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Smart Guide to the Different Types of Espresso Drinks

If you’re a coffee lover, you know all too well the plethora of Drink options that the world of Espresso can offer. Let’s be real—whoever said, “It’s just coffee,” has never stepped foot inside a coffee shop. But before you head to the closest java joint just to find yourself facing a vast menu you don’t understand, let’s walk through some of the various espresso drinks that you can find. So pour yourself a cup of espresso, pull up a chair, and let’s dive in to the wonderfully complex and delicious world of espresso-based drinks.

Quick Summary of Key Question

There are many types of espresso drinks available, including cappuccinos, macchiatos, lattes, Americanos, and mochas. Espresso can also be used as an ingredient in specialty beverages like frappuccinos.

Types of Espresso Drinks

Espresso drinks can vary in their ingredients, and come with a range of different flavor profiles. The main categories of espresso drinks are: cappuccino, café latte, macchiato, ristretto, americano, and mocha.

Cappuccino: A cappuccino is made with a double shot of espresso combined with steamed milk and finished off with foam. It usually has the same ratio of one part espresso to one part steamed milk, topped with a layer of foam.

Café Latte: A café latte is made with a single shot of espresso and steamed milk served in a larger portion than a cappuccino. This drink typically contains around 1/3 espresso to 2/3 steamed milk with some foam on top.

Macchiato: A macchiato is an espresso-based beverage made from one shot of espresso and a small amount of textured milk. It presents itself as a more intense coffee experience that’s highlighted by the caramelized surface created by the textured milk.

Ristretto: A ristretto is similar to an espresso, but made using only half the amount of water. This makes the flavor stronger than a traditional espresso and more concentrated overall.

Americano: An americano is made by diluting an espresso with hot water, also known as “long black” in some parts of the world. It’s traditionally served in standard coffee sizes (smaller than an espresso) and thus appears like traditional American black coffee because it’s relatively light compared to other espresso drinks such as lattes or cappuccinos.

Mocha: A mocha is typically comprised of two parts espresso, one part steamed whole milk or cream and one part chocolate syrup or cocoa powder – all served in a tall glass, mug or cup. Additionally, it can be topped off with whipped cream and sprinkles for further presentation effect.

Overall, when comparing these types of espresso drinks to each other, there’s no single definitive answer as to which is better since everyone’s tastes are different and everyone will have their preferred type of drink. Additionally, each drink carries its own benefits, such as being low in calories (espresso shots) or delivering more intense flavors (risrettos). With that said, making informed decisions about what type of drink you would like can help you enjoy your cup of joe to its fullest potential!

Now that we have examined the different types of espresso drinks available on the market today, let’s explore another popular type—the caffe Americano—in the next section.

Top Summary Points

Espresso drinks come in different varieties, each offering their own unique flavor profile. These include cappuccino, café latte, macchiato, ristretto, americano, and mocha. Each drink can vary in its ingredients and will provide distinct benefits. Additionally, each variety of drink carries its own intensity level and preference. In the end, understanding these types of espresso drinks and assessing individual taste preference can assist someone in enjoying their cup of joe more fully!

Caffe Americano

Caffe Americano is a single shot of espresso added to water, typically served in a 6 oz. cup. Many connoisseurs of the beverage laud it for its strong coffee flavor and relatively low cost. This makes it an affordable and tasty way to get your caffeine fix. There are also those that say that it lacks the boldness associated with some other espresso drinks like a macchiato or a cappuccino.

When it comes to preparing Caffe Americano at home, some disagree on what the best brewing method is. Some baristas prefer to brew each ingredient separately and then combine them, allowing for an even flavor profile throughout the drink. Others opt for simply adding a shot of espresso directly into hot water before serving. Some debate that there is no clear-cut answer on which method works best and it can come down to personal preference.

No matter the brewing style, Caffe Americano is sure to give you a robust boost of caffeine any time of day. With its simple ingredients, minimal preparation steps and special flair, this espresso drink is sure to please time and time again.

Moving forward, let’s delve further into the delicious world of espresso drinks with a discussion about Caffe Latte.

  • A survey by National Coffee Association USA found that cappuccino is the most popular type of espresso drink at 28% of respondents ordering them.
  • Around 18% of respondents said that they ordered latte, making it the second most popular type of espresso drink.
  • According to a survey in UK conducted in 2018, 13% of people requested an Americano as their espresso drink.

Caffe Latte

A caffe latte, often simply referred to as a “latte”, is an espresso-based drink that is prepared with steamed milk and topped off with microfoam. The ratio of coffee to steamed milk can be anywhere from 1:1 to 1:3. There are dozens of specialty variations on the beverage, including flavored syrups and various types of dairy options.

Lattes can be served hot or cold, depending on the customer’s preference. Lattes typically have a milder flavor compared to other espresso-based drinks due to their higher proportion of steamed milk. The microfoam gives the latte its signature texture and creamy sweetness.

Debates about lattes typically center around the quality and texture of the foam on top. Some prefer a heavy foam while others prefer less. Others argue that the latte should contain more espresso for a stronger coffee flavor and that too much milk masks the flavor of the espresso.

No matter which side wins out in this debate, one thing remains true: Lattes are a popular choice among coffee drinkers and cafe visitors alike, making them an important part of any cafe or coffee shop menu.

Now let’s discuss another popular variant on espresso beverages – caffe mocha.

Caffe Mocha

Caffe Mocha is a type of espresso-based drink that combines the flavor of hot chocolate with espresso. The drink traditionally consists of a single or double shot of espresso, steamed milk, hot chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Other variations of Caffe Mocha can include flavored syrups, such as vanilla or almond, as well as spices, like cinnamon or nutmeg.

The debate around whether Caffe Mocha should be considered an espresso drink is still ongoing. Some coffee purists argue that since its primary ingredient is hot chocolate, it should not be classed as an espresso drink. On the other hand, others claim that even though the primary flavor comes from the hot chocolate, it still contains a strong enough shot of espresso to qualify as an espresso drink.

In conclusion, Caffe Mocha is definitely a unique hybrid between espresso and hot chocolate that can please both coffee and sweet tooth lovers alike. It is up to each individual to determine whether or not Caffe Mocha qualifies as an espresso drink.

Now let’s discuss another popular espresso-based beverage: Cappuccino.


After espresso, cappuccino is the next most popular Italian espresso drink. Cappuccino is essentially a mix of one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third frothed milk foam. Many believe that cappuccinos should not be flavored with syrup as it is treated more like an “espresso-style” coffee that should be appreciated for its core components and special texture. Others will argue that there are many delicious recipes out there and depending on how it’s brewed and served, flavorings such as syrups can actually enhance the flavor profile. Regardless of where you sit in terms of opinion on the syrup debate, cappuccinos have become heavily associated with their classic foamy cream layer made from steamed and frothed milk.

Most cafes will serve cappuccino either dry (less foam) or wet (more foam). Generally speaking, dryer versions have 2/3 espresso, 1/3 mostly liquid foam with no latte art involved while wetter versions tend to have thicker microfoam making them easier to decorate with latte art. Whichever way your preference lies – pick a style and enjoy!

Now let’s explore the variations of espresso drinks available.

Variations of Espresso Drinks

Espresso drinks are beloved for their bold and rich flavor, but even a seemingly simple beverage comes with variations. From subtle changes in the amount of espresso used to topping it off with a splash of cream, there are no shortage of options when it comes to customizing your espresso drink.

The most popular variation of an espresso drink is a cappuccino, which is created by combining equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. The frothy top layer creates a delightfully creamy texture while adding sweetness to the rich flavor of the espresso.

Latte drinks start with a double shot of espresso poured into a cup before being topped off with steamed milk. This creates a beverage that’s often less bitter than a cappuccino due to the higher ratio of milk. For those looking for additional sweetness, lattes can also be made with flavored syrup or added flavors such as vanilla or hazelnut exchange for traditional cream.

A mocha is essentially a combination of a latte and hot cocoa. A mocha starts with the same base as a regular latte, but is then topped off with chocolate powder and whipped cream for an extra sweet treat.

No matter which variation you go for, one aspect remains constant: all espresso drinks are made with concentrated shots of espresso and have an unmistakable bold taste that makes them perfect pick-me-ups!

Whatever type of espresso drink you choose to enjoy, many baristas will allow customers to customize and change ingredients such as cream or sugars according to their preferences. The possible variations are virtually endless!

Now that we have gone over the different types of variations available, let us dive further into the world of espresso drinks and learn more about Espresso Ristretto in the next section.

Espresso Ristretto

Espresso Ristretto is a popular variant of the espresso beverage that is becoming increasingly prevalent as coffee culture continues to evolve. In Italian, ristretto means “restricted” or “limited”. True to its namesake, the espresso ristretto features a much smaller yield than a conventional espresso shot. By using the same amount of ground coffee, but less water for extraction, the ristretto delivers an intense and concentrated flavor profile with a smoother mouthfeel.

On one hand, many baristas argue that this stronger concentration of coffee provides more value in fewer ounces as compared to other espresso drinks. The short extraction process also tends to reduce any potential bitterness in the cup, making it easy on the palate. On the other hand, some experts view the taste of classic espresso being lost when comparing it to a beverage made with double-shotted ristrettos.

The debate surrounding espresso ristretto is likely to remain ongoing despite the pros and cons posed by each side. Now let’s explore a slightly different version of brewed espresso – Lungo.

Espresso Lungo

Espresso Lungo is a popular Italian espresso drink made with twice the amount of water as a regular espresso shot. This results in a lower concentration of caffeine, but a taller and more intense cup of coffee. Many people think that Espresso Lungo tastes similar to American-style drip coffee. However, due to the increased strength of an espresso shot, it often has more complex flavors than your average filtered coffee.

Some people prefer to use Espresso Lungo as a substitute for their daily cup of morning joe, while others opt for less concentrated brews. Those who enjoy it appreciate its bold flavor and lower caffeine content compared to a traditional espresso, while those opposed may feel the drink lacks the complexity or caffeine content of espresso. There are arguments both for and against this drink, so depending on an individual’s preference each side can find valid arguments for why Espresso Lungo is either great or not when compared to alternatives.

Despite these debates surrounding this drink, many traditional Italian cafes offer it on their menu as a core part of their espresso portfolio. This indicates that even though opinions are divided, there is still a place for Espresso Lungo in the wider specialty coffee scene.

Next up we explore the intricacies of Espresso Doppio; an extremely potent iteration of espresso perfected by Italian baristas.

Espresso doppio

An espresso doppio is a double shot of espresso with twice the caffeine as a single shot. Because two shots make for a much stronger cup, an espresso doppio is ideal for an extra burst of energy when you need it most.

There is debate about whether or not an espresso doppio necessarily needs three times the quantity of coffee grounds in relation to the water. Some people argue that making a stronger drink requires adding more ground beans, while other baristas maintain that the same amount of coffee grounds can be used – one only needs to tamp it down quickly and press harder. Whatever method you choose, just remember that the intense flavour of an espresso doppio may give you quite a jolt if you are not prepared for it.

For those looking to add variety to their drinking repertoire, an espresso doppio can add something special. It can be enjoyed as is or blended into many different hot and cold drinks – a topic we will look at in the next section.

Next we will explore all the possibilities of combining espresso with added ingredients in order to make delicious and cool hot and cold drinks.

Hot and Cold Espresso Drinks

Hot and cold espresso drinks offer two distinct coffee experiences. Hot espresso has a robust, rich taste that is best for cold weather and winter afternoons when comfort is more important than cool refreshment. On the other hand, cold espresso drinks can bring a refreshing jolt to the hottest summer mornings.

The difference in temperature adds flavor and layers of complexity to your drink. Different brewing methods yield different results; for instance, a cold brew will have a deeper flavor profile than one made using hot water. Cold-brewed espresso even cuts out some of the bitterness associated with hot-brewed espresso shots due to its longer extraction time. If you’re looking for sweetness without syrups, try a pour-over method made with cold water.

Cold espresso drinks tend to be creamier than their hot counterparts because they start off with cold liquids such as condensed milk or ice cream. They often include added ingredients like flavored syrups or spices, which come through more prominently in the colder drink than they do in hot ones. That means the flavors of cold and sweet coffees often pop more — think vanilla latte iced, which won’t be nearly as flavorful if it were ordered hot.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to preference —hot or cold— as there are advantages and disadvantages to both types of espresso drinks. Hot espresso might not keep you cool on a humid summer day, but it is unbeatable on those dreary winter days. Cold espresso might feel too light on chilly days, but it will give you an extra perk during those steamy summer months.

Now that we’ve discussed hot and cold espresso drinks, let’s move on to frozen frappes —a new way of cooling down your classic cup of Joe!

Frozen Frappe

Frozen frappes are one of the most popular espresso drinks which people enjoy all over the world. This decadent dessert-like beverage is made with a double shot of espresso and frozen coffee cubes, which add sweetness and thickens the drink. Milk or cream can be added for extra richness and flavour. Frozen frappes can also be enhanced with syrups and blended with ice cream or yoghurt. The sweetness of a frozen frappe is often balanced by cocoa powder, toffee nuts, crushed cookie pieces and even mint flakes providing a unique taste sensation.

The debate about whether adding extra ingredients to create a flavoured frozen frappe creates an authentic espresso experience or not is ongoing. Some purists believe that only good quality espresso beans should be used to make a real Italian style espresso drink; whereas others think that adding additional ingredients can enhance the espresso flavour while creating a thicker and creamier consistency. Ultimately this comes down to personal preference and experimentation will help you find your own version of what makes an excellent frozen frappe.

Now, let’s move on to discussing how we can further enhance our frozen frappes with additional ingredients…

Additional Ingredients

When crafting espresso beverages, baristas often add additional ingredients for flavor and texture. The most common of these is sugar. Whether by using spoonfuls of granulated sugar or simple syrup, many people appreciate a touch of sweetness in the coffee-forward drinks. However, it is important to note that excessive sugary sweeteners can overpower the flavors of espresso. Those who favor healthier options often opt instead for naturally sweet add-ins such as honey and agave nectar.

In addition to sweeteners, other flavorful ingredients are also popular when it comes to espresso drinks. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and cocoa powder can be used to give a drink a delectable twist. Flavoring syrups like vanilla and almond are also becoming increasingly popular and offer those who would prefer a more subtle sweetness the perfect alternative.

Many debate whether these add-ins detract from the authentic espresso taste. While purists may insist their espresso remain unadulterated, others enjoy the creative possibilities additional ingredients offer for perfecting their preferred caffeinated beverage creation. With proper moderation and balanced use, any extra flavors should not overwhelm the espresso base.

Now that we have examined additional ingredients, let’s move on to explore milk and foam in our next section.

Milk and Foam

Milk and Foam are very important components of espresso drinks. Different types of milk can be used in various espresso-based beverages to create unique flavors. The type of milk and how it’s steamed come into play when making an excellent cup of espresso. There is an ongoing debate among baristas as to whether skimmed or full-fat milk is the best for frothing.

At a very basic level, skimmed milk produces a more velvety foam with excellent texture, whereas full-fat milk produces a less dense foam with more body and greater stability. Although full-fat milk may provide a higher yield, many baristas prefer the taste and texture that comes from using skimmed milk since there in fewer proteins and fats which can overwhelm the drink’s flavor. Additionally, skimmed milk has been known to better withstand higher levels of heat resulting in greater creaminess.

On the other hand, many coffee connoisseurs argue that the richness and flavor in whole dairy products makes all the difference when enjoying an espresso beverage. They claim that although you may lose some sippability with full-fat, the rich creaminess provides a fuller experience and can help enhance sweeter notes within the espresso shot itself.

Regardless of personal preference, it is undeniable that proper technique is paramount when frothing either type of milk to achieve your desired result. Herein lies the true challenge: making regardless of the choice in liquid, creating great tasting results in every cup.

Leading into the next section about Flavors: There are several exciting ways to add flavor to your espresso drinks beyond just choosing different types of milks; let’s explore this further!


When it comes to customizing an espresso drink, one of the most popular additions is flavor. Flavors not only make the drink tastier, they also offer a range of unique and exciting options that make each beverage unique.

Syrups are the most popular espresso flavorings. They can be added to espresso drinks both hot and cold, making them the ideal choice for adding sweetness without the use of sugar or other sweeteners. Furthermore, they’re typically made with natural ingredients to ensure that they are allergen-free and vegan friendly. Popular syrup flavors include vanilla, hazelnut and almond, but more recent varieties have included raspberry and rose, among others.

Coffee shops have become increasingly creative when incorporating flavor into their drinks. Common add-ons include spices like nutmeg and cinnamon, as well as flavored almond, coconut or soy milk for lattes. Even freshly grated ginger or lemongrass can add exciting new dimensions of primary flavors to an espresso-based beverage. Though these flavors tend to be experimental, they can also deliver a delectable kick to most drinks when used properly.

Some baristas may be skeptical about incorporating too many flavors into a single drink as it can create a conflicting medley of tastes with no clear winner on the palate. However, others argue that with careful balancing of each flavor component, an interesting and complex blend of tastes can be created in one cup — much like how different strands of music come together in harmony in a musical composition.

With so many potential flavor combinations out there, it’s easy to get lost in trying out new creations — which makes experimentation all the more fun! With this in mind, let’s move on to discuss the use of whip cream as another popular accompaniment to espresso beverages.

Whip Cream

When it comes to espresso drinks, whip cream is often seen as an optional but delicious topping. Whether on top of a cappuccino or the crowning glory of a white chocolate mocha, whipped cream can make a delectable addition to any espresso beverage. But not everyone is in agreement that whip cream should be added.

Proponents of adding whip cream argue that the sweet foam adds a much-needed element of sweetness and texture to hot or cold espresso drinks. Whipped cream can also be made at home any time of year using simple ingredients like sugar, heavy cream, and vanilla extract. Additionally, making whipped cream yourself can allow you to customize it with different flavors such as almond extract or even coffee grounds.

However, those opposed to adding whip cream contend that the extra calories and fat content contributes to unhealthy eating habits, especially when consumed with coffee beverages on a regular basis. Whip cream is high in calories and saturated fat; too much may result in weight gain or other health issues. Plus, some people simply do not like over-sweetened beverage toppings and instead prefer natural alternatives such as cocoa powder or cinnamon.

Ultimately, whether you choose to add whip cream atop your espresso drink is up to personal preference. Now let’s take a closer look at the popular espresso syrup flavors used for sweetening:


Syrup is an often overlooked development in espresso drinks. The uses of syrups in coffee-making are numerous and varied but do come with considerations for customer taste preferences and health implications.

For those looking for a sweeter or boldly flavored cup of java, syrup can be used to great affect as it helps to bring out desired flavor notes such as vanilla, caramel, chocolate, peppermint, almond and other creative flavorings. When used properly, syrups can also help to add moisture and body to coffees which some view as greatly beneficial. They may also be used to mask certain not so desirable flavors in the espresso itself.

However, despite the usefulness of syrups there are those who caution its overuse due to its high sugar content. People aiming for a healthier coffee option are advised to opt for less sugary espresso drinks (such as an Americano) or use without syrup altogether. In addition, when paired with particularly acidic coffee beans syrup can make a cup taste overbearingly sweet and sour. This should be avoided if aiming for a balanced cup of coffee.

When considering espresso recipes, it is important to consider whether a particular drink calls for the use of syrup and if that might satisfy the needs of your customers palettes. Leading into the next section means announcing: With this in mind, let’s take a look at some unique espresso recipes worth exploring.

Espresso Recipes

Espresso recipes refer to the combinations of ingredients used to make espresso-based drinks. A standard recipe includes freshly-ground espresso beans, heated water, and a small amount of steamed milk or cream. Recipes can also vary greatly depending on the type of drink being prepared. Common add-ins include various syrups, spices, or flavoring agents that are designed to create a more complex and flavorful cup of espresso.

There is debate over the proper way to prepare espresso drinks. Some insist that true connoisseurs should eschew flavored syrups and other add-ins in favor of the classic ingredients outlined above. They argue that this will ensure an authentic experience with full appreciation for the natural flavor of espresso. At the same time, others believe that using flavored syrups and other recipes can truly enhance a drink’s flavor profile and make it more enjoyable to customers.

No matter which approach one prefers, there are many options available when it comes to crafting delicious espresso recipes. Whether someone prefers an uncomplicated cup of pure espresso or something more complex with a unique twist, there is something for everyone when it comes to creating perfect espresso recipes.

With so many different recipes available, it can be difficult to know what strength an espresso drink should be brewed at. The next section dives into how strength plays a role in creating the perfect espresso drink.

Strength of Espresso Drink

When it comes to the strength of espresso drinks, there is a wide range of drinks available for both experienced and novice espresso drinkers. For the experienced espresso drinker, a strong and bold flavor can be achieved through shots of pure espresso or from ordering an espresso-based drink such as a cappuccino. With shots of pure espresso, the strength will depend on the type of beans used — some being more robust and contributing to greater intensity of flavor. Regardless, for those that prefer maximum strength, consider ordering multiple shots.

On the other hand, novice espresso drinkers may not enjoy a fully concentrated shot of pure espresso or would prefer to decrease the bitterness associated with high-intensity flavors. In this case, adding a simple syrup, cream or other diluting agents can help to mellow out the flavor and suit those newcomers just getting acquianted with the espresso experience. Additionally, ordering lighter-tasting cafes lattes can also reduce intensity while still providing a rich taste due to the amount of steamed milk often included in its preparation.

Overall, there are various options available to ensure each person can find their ideal cup of espresso regardless of how brief or bold they seek it to be. Therefore, it is important to be aware of different intensities and understand how varying levels may affect one’s preferences when it comes to enjoying their favorite espresso drinks.

Now that we have explored the different types and strengths of espresso drinks, let’s look at our conclusion and summary in the following section.

Conclusion and Summary

When it comes to coffee, espresso drinks offer the ultimate in robust flavor and jolt of energy. A wide variety of espresso-based beverages are available, each with its own character and flavor profile. From a comforting cup of cappuccino to a perfectly balanced Cortado, every coffee connoisseur will find something to appreciate.

Each espresso drink has its own distinct characteristics that set it apart from other offerings. Many feature different ratios of espresso to milk or even various syrups and spices like cinnamon or nutmeg. To put it simply, there is an espresso drink for everyone! It’s just a matter of exploring the options and finding out what works best for you.

Espresso is a delicious and stimulating beverage that can be enjoyed any time of day. Whether you’re looking for an afternoon pick-me-up or a post-dinner treat, there is something special about sipping on a warm shot of espresso. As long as the quality of the beans and preparation processes are consistent, espresso can consistently deliver a unique, pleasing experience every time.

Nevertheless, some people may argue that espresso drinks require too much effort or skill to prepare correctly. This may be true, as making consistently good espresso requires baristas to have significant knowledge and skill in regards to obtaining an even extraction from freshly ground beans as well as frothing milk correctly. However, for those who wish to do so at home, home espresso machines often come with easy to follow instructions and pre-programmed settings to take the guesswork out of preparing your favorite drink.

Overall, whatever your tastes may be when it comes to coffee drinks, there is sure to be an espresso drink to please almost anyone! With careful experimentation and exploration into the wide array of featured flavors available in this beverage category, you are sure to find something special that stands out among all other forms of coffee beverages!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is espresso necessary for any of the types of espresso drinks?

Yes, espresso is absolutely necessary for all types of espresso drinks. Espresso’s concentrated flavor and rich crema lend it to being the foundation of any type of espresso beverage, from a cappuccino to an affogato. Without the distinct espresso base, these drinks would not have their signature characteristics. Espresso also provides a strong burst of caffeine which is essential in providing a shot of energy to start your day.

What are the differences between each type of espresso drink?

The differences between the various types of espresso drinks lies primarily in the flavor and consistency. For starters, a straight shot of espresso is usually more concentrated than a macchiato or cappuccino. The macchiato serves up two ounces of espresso with a dollop of steamed milk, while the cappuccino contains three ounces of espresso and equal parts steamed milk and milk foam. An americano combines one part espresso to two parts hot water and results in a much lighter cup with less bitterness than a black espresso. Finally, cafe latte includes one part espresso and three parts steamed milk for a less intense but sweeter flavor.

What ingredients are used to make the different types of espresso drinks?

There are a variety of ingredients used to make different types of espresso drinks. The most common ingredient is espresso itself. This is created by forcing very hot water, often containing a shot of concentrated coffee extract, through tightly packed espresso grounds. Other ingredients may include steamed milk, syrups, flavored powders or oils, cream, and chocolate shavings. Dairy or non-dairy milks are also available for those who prefer a creamy twist. Various types of fats, such as coconut oil and butter can also be added to the mix in order to increase the richness of the beverage. Each type of espresso drink will have its own unique combination of these ingredients depending on the style and flavor desired.

The post Smart Guide to the Different Types of Espresso Drinks appeared first on Trouble Coffee.

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Smart Guide to the Different Types of Espresso Drinks


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