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Cathay Pacific , Business Class – Sydney To Hong Kong

Cathay Pacific , Business Class – Sydney To Hong Kong

Just a quick post on my flight to Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific.

Cathay does not have a lounge at Sydney airport, however, guests are directed to the Qantas Busines Lounge, the lounge is OK at best and not up to the standard of what Qantas has in its lounges overseas. I arrived with not much time so only spent a small amount of time in the lounge before boarding.

This flight is operated by an Airbus A330 that has a reverse herringbone seating with every seat having direct aisle access. The seat is very comfortable both when upright and when made into a fully flat bed. A proper pillow and blanket are provided when you want to sleep. If you are taller the narrow bit where your feet go is a bit tight but nothing that would affect your sleep or comfort.

Food is served from carts and at set times rather than dine on demand. The quality of the food is good while not amazing it’s still satisfying; accompanied with a selection of wines and assorted beverages.

After landing I headed off to the Cathay Pacific Arrivals Longe before jumping to the train to town.

The service on this and my return flight was excellent, the crew all seem happy and service the service is efficient. Combined with a comfy seat made for a great flight experience.


Beside the seat is a small compartment that the headphones are stored in

Controlls for the seat , remote , powerpoint & small reading light

Seat converted into bed

Amenity kit containing toothbrush, toothpaste , mouthwash , socks , eye cover and selection of Jurlique creams

Breakfast is served not long after take off



Pre-lunch snack


Cheese & crackers with fruit

Dessert & coffee

Cathay Pacific has four flights a day from Sydney to Hong Kong

This post first appeared on Up For A Feed - Sydney Food Blog - Restaurant Revi, please read the originial post: here

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Cathay Pacific , Business Class – Sydney To Hong Kong
