, lingering, “hesitant to go to slee… Read More
Crabby Friday
Picture credit: Meme Droid (My right ear is still all clogged up and muffled. I am annoyed to the point that I am seriously considering holding a crab up to my ear and hoping for the bes… Read More
****I’ll start by saying that recently, a “Help Me Write” by Google feature, has popped up when I am writing my blog, whenever I take a moment to think, or if I go back to… Read More
One day at a time . . . . I love ODAT. It’s really the only way to go with anything: problems, goals, trips, projects, habits, healing, seasons. “Just for today, I will . . … Read More
We’ve unofficially entered through the glorious gateway to another summer of our lives. I know that summer technically starts later in June, but from a calendar/nostalgia sense, we wa… Read More
Memorial Monday
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to any of you reading this who have lost loved ones and comrades in service to our country and to our value of freedom. We are indebted to you. May yo… Read More
I was reminded recently of an excellent, clarifying question to ask yourself about a situation that you feel muddled and conflicted about. It is a question that will help you to get really… Read More
Fairly Friday
Hi! Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! On Fridays on the blog, I discuss the stuff that makes my practical life more fun and magical. I call it “Favorite Things Friday… Read More
I just read an article about “emotional quitting.” This is usually the major predecessor to any kind of official quitting, whether it be a job, or a relationship, or a hobby, a… Read More
In my morning readings today, two ideas really stuck out for me. The first idea is about “embracing the contradictions.” It is quite possible to feel opposite feelings about the… Read More
Hi readers and friends. Judging from concerned texts which I have been receiving from some of my inner circle who are also Adulting-Second Half faithfuls, I felt the need to come to let you… Read More
The Most Beautiful Skies
Credit: Louise McIntosh Artist, X – photo taken in Ireland last night Oh wow! So many lucky people got a beautiful light show from space last night. There were many people posting… Read More
Read, It’s Friday
credit: Pinterest Good morning! Welcome to the best day of the week. On my favorite day of the week, I discuss the favorite things, websites, experiences, etc. that make life so interest… Read More
We are going to be visiting with relatives in England later this summer, when we go to visit with our daughter, who will be studying there. I asked if there was anything that we should bring… Read More
I have an extroverted weekend coming up that I am already starting to dread. People often don’t believe me when I say that I am an introvert. I present like an extrovert when I am… Read More
Closed Doors
I read this prayer the other day. It really is beautiful: Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness If I have harmed anyone in any way either knowingly or unknowinglythrough my own confusions I… Read More
The 4th
My friend shared this beautiful writing by Cody Bret (see below). It is such a good reminder to not take things personally and to just to be your true authentic self. Always, always fo… Read More
Friday’s Stacked Up
Credit: Good morning! Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! On Fridays, I keep things light and syrupy. On Fridays, I discuss things that make life, the art w… Read More
In Service
My friend works for a women’s shelter and they were just honored to received a service dog for the shelter. As a dog lover (we currently have three dogs), I looked up what constitutes… Read More
Yesterday, my husband read my blog (as he faithfully does every day – thank you, love) and he texted that he saw the idea of both me and my daughter’s friend’s mom, giving… Read More
credit: posted by Joseph Fasano on X This one got to me. ^^^^ I guess it always comes down to being the light that we wish to see in the world. I’ve also read that it is interes… Read More
Who Loves Friday?
I love owls, don’t you? Owls are definitely one of my all-time favorites. We have a noisy one who lives nearby, and hearing “our owl” always makes me happy. Happy Fr… Read More
Recently I watched an inspiring video of the tennis great, Novak Djokovic being interviewed about the secret to his success. He said this: “If you lose your focus, if you know . . … Read More
I read about a good technique yesterday attributed to a writer and psychotherapist named Deb Dana. She says that the opposite of our “triggers”, are our “glimmers”, a… Read More
Happy Passover to my Jewish friends and readers! + I watched an Oprah special recently where she mentioned that an expert told her that when we enter the empty nest, we go from the role… Read More
Hi friends. I missed you. I just got back home from my trip after midnight last night. My husband and I were travelling all through Belgium, which is six hours ahead of us on the East coast… Read More
Stream of thought: For some strange reason, my childhood mailman came to mind this morning. (that’s sort of an oxymoron, “mailman- maleman”) His name was Joe and despit… Read More
Bad Ideas
Do you remember these shoes? They were called “jellies.” They were the best blister creators you could ever imagine wearing. Sometimes even the worst of ideas start taking on a l… Read More
Friday’s Tea
*****Happy Birthday, Big Red!! You were the one who made us want to keep on going!! You are one of the most self-actualized people I have ever known. I love you.***** My friend rec… Read More
The Part That Isn’t Shown
****Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!! There is no one else I would rather share these amazing memories with, and future incredible adventures with, than you!! You are my greatest gi… Read More
It Gets Weird
Sometimes you see something that describes yourself and you think, “Wow, spot on. I never saw it so succinctly written, but this is it. This is me.” I almost feel exposed, but… Read More
This is all that I have today, friends. It’s been a morning of disruptions and changed plans, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is the sundae. Wishing you a wonderful… Read More
Stick With The Good Friday
Happy Good Friday! Fridays are all good, but Good Friday is the “goodest” of all. The above picture is a sticker that you can purchase from Zazzle. I LOVE that stickers are ma… Read More
Your Most Precious Art
I purchased these little cardboard signs from a boutique the other day. I didn’t have a lot of time to spare and there were hundreds of them, but I pulled out a few and bought them, a… Read More
Rose Of Jericho
These are just a small collection of orchids that we keep on top of our “tranquility pond.” I bought many of them on impulse, during grocery store specials. After their blooms… Read More
Blip Or More?
I read a really good tip offered up by the author and psychologist, Ramani Durvasula. She said that when she was in graduate school for psychology, they learned a really good tip for figuri… Read More
The Cord
****Happy Birthday, A! I love you with all of my heart. I’m so proud of you. When you have children, you want to pour everything that you have into them – your love, you… Read More
Favorite Color Friday
Credit: EmilyMichaelDesigns, Etsy Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! Happy “Chasing the Sunshine Springtime!!” On Fridays, I don’t discuss anything pa… Read More
Feathering The Nest
Friends, this time of year always gets a little bit difficult for me. On the late evening of Easter in 2016, I made one of the most difficult decisions that I have ever made in my entire li… Read More
The last three weeks or so, I have been completely off of my normal, regular routine schedule. I’ve had a marvelous, fun and productive time, but I’m feeling pretty fried… Read More
Sorbet Friday
Happy Friday!!! On the blog on Fridays, I get out of my overthinking mind and I discuss the tactile stuff in life which makes it more fun to be alive. Today’s favorite is for you… Read More
 “All things in this world, including ourselves, are aggregate sums of atoms, which are made up of rotating electrons. The ultimate history of mankind is moving toward a happy end… Read More
A couple of weeks ago my husband and I took a ride in a helicopter, over a large mountain range. I had never taken a long ride in a helicopter, so I was admittedly a little bit apprehensive… Read More
That’s What They Said
+ I’m not a huge fan of the royals and I try to keep my gossiping in check, but I find myself going down this “Kate Middleton rabbit hole”, like so many others. Where is… Read More
+ We just dropped our eldest son and his girlfriend at the airport after a lovely visit with them. That’s something you never quite get used to with your children, from the moment th… Read More
Feminine Friday
Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! On Fridays on the blog, I discuss the stuff that makes life fun. I don’t go deep on thoughts, just steep on stuff. Today’s favor… Read More
Overlooked Superstars
“It happens all the time. Superstars get overlooked. The passersby rush past the musical genius playing on the sidewalk. The future bestseller sits at the bottom of a slush pile. Groun… Read More
Yes, It’s This Weekend
Credit: @woofknight, X I just read the unfortunate news that we lose an hour of sleep this weekend. This is always the time of year in which I could use an extra hour of sleep, not… Read More
My Girls
I saw this posted this morning and I know that it is the truth. That’s why I think I keep my circles small. I “catch” other people’s energy really easily, and I… Read More
The Boss
RIP – Iris Apfel (We lost a good one yesterday. What a strong inspiration to live your life fully, up until it is the time to pass on, at the ripe old age of 102 . . . . ) A fashion… Read More
“Good morning. Tonight kicks off the Global Day of Unplugging, an annual event that encourages people to put down their screens and take part in real-life gatherings or a “m… Read More
Hi. Happy last day of February! Even with the special bonus day, February seemed to cruise along a lot faster than January did, right?? We are one sixth of the way through 2024. How is i… Read More
I’m sitting here in a hotel room, in a hotel that was born in the same year as my eldest son. So this is a 28-year-old hotel room. Its current “look” seems to be a whims… Read More
That’s Why
I have writer’s block. I’m tired. I let a lot of last minute chores go to the last minute and now I’m scrambling. All of the sudden, I’m not so tired, b… Read More
Wellness Friday
credit: @BethFratesMD Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! On Fridays, I discuss the stuff of life that makes it fun to live. Today’s favorite is for those of you out… Read More
I’m Lighthearted Today
Credit: @woofknight, X I’m sorry. I know this one is a little profane, but I just can’t stop giggling about it. Plus “b*tchbag” is a new one for me. And it… Read More
 “All is temporary. Any effort to acquire or cling to things will be tempered by this wisdom. Accept the fleeting nature of ownership and make room for happiness with the things… Read More
Kep And Collies
Credit: V&A These are drawings that Beatrix Potter (author of Peter Rabbit and other beloved children’s classic books) made of her dog, Kep. Kep was a rough collie which is th… Read More
Sweet, Sweet Friday
Credit: @contradiction70, X Happy Friday!! Happy National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend!! (it’s a real thing – look it up) Happy Favorite Things Friday!! On Fridays, I try… Read More
“A life-changing thought exercise: If you were the main character of a TV show, what would you be rooting – screaming at the screen – for them to do next?” (@alicell… Read More
I just read a story about the second oldest woman in the world. She is 116. She was born when Theodore Roosevelt was president. Lately I’ve been thinking about the fact that if we… Read More
Dragon It, It’s Friday
Good morning! Happy Friday!! Happy Year of the Dragon!! Today is a New Moon. Today is one of the first new moons of the new year. New Moons are a great time to think about what you… Read More
The Clump Effect
In my life (and in observing the lives of others), I have often noticed what I consider to be “the clump effect”. In any given calendar year, notable events, particularly happy… Read More
Did You Notice?
My daughter just texted me, “Are you okay? You’re being weird in the family chat” I answered, “Yes! What do you mean?” Her answer: “Okay good! You&r… Read More
Friday Again
Happy Friday!! Happy Early Spring Prediction!! Thank you, Punxsutawney Phil!! Welcome to the day on the blog devoted to “stuff”! On Favorite Things Friday, I share my favorit… Read More
I’m sorry that I have been delayed with my post this morning. I’ve been constantly interrupted by my own distractions. Ironically, I was incredibly excited to have a totally un… Read More
“Learning about it reminded me of my regular talking point — a sad irony of our world — that the people who fight the most are always the most similar. The Israelis and Pal… Read More
Late Start
I’ve been distracted this morning. My daughter brought home some friends from college for a local annual festival we have here in town. My husband was going to town on making eggs an… Read More
All Around Friday
Good morning!! Happy Friday!!! Happy Best Day of the Week!!! I saw this posted on X and I decided that our dogs, Ralph, Josie and Trip will definitely want to send a snail mail Valenti… Read More
“People may call what happens at midlife “a crisis”, but it’s not. It’s an unravelling- a time when you feel a desperate pull to live the life you want to live… Read More
“We don’t believe what we see. We see what we believe.” – Kelly Corrigan, a takeaway from her discussion with Mónica Guzmá… Read More

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Adulting - Second Half
