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Why We Succumb To Political, Business Religious Leaders Deceptions


Toronto Star’s columnist Bob Hepburn’s piece on March 23, “Why do political and business leaders treat us like idiots?” touched a nerve. I’ve been thinking about this topic for a few years, particularly after each election. Why do we vote for and keep incompetent, dishonest, arrogant, narcissistic leaders, and then get angry when they do what we expect them to do? Yes, Bob, they believe we are idiots because that’s how we behave.

Leaders Need To Do The Right Thing

Succumb To Political, Business Religious Leaders Deceptions

Bob mentions Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau regarding Trudeau’s behavior about Chinese interference in our elections. He didn’t mention Trudeau’s several ethics violations, including how he dealt with his former attorney general, and similar incidences. Not to be outdone is Ontario’s premier, Doug Ford, and ethics surrounding the greenbelt issue. Another on his list is federal conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre’s mismatched words and behavior about the trucker convoy protesters. Bob concludes by asking leaders to do the right thing and stop treating us like saps.

Leaders in every area of society — political, business, religious, sports — apply charisma, woo their followers, then do as they wish. We exalt, and like sheep, follow them. These leaders ensure we understand whomever doesn’t agree with their views is the enemy; even some religious folks adopt this approach. 

CEOs take more and more while throwing thousands out of work. Politicians listen to lobbyist who provide them benefits now or later. When conservative, liberals, or NDP come into power, they expose their false promises, leading to incompetence and money-driven greed. Several church leaders entered politics, disregarding their initial mission, and instead touted advantages of their party’s political agenda. 

Mega-Church Is An Oxymoron

We are in the mega-church age. But, isn’t a mega-church an oxymoron? Mega church leaders worship power, money, and fame, and amass wealth as their flocks grow. They want more planes, bigger cars, larger homes, and people finance their lavish lifestyles — often poor people. These charlatans teach the opposite to the Bible they espouse as authority. Jesus and his followers were poor, many uneducated. Jesus did not teach how to make millions or billions; he taught how to love one another. How to share what we have with the less fortunate. How to humble ourselves. And to “be on guard against all kinds of greed,” because our lives do not comprise the abundance of possessions.

A Harvard longitudinal study found “close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives.” I read this saying long ago: “have you ever seen a bucket load of wealth tied to a hearse en route to the cemetery?” Still, mega-churches and TV evangelists promote their outlandish lifestyles as desirable for their congregations.

Don’t Succumb To Unethical Leaders

Let’s hold our leaders accountable. Stop governments measuring progress by amounts they spend. That’s absurd and gives them a free pass to waste and to spend on them. Money is the result… the score. Spending efficacy is key. For instance, governments throw money at Canada’s health care system to fix it. But they don’t look at how the system uses those funds. Why do we have so many administrators in our hospitals? We should make the system more efficient and use less money with a greater focus on effectiveness. 

Why don’t leaders show ethical behavior? They know sometimes people recognize few alternatives exist and vote for the least terrible choice. That’s why being obnoxious, offensive, ignorant, a la Donald Trump gets a free pass. Especially because a few of these leaders’ messages tickle the followers’ ears. We should leave our leaders’ shadow, break away from their bubbles, and stop resenting those who don’t share their and our ideals. We must learn to disagree and not be disagreeable; this is crucial. But most of all, we should develop and follow our values and missions as guardrails. And reject leaders who try to lead us outside those guardrails as we practice loving our neighbors as ourselves.

This post first appeared on Authentic Stewardship Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Why We Succumb To Political, Business Religious Leaders Deceptions
