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Inflation Rising Interest Rates Volatile Markets New Norm


Inflation, rising interest rates, and volatile stock markets will be the new norm. Meantime, on January 25, Bank of Canada reprieved Canadians by deferring the first interest rate hike to March 2022, keeping the target for the overnight rate at 0.25%. Get ready for a series of rate increases: 

“Everybody should expect interest rates to be on a rising path … A path is not one move. A path is a number of steps.” Governor, Bank of Canada,  Tiff Macklem, January 25, 2022

Bank of Canada Overnight Rates 2000-2022

Unprecedented low rates fueled a debt binge by Canadians since 2008. Canada’s household debt to income ratio continued its steady rise up to the start of the pandemic, to about 177%, but declined in the early pandemic days. Then it surged after 2020 at about 8.6% yearly increase, the largest rise since the 90s.

Canadian Household Debt to Income 1990 to 2021

Meanwhile, Canada continues with the highest debt service ratio in G7 countries.

Not surprisingly, therefore, Canadians are feeling insecure about their finances. These data reported by MNP LTD, a division of the national accounting firm MNP LLP, confirm Canadians’ grim situation:

45% not confident they can cover living expenses this year

40% concerned about their current level of debt

27% confident in their ability to cope with unexpected events without increasing their debt burden

20% believe their current debt situation is worse than it was a year ago

Source: MNP Consumer Debt Index, was compiled by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD between December 1-7, 2021

Housing prices have been soaring making owning a home without a lifelong “debt-sentence” impossible for the average wage earning. Interestingly, new home prices climbed during the pandemic.

Canadian New Housing Price Index

Inflation is at a 30 year high, interest rates rising, and stock markets volatile. And the federal minority government will do anything to cling to power in the next eighteen months, including actions that exacerbate inflation and spook stock markets. Still, stock markets have been resilient over the past several years. For instance, the Dow has been soaring consistently for decades, with momentary pauses. The challenge we face is we can’t time the falls, and too many folks panic and exit without a plan. 

Dow Jones 10 Year Daily Chart – Source: MacroTrends.Net

Response to Interest Rates Hike Inflation Volatile Stock Markets

Don’t sell stocks because the market plummeted or hiked. You lose funds only when you sell below your cost; conversely,  you gain when you sell above your cost. Here are four reasons to sell your investments:

  1. You reached your preset goals: Despite what’s happening in the market, resist the temptation to stay and hope for ‘more.’
  2. Your investment goals change: If your goal changed, get out; don’t try to time the market, exit!
  3. Conditions you expected no longer exist: As in two, leave; conditions might worsen.
  4. You made a mistake, and you need invested funds: Invest only after separating savings for emergencies and asset replacements. It is never too late to correct this error.

Besides, if you are within five to seven years of retirement, you should not invest in bonds with maturities longer than seven years. Resist greed attacks, don’t follow the herd; instead, place funds where short-term market gyrations will not affect the principal. Sure, returns will be small; however, always remember the adage, “high risk, high return, low risk, low return.”

How might Canadians respond apart from investments? Unlike governments who spend irresponsibly with our tax dollars without real consequences, the public has few options. The primary response must adjust spending by tweaking lifestyle decisions; we must tame the debt monster with our choices.

A key lifestyle change needed is how we think about home ownership. We must remove the stigma from renting. It is fine to rent, especially today in Metropolitan areas like Ontario and British Columbia where prices are outrageous. Owning a home today in some Metropolitan areas can be a nightmare. You have your home but must curtail all activities and spend the next several years not only paying down your mortgage but servicing home ownership costs: insurance, taxes, upkeep, major repairs.

It’s ironic that society pushes home ownership, but when people pay off their mortgages, firms coerce them into reverse mortgages, a euphemism for using your home’s equity as an ATM. This can be seductive, but sometimes it is a bad idea.

As you await creeping interest rate increases, stress test your finances starting with this personal finances check up. 

© 2022 Michel A. Bell


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Build affordability in spending decisions

Affordability and Buying a Home

The post Inflation Rising Interest Rates Volatile Markets New Norm first appeared on Michel A Bell Stewardship Blog.

This post first appeared on Authentic Stewardship Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Inflation Rising Interest Rates Volatile Markets New Norm
