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How to Make a Kebab at Home – Beef, Chicken, And Doner


Are you thinking of surprising your partner by cooking some delicious dish? Well, cooking kebab will be one of the most unique ways to surprise your partner. 

But now the question is – How to make a kebab at home?

Well there are different types of kebabs. So first you will have to understand which type of kebab is your partner’s favorite. 

Now, whatever kebab is your partner’s favorite you won’t have to worry. Here are detailed step-by-step instructions for making chicken, beef, and doner kebab at home.

How to Make Chicken Kebab at Home

First, let’s start the process of cooking chicken kebab at home.


  • Chicken breast: 500g 
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • Garlic powder: 1 tbsp 
  • Paprika: 1 tbsp 
  • Olive oil: 2 tbsp 
  • Cumin: 1 tbsp 
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Skewers

Cooking Procedure

  1. Soak the skewers in water for at least 30 minutes before grilling to prevent them from burning.
  2. Now get a bowl and combine the olive oil, garlic powder, lemon juice, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper.
  3. Next, add the chicken cubes to the marinade and mix well. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least an hour or up to overnight to allow the flavors to infuse into the chicken.
  4. Arrange the cubes of the chicken onto the skewers with a small gap between each piece.
  5. After that, preheat your grill or grill pan to medium-high heat. Grill the chicken skewers for around 10 minutes. Make sure to turn them accordingly until the chicken is cooked ideally. 
  6. Remove from the grill and let the chicken kebab rest for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy!

How to Make Beef Kebab at Home?

It’s time to learn the recipe for the beef kebab.


  • Beef sirloin: 500g 
  • Red wine vinegar: 1 tbsp
  • Garlic powder 1 tbsp 
  • Olive oil: 2 tbsp 
  • Paprika: 1 tbsp 
  • onion powder 1 tbsp 
  • Cumin: 1 tbsp 
  • Skewers
  • Salt and black pepper


  1. First, you’ll have to soak the skewers in water for around 30 minutes before grilling. It’ll prevent them from burning.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the olive oil, vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper.
  3. After that take the beef cubes and add them to the marinade and mix well. Then covet it and after covering the bowl, place it in the refrigerator for a minimum of one hour.
  4. Next, thread the beef cubes onto the skewers, leaving a little space between each piece.
  5. Then, get you grill pan and preheat it to medium-high heat. Grill the beef skewers for 10-12 minutes. Remember to turn occasionally until the beef is cooked through.
  6. Finally. remove it from the grill and let the beef kebab rest for a few minutes before serving. 

How to Make Doner Kebab at Home?

Now you’ll learn about the diner kebab recipe.


  • 500g ground lamb or beef
  • 1 onion, grated
  • Cumin: 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic powder: 1 tablespoon
  • Paprika: 1 tablespoon
  • Salt and black pepper 
  • Salad (lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber)
  • Pita bread
  • Tzatziki sauce (yogurt, garlic, cucumber, lemon juice, salt, and pepper)


  1. Get a mixing bowl and combine the ground meat, grated onion, garlic powder, cumin,  paprika, salt, and pepper. 
  2. Next, transfer the meat mixture to a food processor and pulse until it turns into a smooth paste.
  3. Now, preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a loaf pan with parchment paper.
  4. Spread the meat paste evenly into the prepared loaf pan. Press it down properly with a spatula or your hands.
  5. Bake the meat for 1 hour or until cooked through. Let it cool for a few minutes.

Tips for cooking kebab at home

  1. Use lean meat: Kebabs are usually made with lean cuts of meat, such as chicken breast or beef sirloin, to ensure they cook evenly and don’t become too greasy.
  2. Marinate the meat: Marinating the meat for at least an hour, or overnight if possible, can help infuse the meat with flavor and make it more tender.
  3. Preheat the grill or grill pan: Preheating the grill or grill pan to medium-high heat before adding the kebabs can ensure they cook evenly and develop a nice char on the outside.
  4. Leave space between the meat pieces: Leaving a little space between the meat pieces on the skewer can help them cook more evenly and prevent them from sticking together.
  5. Let the kebabs rest: Letting the kebabs rest for a few minutes after cooking can help the juices redistribute and make them more tender.
  6. Serve with sides and sauces: Kebabs are often served with salad, pita bread, and different types of sauces, such as tzatziki or hummus, for dipping and added flavor.

So that’s it! But now, if you’re not interested in cooking here is another option for you. You can try ordering from Hills Kebabs because they are so far one of the best kebab restaurants.

The post How to Make a Kebab at Home – Beef, Chicken, And Doner appeared first on Hillskebabs.

This post first appeared on Pizza In Bella Vista, please read the originial post: here

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How to Make a Kebab at Home – Beef, Chicken, And Doner
