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Over the last 10 months I have learned a lot about myself and our relationship, Kim and I have been together for over 10 years which is crazy and before Iris life is more simple. You want to go on holiday, you research, book it and go. ( we sometimes just booked flights and found accommodation when we got there.  You want to go away for the weekend, you just go. You can go out for dinner when ever you want on a whim. Since Iris came along she put a huge strain on our relationship and we never thought it should be so hard. It does not matter how many people tell you that you will NEVER understand it until you have one. Sleeping 3 / 4 hours a night for a week, everyone being sick for a month because you keep passing it around. ( I hardly get sick). Then to top it off you need to make sure you have everything you need to go out because you never know what might happen. Now that she is crawling non stop and standing when ever she can, I know it won't be long until she walks and it will be the next step in her life. It makes me tear up to think how amazing she is and i love being with her everyday. 

Thanks for reading.
Kind E-gards

This post first appeared on Dale's Blog, please read the originial post: here