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How To Get A free Tap List Widget For Your Website And Facebook Page

How To Get A Free Tap List Widget For Your Website And Facebook Page

Keeping your customers informed is a must. Your tap list is an important marketing piece that when properly promoted will bring in current and new patrons. As part of our Taplister suite of marketing tools a tap list widget has been available for quite some time to our case and keg level customers. We decided to create a scale downed version of our flexible and advanced tap list for free. If you are a current Growler customer this feature will be automatically upgraded to you at no cost. For customers that use our free six pack service you can upgrade to the six pack plus tap list for free.

All you have to do is add your beers on tap and keep them active. The basic tap list widget example is above. We provide you a simple piece of code that you can add to your website or Facebook page. To upgrade make sure your tap list is up to date and email [email protected] and mention you want to upgrade to get the free tap list widget.

The basic tap widget displays your live up to date tap list. If you click in the upper right hand corner on the Taplister logo it will take the user directly to your live updated tap list on

The Fields displayed include:

Beer name (with link back to the beer’s page on Taplister with detailed information)



Beer Style



Ratebeer score (with link to the page for the beer)

Need more features on your tap list widget like logos, bottles, adding or removing fields, changing colors and additional customization? Then upgrade to our case or keg plan. We also create custom designed widgets for you to easily plug in to your website! Feel free to contact [email protected] for additional questions.

The original post is titled How To Get A free Tap List Widget For Your Website And Facebook Page , and it came from Taplister- Claim Your Digital Beer Board .

This post first appeared on Business Blog | Taplister- Claim Your Digital Beer, please read the originial post: here

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How To Get A free Tap List Widget For Your Website And Facebook Page
