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Mytaxfiler – Blog Blog

MyTaxFiler Blog posts includes articles on financial services pertaining to individuals and businesses like tax planning, tax returns filing.
Published on 27/06/2021 The crypto boom has caught several people off guard. Many who have invested in cryptocurrencies have seen their money get quadrupled, and many lament the missed op… Read More
Published on 22/05/2021 One of the key goals while investing is to save enough capital for one’s retirement. That is the primary reason for putting money in a retirement account or… Read More
Published on 26/04/2021 Fulfilling short-term goals is one reason for slogging for hours and going after well-paying jobs. Another reason is to build a corpus that helps you retire early… Read More
Published on 31/1/2021 T The tax season is approaching soon and the deadline to report your income tax is here. And this year you will have to fill out Form 1099 NEC to file your income t… Read More
Published on 14/10/2020 Tax audits have become the talk of the season with U.S President Trump’s tax returns being taken up for debate. The news is scary enough for the ordinary… Read More
Myths About The Stimulus Payments
There are a couple of rumors revolving around stimulus checks, which can lead to scamsters making use of this condition to dupe you. Let us break the myths so that you can be smart and have… Read More
Paycheck Protection Program Guidelines
The CARES Act, which was released amidst the COVID-19 shut-down, offers a $2 trillion relief package to help recover the economy and get it back on its track. The main feature of the CARES A… Read More
Beware Of COVID-19 Related Tax Scams
Scamsters are on the lookout of leveraging the unrest caused because of COVID-19 to fraud you of your tax payments and refunds. History has time and again witnessed criminals seizing the opp… Read More
Beware Of Stimulus Payment Scams
Refrain yourself from sharing your PayPal credentials, Social Security number, bank account details, and similar information, if someone claims such information is crucial to sign you… Read More

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