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How To Choose A Budgeting Strategy
After years of living in Los Angeles—land of opportunity and sticker shock—my budgeting strategy of hiding from my bank account wasn’t working. I over-prioritized my love f… Read More
What Is A Fixed Expense?
 Ah, fixed expenses. They’re like old friends. They’re reliable, predictable—you can always count on them to be there. Expensive friends, a lot of the time. Friends yo… Read More
How To Budget For Periodic Expenses
When you’re filled with the optimism of a shiny new plan—the thing that’s surely going to help you get your life together once and for all—budgeting seems like a fair… Read More
How To Use YNAB Focused Views
Your budget is a beautiful thing—all of your passions and priorities lined up in front of you, prepared to do exactly what you tell them to do in support of the life you want to live… Read More
How To Manage Money Wisely
Sometimes it can seem like certain people just understand money. They have good credit. They have retirement savings. They (appear to) make smart decisions about spending and investing witho… Read More
School’s out, and the hunt for the perfect summer job is on for teens! As a parent, you want your pride and joy to not only make some extra money, but also gain valuable life skills. T… Read More
I think the tears started when I asked “Ok, how many dollars a month is travel important to you?”. I was sitting on my living room couch next to my mom helping her get he… Read More
Moms have a lot of rules: Don’t run with scissors, eat dinner before dessert, no screaming at your brother, be home before curfew. There is a seemingly endless list of mom-enforced… Read More
Looking for tips about how to save money on Amazon? The answer may surprise you (but probably not.) Over the summer, I stumbled into my fiancé’s Amazon Prime account to watc… Read More
How To Pay Off Debt Fast: 12 Ideas
Trying to figure out how to pay off debt fast? Good for you. Once you commit—like, really commit—to tackling your debt, you might find that you get a little bit obsessed (in the… Read More
Article preview: Most people want to relax on vacation but spending stress tends to dampen the moodUsing the the Four Rules to plan your vacation budget results in less money stress … Read More
I always think that I won’t like a daily routine. Don’t hold me back, Routine! Stop trying to tie me down, Routine! I’m sorry, Routine, I just want to keep my options op… Read More
10 Ways To Get A Month Ahead On Bills
Learn how to get a month ahead with your bills and budget for less stress, and you’ll never have to worry about late fees or overdrafting. We’ve got some ideas to get you started… Read More
Everyone deals with excess spending a little differently: some of us opt for an intense all-out sprint approach to financial health while others plod on with slow, steady consistency like hi… Read More
Best Budgeting App For Couples
Healthy relationships are built upon a foundation of good communication, mutual respect, and a shared desire to achieve life’s goals together.  (And other important stuff, like… Read More
This fall, my wife and I dropped our only child off at college. I knew it was going to be a tough adjustment for me. So I did what any gadget- and music-obsessed dad would do: I bought a pia… Read More
Have you ever been in the middle of making a purchase that you knew you could only kind of afford? Like those maternity jeans that would be so comfortable for work. Or those last minute airl… Read More
Hiding Gifts When Sharing A Budget
You finally found the perfect gift for your partner. You’ve snuck it through the door under your jacket and tucked it away safely in your underwear drawer. They’ll never find it… Read More
YNAB: The Best Mvelopes Alternative
Almost anyone with an established budgeting habit would tell you that their budget is more than an app or an Excel spreadsheet. Budgeting is a routine, a practice, a plan for the future, a r… Read More
Ah, this is 30, where my goals for the foreseeable future are 1) start wearing my retainers again and 2) find ways to make my money last so I can finally start saving up to buy a home. When… Read More
What does it mean to live within your means? Living within your means is when you are making more money than you are spending. Creating a monthly budget and sticking to a spending plan can h… Read More
How To Buy What You Want
“Good things come to those who wait.” Ugh. Yeah. No one wants to hear it. So cliché. So annoying. And, unfortunately (because waiting is boring!), so true.  When i… Read More
As a person who needs a clear written-out plan, *raised hand emoji* I love using YNAB to track my personal finance and investing goals. Every year on my birthday in July, I sit down and writ… Read More
Ernie, a teacher here at YNAB, and his wife Christy, a post-adoption coordinator, live in Eau Claire, WI. While they’ve never felt overly burdened by the amount of their debts, they&rs… Read More
Here at YNAB, we believe all budgets are beautiful. Because of course we do—we’re all about budgeting. However, objectively speaking, there’s a reason budgets aren’t… Read More
7 Lessons From 10 Years Of YNAB
I’m coming up on my 10th anniversary of using YNAB and wanted to sum up a few things I’ve learned and what YNAB has done for me over the past decade. YNAB has helped me achiev… Read More
Academic New Year Resolutions
Oh, you didn’t know academic new year resolutions were a thing?  Well…they might be? They should be. New Year’s resolutions were kind of a bust this go-around, if… Read More
Do you find yourself asking, “why can’t I save money?” Or looking for some simple ways to do it? You’re not alone. Saving money—by its very nature—is a… Read More
A friend recently forwarded me a post that appeared on Toss Your Budget – Why a pillar of personal finance isn’t nearly as essential as we think. The essence of the… Read More
A zero-based budget is a method of budgeting where you assign all of your money to budget categories that cover expenses, debt payments, and savings. Rule One of the YNAB method, Give Every… Read More
7 Tips For Road Tripping On A Budget
Summer spells freedom! Drop tops. Flip flops. Board shorts. Most importantly, road trips!  International travel restrictions and flight mishaps have brought one reality to the su… Read More
There are three basic questions when it comes to credit: What is a good credit score? Why do I need one? And how do I get one? It’s no secret that we don’t love debt here at YNAB… Read More
AfterPay, Apple Pay Later, Sezzle, Zip, Klarna, Affirm, Paypal’s Pay in 4…the list of companies advertising four easy, no-interest payments continues to grow. But how does After… Read More
10 Creative Ways To Save Money
With the price of—well, seemingly everything—rising these days, it’s a great time to hone your creative saving skills. While it’s easy to make a half-hearted decision… Read More
How To Save For A Vacation
So you’re dreaming of your next vacation: a cozy cabin getaway, or a wide-open sandy beach: something to just get you away from your current grind. The location is almost set, now you… Read More
Want to spend less, shop less, and have more fun in the kitchen by cooking on a budget? We’ve got you covered. Ah, cooking. It’s easy on the grocery budget, but sometimes it c… Read More
20 Easy, Budget-Friendly Meals
Budget friendly meals—yes, even the ones cooked by you—can be delicious and easy, in addition to being cost-effective. And here are twenty cheap dinner ideas from real people as… Read More
How Car Insurance Works
Wondering how car insurance works, which insurance company to choose, and how to make sense of deductibles? At first glance, it can feel pretty confusing but knowing a few important things a… Read More

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