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Sweet Corn Pasta and Garlic Bread Recipe | Kids Combo #7


Pasta Italian in origin and Americas most celebrated food, definitely brings in huge smiles on the faces of Indian kids too. Oh Pasta …no…the Maida myth ogre tries to grab the joy from kids. Is pasta that bad?? Think of pasta as a plain canvas on which you can splash nutrient- dense, fiber-rich foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese, and legumes, and create a beautiful wholesome weekend happy meal for your family. The market is loaded with pasta of different kinds…Whole grain, millet, multigrain, semolina, wheat …choice is yours. A versatile energy –booster, it’s easy to sneak in vegetables, coated with homemade tomato sauce. This takes care of excess sodium, additives, and added sugar that may creep in.

Foodialogues brings to you a colourful kid’s weekend combo … Homemade garlic bread and whole wheat Sweet corn pasta. An energy-loaded meal well complemented by protein and fiber.


Ingredients for Garlic Bread:

  • Sourdough Slices
  • Herbed Butter
  • Grated Cheese
  • Garlic Bread Seasoning

Preparation Method for Garlic Bread:

  • Spread a little butter on the bread slice. Sprinkle the garlic bread seasoning and top it with cheese.
  • Bake at 180 degrees centigrade till the cheese melts.
  • For adults you can add a sprinkle of finely chopped green chilly for the spice and bite.

NOTE: For best results for the bread to be moist yet crisp baste the slice with some water before baking.


Ingredients for Sweet Corn Pasta:

  • Pasta 1 C
  • Sweet Corn ½ C
  • Tomato Puree ¼ C
  • Pasta Seasoning 1 Tbsp.
  • Finely Chopped Garlic 1 Tsp
  • Herbed Butter 2 Tbsp.

Preparation Method for Sweet Corn Pasta:

  • Wash and add the pasta and sweet corn in a pressure cooker with a pinch of salt and a drop of oil.
  • Add water till the contents submerge.
  • Pressure cook for 3 whistles.
  • Open the lid under water and drain the pasta.
  • Heat butter in a heavy-bottomed pan. Add garlic and fry till brown. Add the tomato puree with a pinch of salt and the seasoning. Fry the paste till raw smell disappears. Add the pasta and mix well. Allow all ingredients to combine and cook well.
  • Remove from flame. Drizzle some tomato ketchup and sprinkle some more seasoning. Serve warm.

NOTE: Salt added is very minimal because little of salt is added at various stages. Ketchup also contains a lot
of salt and so does the herbed butter.

The post Sweet Corn Pasta and Garlic Bread Recipe | Kids Combo #7 appeared first on Foodialogues Blog & Vlog | Indian Vegetarian Food Recipes.

This post first appeared on 5 Easy, Quick And Delicious Indian Vegetarian Food Recipes That You Need To Know, please read the originial post: here

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Sweet Corn Pasta and Garlic Bread Recipe | Kids Combo #7
