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Honestly, movie comebacks are usually the best comebacks. That might be because they've had a team of writers carefully writing and rewriting them for hours before they're filmed, but we're… Read More
In the era of CDs, millennials reign. As we trip down memory lane, here are 15 CDs that were the cornerstone of every millennial's music collection, the ones that provided the soundtrack to… Read More
Cinema has long been a source of heated debate, especially regarding films that tried too hard to be serious and ended up just seeming pretentious. With the arrival of streaming platforms, m… Read More
We've all experienced it: the feeling of emotions so overwhelming that we find ourselves crying in front of the screen after a movie. Whether it's due to sorrow, a happy ending, or simply ju… Read More
In life, we give up things for mainly two reasons: we don’t want them anymore or we’re forced to do it. However, let’s talk about those things these people gave up, and don… Read More

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Good Debt, Bad Debt Blog - PeerFinance101
