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Ed | The Youth Blog Blog

A Generalist Youth Blog where our quirky bloggers do smart and intelligent stories spiced with some humour, sarcasm and spunk. It’s where you find Wit with Wisdom. We never do just a regular blog post. We rack our brains hard enough to come up with novel, crazy and fun ways of bringing a story to you; with content styles never been done before.
4 Reasons To Start Playing Baccarat
Welcome to the game of observation. Don’t pull out your IQ card just yet. The learning curve of baccarat is more of a straight line. You‘re not pressured to make any tough decisi… Read More
Is DTH And Cable Tv Getting Extinct?
Right from the time of Doordarshan, when the entire family would flock to the living room at five in the evening to watch the latest movie, the television has been an intrinsic part of the I… Read More

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ED | The Youth Blog
