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Top Finance Blog Blog

We have articles on budgeting, saving money, loans, literally anything that has to do with your financial life including news and commentary.
Greetings all, I guess it’s about time to shut down this blog, Top Finance Blog. It’s been a nice run of 11 years and initially I had a lot of fun and made some nice money, but t… Read More
I’ve wanted an illuminated clock on my living room wall for the longest time. I’d hoped to buy it at a local store, but they didn’t have what I was looking for. After at le… Read More
Americans are in a weird place as it concerns health care, especially the Affordable Care Act. One party’s trying to kill it for the nearly 30 million people that signed up for it last… Read More
Let’s face this fact; there are a lot of jobs that have been eliminated that just aren’t coming back. Nope, nada; it ain’t happening. Let’s face another fact; manufac… Read More
On this blog we’ve addressed the topic of home warranties a couple of times, with the other post talking about the pros and cons of having one. We’ve never addressed warranties i… Read More
At some point in your life you’re going to have to deal with a hospital bill. If you’re lucky it’ll be for an outpatient service like lab work or an x-ray instead of needin… Read More
When you’re trying to figure out where your money’s going, your first step should be to create a budget. However, setting a budget is only one piece of the puzzle. The strange pr… Read More
Many Financial Issues Are Our Fault
Our government officials, both state and federal, are bashing each other on the heads while trying to change health care, dealing with debt limit increases or reductions, looking at unemploy… Read More
How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
Back in November, I had something strange happen. I’ve had life insurance for a long while now, but for some reason I had more money taken out of my account than expected. I called my… Read More
11 Lavish Wedding Ideas; Say What?
This is normally a blog that talks about saving money and personal finance. Every once in a while I talk about spending money, mainly with two goals in mind. One, to get people thinking abou… Read More
5 Inexpensive Office Design Tips
I recently redesigned my home office, which hadn’t been touched in just over 10 years. You might imagine that it cost a lot of money, and if I’d had the room and space and unlimi… Read More
How Debt Actually Affects You
We talk about debt all the time, in different ways. The country talks about debt as well. For years we heard about the debt President Bush left us in and the debt that President Obama has al… Read More
8 Tips For Keeping Wedding Costs Down
Weddings can be really expensive; even us older guys know this. Most of the weddings I know of these days end up costing more than $10,000, and even if the newly married couple gets a lot of… Read More
10 Tips For Getting Out Of Debt
Many times, when people are looking for ways to reduce their debt, they go looking for someone else to help them with their problems. The truth of the matter is that every person is capable… Read More
Should Couples Combine Their Debt Load?
Every once in a while, one member of a married couple runs up a lot more debt than the other, sometimes even while just living together. This begs the question as to whether, in extreme circ… Read More
Looking At Your Outstanding Debt
The process of debt consolidation begins by taking a look at your outstanding debt. This is something every person or couple should do before considering going for some kind of debt consolid… Read More
Are Flight Upgrades Worth The Cost?
A few months ago I talked about TSA PreCheck and the convenience of having it if you travel a lot, even if it’s not a money saving proposition. This time around we’re going to lo… Read More
Taxes; we hate them, we fear them, and no one loves them. Even the federal government doesn’t love them, though it seems like they keep coming up with unique ways to impart them on us… Read More
Let’s face this fact; almost no one likes thinking about creating a will. Wills make people think of their own demise, and even if they probably have decades to go, just the thought of… Read More
Many Americans eventually run into a problem in paying their federal taxes when they’re due. It can be because they didn’t have enough money taken out during the year or didn&r… Read More
Have you ever noticed that trying to live green, be eco-friendly, and use only organic products seems to cost so much? It seems strange that things cost more money when they have less addi… Read More
Let’s face the fact that the thing we stress over more than anything else relates to money. It’s always about money; do we have enough, too much (okay, I don’t know anyon… Read More
It’s been a while since I wrote about budgeting and credit cards. Throughout this post I’ll link to some previous articles on those subjects because they may lend more weight t… Read More
On this blog I not only try to help people save money but, when I can, I offer tips on how to make money, as well as warn of scams and such when they crop up. In this case, I want to addre… Read More
When I was ready to go to college I had a big decision to make. I live in a city with a major university and that was the immediate dream choice. However, the price tag at the time was $16… Read More
Back in 2010 I wrote an article on this blog titled Should You Refinance Your Mortgage? At that time, the state of housing was in total disarray all across the country, so I only addresse… Read More
Whew, finally made it to the end! If today’s your first day here, you can check out this link to find out what’s been going on. There are 2 other posts from this week as well… Read More
This is the 3rd day of my posts this week on training programs I’m looking to put together. I skipped Wednesday because I didn’t want to overwhelm folks on this blog with all t… Read More

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